Shopping Spree pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I hide the shirt behind me, "Nothing."

Niall raises an eyebrow at me. "Why are Louis and Zayn laughing so hard then?"

"It's Louis." I say in a 'duh' tone. "He thinks everything is hilarious!"

Louis calms down and steps forward, "Show him the shirt, Katie! I'm sure Nialler here would love it!"

I shook my head, "Nope. What shirt??"

"That one!" Louis grabbed the shirt right out of my hands. He threw it at Niall before I could snatch it back. Niall held the shirt out in front of him. There was a slight blush on his face when he tossed it to me. "You should get that one," Niall tossed me a white shirt "And this one!" He smiled at me before walking back to Liam and Harry.

Once Niall was out of ear shot, I glared at Louis and Zayn. "I hate you guys!"

"Katie!!!" Louis gasped "I thought we had something special!" Louis pretended to cry on Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn patted Louis' shoulder, "If it makes you feel any better, we made Jade and Erika get some 1D merch."

"You know, I like this store." Louis removed his head from Zayn's shoulder. Pefectly fine, like he wasn't just pretending to cry on his shoulder. "They have funny shirts!" 

I rolled my eyes teasingly at them. I got the clothes that I tried on from the dressing room I was in. Erika and Jade were waiting for me outside the dressing rooms. It only took one look for them to know I was stuck with the boys merch. They held up theirs for me to see.

Erika had a red and white baseball tee with a heart on it and "What Makes You Beautiful" written inside the heart in one hand. In the other was a plain white t-shirt with the 1D logo on top and had "Keep Calm and Be A Directioner" written in red below the logo.

Jade held a grey t-shirt that had the boys names on it written in white and a white v-neck with the boys shirtless. Okay, why does she get the shirtless one? I know they're all my friends, but I"m not gonna lie... They are freakin hot! Every girl thinks so! I'll have to borrow it sometime... 

Now it was my turn to show them my shirts. I decided to show them the Mrs. Horan one first to get it over with. It only took two seconds of looking at it to bust out laughing. 

"Did Niall pick that out for you??" Jade laughed.

Erika joined in, "When were you gonna tell me you two were getting married!? Katie, you are too young! Don't expect me to watch your Horan babies!!" 

I shook my head and smiled, "No Niall did not pick this out and we're not getting married! It clearly says 'Future'" I pointed to the word on the shirt. "C'mon lets go pay."

The boys were waiting for us at the cashier. Jade went first and the boys, mostly Zayn, insisted on paying. When it was my turn, I glared at Louis and Zayn again, "I hate you guys. So much."

They laughed and simoultanously gave me a kiss on the cheek. It felt like I just got licked by dog

"UGH! That was disgusting!" I wiped off their cooties.

"No, no. None of that!" Niall pointed to Louis and Zayn. "I'm only allowed to kiss her!"

"But Niall.... You have to share!" Louis whined.

"Kiss me like that again and I will punch you in the throat." I smiled. Louis looked terrified. Mission accomplished!

Niall laughed, "Kiss Erika!"

Erika gave Niall a murderous look. Louis raised his eyebrow at Erika with a small smirk. Erika smirked back then hit him over the head. 

 "Alright, I think that's enough." Liam said going into Daddy Direction mode. "We have time for one more shop then we have to go so Erika, Katie, and Jade get home on time."

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