Chapter 35

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"I- It's not a problem." The pink haired kunoichi replied. Inner Sakura cheered and was bright as her hair color. 'Go get him, girl!' Muttering for her to shut up Sakura hurriedly turned towards the blonde gave him a small bow.

Trying to keep her mind off the other man. With chocolate eyes, red hair and pale scarless skin. The redhead was wearing a black shirt and black jeans up to the knees. The brown backpack on his shoulder and black shinobi shoes made him look amazing.
'Oh kami, get a grip on yourself!' She scolded herself.

"Thanks for the pointers. You should go now since he's looking for you." Deidara however had no intention of leaving. He'd seen the flushed look on the girl's face and was rather enjoying himself.

"Sasori-danna, this is Sakura. She'd been drooli-" He was cut off by a red Sakura. "Don't ever mention it to him, ever got it?" She whispered furiously, but the blonde smirked it.

Seeing the grin only made Sakura shake him back and forth. "Promise me!" She looked so angry that Deidara agreed quickly.

Laughing a bit sheepishly, Sakura let go of him and pushed him towards the red haired shinobi. "Thank you very looking after this dunder head. I'll take him away now." Sasori said inspecting the girl. 'She doesn't look so bad.' Went through his head before he quickly realized what he was thinking and banished the thought.

Sasori grabbed Deidara's arm and turned to walk away. The latter complaining that he did not need looking after.

Sakura looked after him with a dreamy look on her face. Minutes later, she snapped out of her daze and got to her training.

Sure took Deidara's advice and tried coating the needle with a thin layer of Chakara. At first it was too wide, then it was barely there. Nevertheless, Sakura managed to get it done to a satisfying level with her amazing Chakara control.

The next hour was spent trying to stable her aim, as it has much difference with a Kunai and shuriken, the girl found it difficult to master. 'This would be a piece of cake for Sasuke with his sharingan...' The pink haired kunoichi grumbled to herself, sharingan was unfair.

Then, her mind wandered over to the handsome man that she'd met that day. Looking at the darkening sky Sakura wondered about how she was going to get him. 'Sasori,huh?'


Jumping through the leafy canopy Kakashi ran towards the Iwa border. Near the Kanabi Bridge. His nerves shook in anticipation and a bit of apprehension, yet he had to completed his mission.
He had done a gruel murdering of a bunch of high Jounins who were terrorizing a village near Iwa. His team consisting of two anbu and 3 other Jounin of Konoha.

It was nerve wrecking to go back to that place that haunted him for so long, where he lost Obito and where team Minato started to slowly drift away.

Taking a deep breath, he signaled to his team to stop for a while, it would be idiotic to go through the dark while near an enemy village. He led them towards the cave. There was rocks all over the place. His team members started to rest after finding a comfortable place. An Anbu stayed near the cave's opening to guard. While he went deeper into the cave.

The Hatake could sense someone else following him but he couldn't bring himself to mind. It was a nice feeling to have someone there with him as he wandered back to his childhood horrors. Good thing that there was no enemy nearby, it would show them his weakness, though it's not much.

'He looks so small....' Was the first thought that went through his mind when he spotted the decaying bones of Uchiha Obito. 'No wonder Kushina-nee-chan called us midgets. If I remember correctly, even I was shorter than him.'

Even though no words were spoken aloud, Kakashi's mind was a whirl wind. He felt the presence of his team's Akimichi Jounin and that soothed him slightly to know that they were there. That he was not alone.

Most people would just leave the decaying bones there. But Kakashi wasn't most people, so he jumped from the rock he was standing on and moved towards the boulder on Obito. He felt sick as he looked at the boy's bones. 'But Obito deserves a proper burial.' He argued with himself with a stubborn look in his eyes
"Can you please give me a hand lifting this up?" He called out softy, not taking good eyes off the bones.

The man came with out any questions, after all it wasn't old news that Kakashi's team had lost Obito Uchiha during the war. Choura Akimichi thought. 'It was Obito-San's death that pushed is to train harder to survive. I'm sure everyone of our ninja generation knows of his death.' Seeing the copy ninja stay so still and sincere made goosebumps on his arms.

Together, they lifted off the boulder and they almost had to roll it because of it's heaviness. However it was soon done. Kakashi could only stare at the half crushed skull. He wondered what the boy had felt like, waiting for death to finally take him. Half of his ribs were crushed as well. Kakashi could not even think how it would feel like. Obito was surely a miracle.

After a moment, the silver haired shinobi slowly bent down. He took one of his brown pouches around his waist and took out a preserving scroll. He opened it flat and put every bone he could find and sealed them into the scroll.

All the while Choura stuood behind him in somber silence. The air was thick with sadness, despair and regret. The Akimichi put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder giving silent comfort. 'Loosing a friend and team mate is never easy." After all, most Jounins of every village would have lost a teammate or more.

They made their way back to the team and Kakashi feel into a tirering sleep a after three sleepless nights.

He would be very off and silent when he got back as it was very soul-shaking to revisit the place of real life nightmare. Kakashi had a desperate urge to see his mate, just to know is he was still there. Even after those years he was still afraid of people leaving him.

When Minato-sensei had died he was filled with sorrow and despair. He wanted to die, but even the solo missions weren't enough to kill him. In the end, Gai was the only one who could make him feel even a bit humane.

Nevertheless, Kakashi didn't dare to commit suicide as he was still a valuable asset to the village. It was with his depression when he met Naru, who slowly helped him heal and show his true, caring self.

After all, losing a parent is hard, and so is losing a friend.

A/N: Hey! I am not getting WiFi these days so there won't be much updates, hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Before I forget, Merry Christmas! 🎁

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