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Good gosh, I'm the worst!!! I've been gone for so long!!! IM SO SORRY!!! My friend is moving in like 3 days and I'm gonna really miss her, so I've been focusing on that, and I've been working on building up a storyline for an original story! BUT IM BACK NOW For the next few days I won't be updating cause I'm hanging with my friend who's moving! Sorry



Your POV

It had been a day since the... Um... Thingie... Nightmare ( lol no I actually forgot what the word for nightmare was XD ) we haven't really talked about it but, hey! I'm cool with that. So far my team of Pokemon consists of Sneasel, ( favorite Pokemon ), (idk another fav Pokemon?) Eevee, and of course Quilava!

Well, anyway, we are walking through the national park,

I had let out all of my Pokemon and so had Silver.

I pulled out some Pokemon food from my backpack and poured them into 4 bowls for my Pokemon, and 5 for Silvers.

Silver's Pokemon are, Haunter, Magnimite, Zubat, Croconaw, and Sneasel

( I don't care if you don't like sneasel! Sneasel is my favorite Pokemon since childhood and it deserves more love!!)

I pulled out some sandwiches for us and handed one to Silver.

The park was beautiful. Green grass, no trash anywhere ( other than trash cans) trainers playing and laughing with their Pokemon. It really was amazing.

" What kind of sandwich is this?" Silver asked, playing with the paper it was wrapped in.

" PB&J" I responded flopping onto the grass.

" Ok"

" Hey Silver?" I asked looking up at him as he ate the sandwich

" Yeah, what's up?" He looked at me a bit of peanut butter on his cheek. I giggled at the sight of it.

" What was your childhood like?" I want to know if he remembers me.

" Well... My dad, he left me in this town... I was basically the misfit, no one wanted to be around me. Except this one girl, I don't remember her name, or really anything about her, but... She was important to me I can tell. And then after that, there's this huge gap in my mind!"

" That's rough..." Should I tell him?

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off before I could say anything.


×Memories× Silver X Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt