4. Facing Family

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Aarzoo's pov:

Finally the day has come when I have to face my parents and family. Especially him. Seeing him as someone else husband is going to be very hard for me. I wish I can just be here with my Yahya but I have to go. My flight is in two hours. I packed everything and took Yahya in my arms. He is 16 months old. Please Allah give me strength.

As the flight landed in Mumbai airport. My heart beat faster with each second passing. How will they react once they meet Yahya?

I saw papa waving at me.

I quickly walked towards him and he hugged me along with Yahya and my baby started crying.

Papa said,"Who is this Boy?"

I was about to answer but papa took trolley from my hands and started walking towards the car.

Once we sat in car. Papa again asked me,"You didn't answer me who is this Boy?

I said,"papa he.. I mean he is -"

Just say it Aarzoo..

Papa was waiting for me to complete.

I said,"He is my son"

Papa got shocked. He said,"What are you saying princess? Are you in your senses? I didn't get you. How can you have a son? Have you secretly got married to some British boy."

I said,"No papa. I have not married any one."

He said,"Who is the father? Where is he?"

I said,"he is not in my life."

He seriously said,"Who is he Aarzoo? Arham?"

I shook my head in no.

I said,"No..he is not the father. Please.. I don't know who is his father. I am sorry dad. I was so heart broken when I left Mumbai. I was not in my senses. I am sorry. I feel very guilty but I can't change it now. I don't regret having Yahya. He gives me happiness. I know I was wrong and I am ready to accept any punishment please forgive me."

Tears started flowing from my eyes.
Dad hugged me and said,"Whatever children do parents can't be angry with them for long. You are my princess . I am seeing you in two years. I am not angry but no running from us anymore. You will stay here with your papa. "

I said,"but papa our society will not accept Yahya. I think it will be fine if I stay in America."

Papa said,"You don't worry about anything. I will think of something. Don't forget that you have promised that you will do anything that I will say. For now don't tell anyone about Yahya."

I said,"but what will I say ? "

Papa said,"say you adopted him."

I was shocked and said,"papa I can't. How can I ? He is my son. "

Papa said,"please understand Aarzoo. It is not good to tell truth to them. They can't take this news well. You know your mom. She was so against me for sending you America. "

I said,"Still scared of her papa. She always tries to control other's life. She is the one who spoiled-. Sorry papa. I didn't mean that."

He said,"you still blame your mother. It was not her fault Aarzoo. She didn't knew that you loved Arham. "

I said,"I don't want to talk about this. Whoever fault it was. We can't change anything now. I lost him."

He said,"you still love him?"

I shook my head in no..

I said,"I don't feel anything for him. love or hate or anger. Nothing..I don't
have any feelings for him. Yahya he is the only one in my life. I want no one else."

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