Red Headed Dork

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Your point of view
After walking for a while, the silence was getting overbearing. Silver didn't seem bothered at all.

"Sooooo... Totodile, huh?" I asked praying he would continue the conversation so I wouldn't have to.

" Yeah." Wow. Thanks, Silver you're sooooo helpful.

" Why did you choose it?"

" Dunno felt right." No emotion. At all. Just a frown.

I was going to get emotion out of this boy, I swear!!

~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~~
After about 2 hours of one-sided conversation, battles with other trainers, and fighting wild Pokemon, we finally got to Violet City.

" Woahhhhh look! It's so pretty!!" I grabbed Silver's arm and I swear my eyes were full of stars. " Silver look! Look!"

" I get it (y/n), now could you please let go of my arm?" I looked at Silver. And I swear I saw a small tint of red on his cheeks. But whatever. This is Violet City! It's so pretty!

I let go of his arm and ran to the Pokemon center to heal all my newly caught Pokemon.

Silver's point of view

Why did (y/n) grab my arm?
And why did I blush when she did?

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, I followed (y/n) into the Pokemon Center. She was handing her Cyndaquil over to Nurse Joy.

Nurse joy creeped me out. Ok, I mean who says 'hope to see you again' when you own a place where you take Pokemon when they are sick or knocked out? That like they are wishing you pain! Plus they make a profit from our Pokemon's pain! That's kinda freaky...

Back to your p.o.v.

Silver walked in soon after me. He sat down on one of the benches waiting for me to heal my Pokemon. He looked like he was thinking about something." I wonder what he's thinking about?" I mumbled to myself.

" Is he your boyfriend?" I heard a voice say

" N-NO WAY!!" I whipped my head around to face the voice.

It was Nurse Joy.

"Sweetie your Pokemon have been healed" she smiled

" A-ah um thank you... I... I have to go... Bye!!" God that was awkward

I walked up to Silver. He was staring straight ahead. Kinda in a daze.

" Oi Silver?"




Hi, eyes widened as he snapped back into reality. He lost his balance and fell back behind your chair. There was the reaction I was trying to get all today!

" Hey Silver!" You smiled at him

" What he...."

" So Silver where are we staying tonight? Outside? Forest? Hotel?"

" Um... Hotel" he was still in a daze


" Wait... Did you call me a red-headed dork?" He looked at you with a glare

I could feel my stomach drop "  ..... Maybe......."



" (Y/n).... I suggest you run. Now."

" Crap. IM SORRYYYY" I ran into the distance. There was only one hotel in Violet town so I ran there.

(( A/N don't give me a hard time I know it's not canon so just... Read the story))

~~~~~ time skip after Silver and you get a room( yes just one room and there are two beds, so just.... Don't)~~~~~

Silver P.o.v.

I lay down on my bed. I found myself thinking about (y/n). Why did she seem so familiar? I dunno... Just my imagination?

I sighed and looked over at the other bed in the room. ( Y/n) was there, judging by her breathing she was asleep. Earlier she had let out her Cyndaquil and she slept with it in her arms. The Pokemon didn't complain.  It seemed kind of happy actually.

It's funny. She got that Pokemon a day ago. But still. She had already developed a deep bond. Cyndaquil was very obedient in battle and seemed like it would do anything for its kindhearted trainer.

I took out my Totodiles Pokeball and let it out.

" Hey, Totodile..."

Totodile tilted its head at me it seemed very confused. There was clearly no battle happening so why was it out of its Pokeball?

Honestly, I didn't have a good answer for that. I felt like I should do what (y/n) was doing, but I didn't want her to know that.

I sighed and held out my arms. Totodile looked shocked.

" Come on... You're making me embarrassed..."

Totodile jumped into my arms and cuddled with me. It was waiting for this kind of thing to happen.

I played back down with Totodile in my arms " promise me Totodile that you will go back into your Pokeball before (y/n) wakes up" it nodded and buried its head in my chest.

I looked back at the events of the day. I chuckled lightly and blushed slightly

" Red-headed dork... Heh"

( 802 words )

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