Chapter 7

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"Kyuubi speaking"
"People speaking"
'People thinking'
'Kyuubi thinking'
Naruto was surprised to see kakashi on his bed reading his usual pervy book. He thought that Kakashi and the others would be avoiding him but it seems like they were trying to get closer to him, probably to see his true self. 'Well too bad for them. I'll be avoiding them.' The blonde jinchuuriki though.
Poor Naruto he didn't know what was waiting for him that afternoon.
Naruto had a towel around his waist with his toothbrush in his one hand while his other hand carried his clothes. Pretending that he didnt notice the Copy Nin siting there, he neatly folded his clothes and put them in the bag as he took out an orange jacket and ninja black pants. Then he changed into them facing his back to where the Silver haired Shinobi was.
Kakashi had a small blush that was hidden beneath his mask, but his erection was visible and it was making him uncomfortable, he put his book on his lap to hide it. However he could not stop staring at the blonde as he slipped on his clothes. There was something else he was curious about too, Naruto's chest had been wrapped in a small layer of bandage.

Naruto felt eyes burning holes into the back of his head and he was controlling himself not to shout at his sensei about being a pervert and to stop looking at him.
Kurama was laughing inside him. "Kit you really are a bit dumb aren't you?" When Naruto looked at him with a question mark above his head, it made the kyuubi laugh harder.
When he finished dressing up he turned around and saw that Kakashi was still staring at him. After waiting a few minutes he walked over to him and saw that he was a bit red. "Kurama is he sick?" When Kurama didn't reply he decided that Kakashi could look after himself. Shaking his head he said to the still staring ninja " Can I help you with something Kaka-sensei?"

Kakashi was lost inthe crystal blue eyes of Naruto, so when he heard Naruto speak to him he mentall scolded himself.
"Ah Naruto I was wondering if you would like to go to a stroll in the park with me. I have something to ask you." Kakashi eye smiled at him.
'A stroll hmm?' "Sure why not." Naruto answered in a careless tone however he was pretty excited. He didn't know why but being with kakashi made him feel butterflies in his stomach and he felt free. He also kinds agree that Kakashi was....fascinating. He was kind, he was handsom too. With his gravity defying silver hair and tall structure, plus he had that the habit of eye smiling which he found cute.

Naruto and Kakashi made their way out of the house and went into the forest after a few minutes kakashi started speaking. "So Naruto what I wanted to t-tell you is that I uh....Ummmm..........i-i like you Naruto." Kakashi blurted out blushing storm.

Naruto was a bit confused but he had an idea what he was getting at but he wanted to make sure. "Sure kakashi sensei I like you too. You are my Teacher and you have been there to keep me away from the villagers hate when I was little."
Kakashi a bit flustered said. "I-i mean.....I uh I like you in more than a student. I feel happy and free with you. You make my heart beat faster everytime I see you. Your sun kissed blonde hair than those gorgeous crystal blue eyes are what makes me most happy. I feel butterflies in my stomach...." Naruto was now staring at the older male in surprise and shock as kakashi rambled on. " what I am trying to say is that I Love you Naruto Uzumaki." Kakashi finished.

There was silence until Naruto sobbed hugging himself "I love you too kashi. No body ever even told me something nice to me. Not even jiji sure he showed that he was proud but never showed that he liked to have me around." Kakashi wrapped his arms around the boy.
Naruto flinched. And what he asked next nearly broke Kakashi into tears. "What are you doing? It does not hurt." Surprise was laced in his voice. "It's a hug Naru, you do it to show that you care about them. You know like the saying goes. 'Action speaks better than words.'  I love you Naru never forget that." Kakashi sat down on the grass holding him close.
Soon Naruto's breathing evened and his eyes kept shutting as he struggled to stay awake. He had a little bit of sleep as he was woken up each time he goes to sleep from his nightmares. Seeing this kakashi softly sang as he remembered his mother singing to him when he was young in the same way.

Cast away your worries my dear
For tomorrow comes a new day
Hold to me you've nothing to fear
For your dreams are not far away
As you lay your head and you rest
May your dreams takes over my love
Listen close my son of the West
For your destiny lies above
Though the world Is cruel
There's a light that still shines
In the darkest days of our lives
When all hope seems lost and you can't find your way
Think of me as look to the sky
Child of mine your future is bright
For your father's blood is in your veins
In dark times I pray that you will fight
For the world will soon know your name.

Looking down kakashi saw the blonde asleep with a peaceful look on his face. Kissing his temple he layed him on the grass next to him under a tree. " You won't be alone any more Naru. I promise I will be there for you." Kakashi whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

When Naruto woke up he saw himself hugging kakashi. He snuggled more into him as he remembered his kashi singing him to sleep. Soon a small smile spread onto his face. Deciding to talk to his Nii-san for a few minutes he went into his mindscape.
"Hello kit. So how was he?" Kurama said happy as his kit had finally found someone to love.
"He is amazing, you heard him singing didn't you. I never thought that he would know how to sing" Naruto said a real bright smile adorning his face as he looked into dreamland.
Kurama chuckled. They talked for a few minutes before Naruto decided to check on 'kashi'.

Looking up he saw a single grey eye staring at him. Kakashi Kissing lightly on Naruto's nose top, he greeted him."Morning Naru-chan."
Kakashi pulled down his mask and kissed Naru on his lips. "Morning to you too, kashi..." Naruto finally got to see kakashi without his mask. And God was he gorgeous, he had a scare but the skin was so smooth and a beauty spot was on under the side of his lips. Naruto started at him.
"Ne kashi when did you learn to sing?" Naruto asked a bit curious. Kakashi had a faraway look in his eyes as he replied. " My mother sang that song to me before. I have never really sang before . from Your reaction I see that you think it is nice." He stood up and pulled up Naruto.
"Let's go back for now. We could go to the swimming pool after lunch if you want." Kakashi said remembering what they had discussed feeling sad and angry at himself for agreeing with the rest to search Naruto's memories.
"Yeah sure I'll be there." With that the blonde made his way up the stairs when they reached the house.

"So what did he say kakashi." Asuma and Kureina asked him once Naruto was out of earshot.
Sighing quietly he said." He agreed but Ino, can you make the jutsu so that we can see it in our minds....' Kakashi rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, looking like he was going to say something.

"Spit it out kakashi." Kurenai said, waiting for a reply.

"I think falling too hard and going to be sick." Kakashi gave a small smile oblivious to the others look of confusion.

After that they went back to their doings. Shikamaru with Choji went out to look at the clouds, Kiba and shino also went out to the forest while Lee and Gai went to train. All the others stayed inside. Kakashi was reading his book but his mind was on his Naru.
'Naruto I hope you don't feel that I betrayed you when however check your memories. I'm sorry. But we want to help you.' Kakashi thought sadly.

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