Don't hesitate

432 15 1

Your POV

Together, Lyra, Gold, and I scoured the town, asking every person we came across, and finally, we found the HQ of Team Rocket.

The radio station.

(Again sorry if that's wrong)

It really wasn't that hard to find actually , quite easy really. I mean they aren't exactly the best at hiding.

Together we had worked out a plan, At first I doubted if it would work, but Lyra assured me that most of team Rocket were to stupid to notice.

The plan was, that Gold would distract the grunts at the entrance, while Lyra and I, dressed as team Rocket members (uniform and all courtesy of photographers in the underground tunnel.) sneak past the entrance and fight our way to the top.

Once we reached the top, Lyra would fight Giovanni, because she had more experience than me, and I would fight  Silver, because I knew him, and he betrayed me, I had some beef with him .

I had a hunch he would be at the top with Giovanni. After all he had told me that Giovanni was his father. The jerk even lied to me, only to break my heart. He probably found it amusing how heartbroken I was.

The worst part is, no matter how hard I try I can't stop loving him.

Whatever, those feelings will go away once I crush him in a Pokemon battle.

We stocked up on potions, revives, berries, and antidotes. Preparing for the long battles to come.

My Pokemon could clearly sense the tension in the air, and tried not to bother us, but I obviously still played with them and fed them. They needed as much hope, encouragement, and love as they could get for this battle.

Walking down the street in our outfits left me feeling extremely uncomfortable. The dirty looks alone I got from passerbys were enough for my to lower my hat over my eyes in embarrassment.
We walked up to the front gate and walked through the entrance, no one stopped us.

Looks like Gold wouldn't be needed just yet.

We walked as normal as possible, please consider the fact its almost impossible not be awkward when your trying to be normal. As we were about to climb the stairs a shout rang out, scaring us out of our skin, or maybe that was just me.... Whatever.

" HEY!!" A man shouted running up to us.

" Er... Yes?" I reached for my Pokemon belt instinctively.

" One of you dropped this!" The man handed me my trainer card, I outstretched my hand to take it, when another hand snatched it away.

It was a woman this time. She had dark green hair and wore purple lipstick. She was wearing the uniform of team Rocket.

"Aww, Keera what is it this time..." The man groaned.

'Keera' was too busy examining the card to answer the man's complaint.
" This card..." She mumbled to herself.

She narrowed her eyes. She peered up at me with an angry look in her eyes. "You..."

" INTRUDER!! EVERYONE!! INTRUDER!!" She shouted and grabbed a pokeball, hurling it at me, a Gastly coming out,

" Use Poison Dart!" Keera shouted, and 10 darts formed in the air and shot towards me.  I covered my face with my arms on instinct, but I never felt impact, as I looked up, I saw Gold with his Marill. Marill must have blocked the attack with it's tail.

"Go! I'll hold them off!" Gold called to me, dodging and blocking attacks from Keera.

I quickly ran, but before he left my sight I shouted out to him. " I'll see you when all this is over! I promise!"

I saw him flash me a quick grin, "It's a deal! See you on the other side!"

With that I ran up the stairs, flashing red lights obscuring my vision. I looked around and saw that Lyra was nowhere to be found, I must have lost her in the confusion.

I pulled out Quilav's pokeball, and releasing it.
Quilava quickly matched my pace, and looked at me for instructions.

" Ok, so I need you to help me defeat as many grunts as possible. But, if you see Silver... Tell me right away ok? Well not tell me.... Just let me know ok?" I asked, not slowing down. I kept my eyes straight ahead.

Quilava gave me a sharp nod and ran ahead to scout.


I grabbed a Pokeball and prepared to throw it, when a trainer attacks me I'll have to be prepared.

I have to be prepared for anything,


No matter what,

I can't hesitate

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