
397 18 4

Your POV

A searing pain woke me up, my eyelids were heavy and I didn't open them right away.

I felt the pain coming from my forehead, it spread from my temples across my head.

I pried my eyes open and white flooded into view, White walls, white curtains, white sheets. My (s/c) arm was a stark contrast against the sheets. The bandages that wrapped my arm blended into the sheets, my blurred vision was the cause if this.

I looked around and saw two human shapes at the foot of the bed, one laying across my feet, and the other slumped back on a chair.

My vision came into focus much like a camera, and the human shapes came into focus as Gold and Lyra.

Lyra was laying her head on my legs and feet. She seemed to be sleeping, or not paying attention because she did not notice my waking.

Gold was definitely asleep, I could hear his snores, and his hat had fallen in front of his eyes. His hair was disheveled and he must have been sleeping for a while.

I slowly sat up, wary of the pain that riddled my body. My movement startled Lyra awake, or to attend when she saw my raised form she cried out in joy. "(Y/n)!!"

With her face now in view, I saw the bandages that wrapped her head. I tried o ask her if she was ok, but my throat was sore and dry and no sound came out.

I rubbed my throat in pain, and Lyra jumped up. "Oh!" She rushed over to a table in another part of the room.

On top of the desk was a pitcher of water and some cups. Lyra hurried back and offered it to me, "Here, the doctor said your throat might be dry when you wake up, so he left us some water."

I downed it in one go and sighed in relief as the cold slid down my throat. It felt refreshing and my throat was no longer dry.

"Thanks, " I croaked out. Heebie geebies my voice sounds terrible. I cleared my throat.

"No problem! I'm just glad you're ok, (y/n)! Lyra smiled happily.

" What about you? Lyra how are you feeling?" I coughed a couple times, and Lyra handed me some more water.

"Well, I guess I'll tell you what happened while I'm at it," Lyra said smiling a bit.

"So, I wasn't conscious most of the time, but Gold told me what happened. So you know how he was taking out the goons while we took out the big dudes?" I nodded, " Well, turns out he found the surveillance camera's, he saw us get slammed into the walls, and he panicked, he didn't know what to do so he rushed as fast as he could to find the police."

I looked at Gold, " I'm glad he did... We all needed medical attention."

"Yeah, he saved our hides didn't he..." Lyra smiled and shook his shoulder to take him up.

"Ngh, what is ittt..." Gold groaned yawning.

"(Y/n)'s awake," Lyra answered

"Really!" Gold jumped forward, "How do you feel? Are you ok? Does anything hurt?"

I laughed " It's alright! Really I'm fine..."

Gold sighed in relief slumping back into the chair he was on. " You had us all scared (Y/n), you woke up briefly a couple times, but then you would fall asleep again."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience..." I smiled sheepishly. "I'm glad that I'm awake. That battle with Giovanni was intense... Silver and I were- Silver!!" I grabbed Golds arm. "Is Silver ok?? What happened to him?!"

"Hey, hey, calm down. He's in the other room, his condition is stabilized,
He woke up yesterday, I think he's able to walk around now, if you want I can bring him in here."

"Would you? Please!" I begged, was he really ok?

"Here, I'll be right back." Gold promised and left the room.

Lyra, who had been silent, stood. "I imagine you and Silver have things to talk about, so I'll go rest in one of the spare beds. I wish you luck (y/n)."

I nodded in response, letting my head fall against the sheets once more.

I started at the ceiling looking at the lines in the tile, the I heard the creaking of the door. I turned my head and saw Silver.

He had messed up hair and bandages wrapped on various parts of his body, he wasn't wearing his classic coat, he was wearing a hospital issued shirt and pants. He was leaning on a crutch to help him walk,and although his eyes were tired, when he saw me they lit up.

"(Y/n)! You're awake!" He smiled, walking as best he could to the side of my bed. I tried to get up but he promptly said, " No, I can handle it, your not ready to walk."

He fell back into the chair that Gold was on just a few minutes ago, and rolled his shoulders, before putting his crutch on the floor.

There was silence, until

"How are you feeling?"

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