Battle Begins

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Your POV

I stumbled back to the picnic area. Hot tears streaming down my face, my heart ached. I just, I just wasn't prepared to have him ripped away from me again. It hurt.

Lyra and Gold ran to my side, I saw their mouths moving, but I wasn't paying attention. I fell to my knees, holding my face in my hands.

Everything after that is a blur, but when I woke up I was in a bed. I looked to my sides and noticed I was in a hotel. And when I turned my head to the other bed, I saw Lyra sleeping peacefully. And I assume Gold was in another room, but I could still hear his snoring.

I smiled softly, my heart panged faintly.

But I had bigger problems than that.

I waited until Lyra woke up, then I walked to Gold's room and shook him awake. 

" 5 more minutesssss moooommm..." He groaned rolling over.

I shook him again, this time he got up immediately.  " Wha! Oh... Still here." He looked around.

" Gold come on. I need to talk to you and Lyra." I spoke quietly, my voice raspy with sleep and crying.

" Uh-huh..." He nodded looking at me with concern.

" Thanks."

Silver POV

After I was out of view from (y/n), I ran to the nearest bench and let out the tears I had been suppressing. All those things I had said. I said them to protect her, sure she might hate me, but I'm sure it's for the best.

I looked up from my hands and wiped away my tears. " C'mon Silver. Pull yourself together." I mumbled to my self.

I stood up and picked up a brisk pace to the radio station ( sorry if that's not the right place) where I would join my 'father' and Team Rocket.

After a while, I found myself standing in front of a huge building. Next to the glass doors stood the woman I met earlier.

" I'm here," I spoke, emotionless and cold.

" Glad to have you." She smirked and walked through the glass gates.

After a few locked doors and a lot of stairs, I found my self-standing if front of Giovanni. Or my 'father'.

" Hello, son. I'm glad you came around." Giovanni smirked as he looked down at me.

" Hello, Father." I refused to show weakness or fear in front of this cruel man, so I steadied my voice and heart.

" Welcome to Team Rocket."

Your POV.

I gathered Lyra and Gold to a table in the corner of the room. It was next to a curtain but, only a sliver of light was on the table. As they sat down, I told them what had happened, What had happened only last night, I shed only a few tears and suffered only a few more cracks in my already broken heart.

Lyra comforted me for a while, while Gold held my hand in silence before I pulled away from Lyra's embrace and took my hand from Gold. I put aside my feelings and gained an air of seriousness.

" We need to take down Team Rocket."

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