
632 20 16

Your POV

I yawned as we walked over to the hotel. " My feet hurttt~" I whined. "Also my voice~" I purposely made my voice sound like a frog, to prove my point.

" I swear...." Silver sighed muttered under his breath.

" You know you're still holding my hand right?" I asked him, a smug smirk on my face.

" Wha-" he looked at me confused, then he looked at our hands and let go immediately, looking away from my ears red.

" Are you blushing?" I tried to peek at his face.

"N-no!" He pushed my face away, his hands in my face.

" You are!!" I giggled and ruffled his hair.

" Am not..." He muttered just under his breath.


I yawned slightly, rubbing my eyes to keep them open. My feet were throbbing from walking around so much, and my entire body was exhausted from my little show back there.

We had already gotten to the hotel, and I was waiting with Silver in the elevator, I got more and more exhausted as I watched the numbers change.

I didn't notice I was leaning on Silver until he told me that we were on our floor.

" Okay..." I sleepily replied. My eyes drooping.

"My gosh, how tired are you?" He looked at me.

" Very much so..."

"*Sigh* I can't believe I'm going to say this...." He sighed rubbing his forehead in embarrassment. " But... Do you want me to carry you to the room? It's kind of far away." A small blush on his cheeks as he asked.

" Wow Silver you sure are blushing a lot today!" I responded, a little delirious.

"Shut u-... Just answer the question." He sighed glancing at me.

" Sure! Thanks!" I giggled and smiled.

He crouched down and told me to get on his back. Which I did. And he hoisted me up with his arms and started to move.

I yawned and laid my head on his back. Laying my cheek on his hair. It was kinda soft, though you wouldn't have gotten that impression from its spiky appearance. , not wanting him to know I would totally love to sleep on his hair, I whined " Your mullets in my face..."

" I will drop you." He huffed, hoisting me up again.

" You wouldn't dare," I said my voice slightly muffled from his hair.

A comfortable silence surrounded us. My eyelids were drooping, I was very tired. I fought to keep my eyes open.

" (Y/n)?"


" You can fall asleep you know, I don't mind."

"Ok... Thanks...."

It took a while to sleep, I'm not sure how long, and I'm not sure when I fell asleep, I mean you usually aren't. But I woke up the next morning, so I must've slept at some point.

But I do clearly remember thinking "his hair is so soft... I remember that I had forgotten how soft it was... I miss this"

This picture is in fact mine, and that is why it took so long to update this freaking chapter

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This picture is in fact mine, and that is why it took so long to update this freaking chapter..... The stupid image wouldn't load...


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