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(( guess who's back!!??? This girl!! For those of you wondering about my absence... I've been working on/ performing/ rehearsing for our school's production of 'Fiddler On The Roof!' I was a father ( for the first song tradition) and LEADER OF STAGE CREW!!! Well, that wasn't my official title but..... Lots o' people said I was!))

Your POV

" WOOOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!" I stood shocked, staring at the entrance of GoldenRod city.

There were little puddles of rain near the long grass, and every adult instinct in my body was telling me to resist jumping in them.

" I can't believe it..... IM STANDING IN FRONT OF GOLDENROD CITY!!!!"  I yelled squealing slightly. Everything about it was amazing!

" (Y/n).... Please stop... People are staring...." Silver whispered as he elbowed me in the stomach, a bit too hard, just saying. He clearly was embarrassed.

" SCREW IT!!" I yelled and ran into the city leaving Silver behind, that's what he gets for elbowing me!

I ran all around the city admiring the buildings, splashing in puddles ( because screw adult instincts), playing with kids.




Suddenly I backed away from everything. Every puddle. Every kid. Every building.

My cheeks flared up...

Stupid cheeks...

And I ran...


Into Silver.

Horray! ( Please note sarcasm)

I fell straight on my butt. Right on the pavement, thankfully not in a puddle.

" What's the hurry?" He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned over me.

" Jeez, are you gonna help me up or what?" I glared at him my cheeks still red.

" Nope, no help for you. Boo! Hoo!" He smirked, that jerk he was mocking me.

" Red-headed jerk..." I muttered under my breath as I stood up.

" What was that?"


" So why were you in a hurry?" He asked as we started to walk side by side.

" Wellllllll...."

" I may or may not have run around and been social and completely embarrassed myself...." I rubbed my arm in shame.

" Why does it matter?"

"Huh?" I looked at him

" I mean well... You easily talk to other people you don't know at other times... So why does it matter now?" He stared at me through his red bangs.

" Well... It's the city! Things are different here... People are busy... They don't want to be around me!" I've never been in the city before it's a little overwhelming when your not actively humiliating yourself.

" Trust me... You will never see these people again. So go out there and get yourself some good healthy public humiliation!" He pushed me lightly on my back.

" Wow Silver... SUCH a good pep talk!" I sarcastically retorted

" Thank you. I try verrrryyyy hard." He looked at me.

And we burst out laughing.

You know that feeling when you're looking at someone and you just HAVE to laugh? Well, that's what happened.

" Ok... Hmm, what form of public humiliation shall I choose?" I tapped my chin jokingly after we calmed down.

" I dunno... Singing?"

" Fine... But only if you do it too!!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him along.

" WAIT for WHAT!??????"

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