50. Picnic

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Ruhaan's pov:

We were having the breakfast when Zubair said," attention please..I want to say something."

I was tensed by his words. What he want to say? Is he announcing his wish to marry Zara.

Everyone was looking at him. He said,"Thank you. Can we go on a small picnic? Ruhaani wants to go out"

Zara said,"We are not going anywhere."

Ruhaani said,"Mumma please.." she looked at me and said,"Papa, you promised to take me out"

I said,"Zara..It will make Ruhaani happy. We will there to take care of her. Mr. Singh(Doctor) told us to keep her happy."

She sighed and said,"okay"

Ruhaani excitedly said,"Yeahhh..Papa I love you."

Zubair said,"and me?"

Ruhaani said,"you too"

Just then Arham arrived and said,"Wow I am right time. so many items are there for breakfast."

Zubair said,"Yes, you are perfect time. We were planning to go on picnic and you are joining us."

He said,"But I- "

Zubair said,"Please Arham..Don't spoil the mood. Bring your fiancee as well. We will have a blast."

Arham looked uncomfortable on mention of his Fiancee.

He said,"I don't think she will like to come. She is little shy."

Zubair said,"ohh..Atleast you come with us. It just matter of two days."

Arham said,"Where are you going for picnic"

Zubair said,"Lunavla..I have a meeting there. It just matter of one hour. It's like hitting two birds with one arrow.

Arham looked lost.

He said,"I-I can't come..Sorry."

He was about to go when mumma said,"Arham you have to go. It's been long since you have gone out. Please go with them and have fun. You have life out of work well. Please for me go them."

Arham can never say no to mumma. So he agreed half heartedly.

After breakfast we got ready with in one hour. Elders refused to come with us. They wanted to enjoy.

We hired a bus..it brought so many memories...like how went on vacation after Arham's marriage. The moments I spent with Zara in the Mountains.

We picked Aliza and Saleekh on the way. Shahyan, Asmara, Aarzoo and Yahya were missing compared to last trip. Who would have thought that my sister will leave all of us so early. We came together in this world but she left early. It feels like a part of me is missing. I miss her..I miss her a lot. I wish she is happy wherever she is. Yahya didn't even got to see the life. If he would have been alive. He wil be of Ruhaani's age. I don't want to lose Ruhaani. Please Allah give my daughter long and healthy life.

Ruhaani is so excited about this trip. She sat in my lap and kept asking so many questions. She reminds me. Lot of Aarzoo. She is just like her. Aarzoo uses to love going places especially with Arham. She loved Arham a lot and wished to marry him and have a happy life with him. Even though she married to him but she didn't get to live with him. It's so unfair. She wished all her for this but it actually happened she left the world. Arham looks devastated. Arham is not a jovial person. He was always serious. In a way his mother's death affected him but now Aarzoo's death completely shattered him. I wish the new girl who came in his life gives him happiness.

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