Chapter 27

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A/N : OMG, you guys (*^o^*)! With all the support, comments and follows I'm getting...I just had to write and publish this chapter now. By the way sorry for the late update, my exams just finished today.

Naruto's nerves jumped as he zipped up his black jacket. So many people was watching his performance, it was a miracle as to why he didn't faint. Many teachers and students say that no one is excellent at public speaking. But who said that includes singing? Cause he, Naruto Uzumaki had done a good job.
The blonde haired boy went out of the dressing room, as another singer rushed in there, costumes in their hands. Naruto was a bit startled but he got a grip on himself and made his way out into the crowd using a secret pathway.
When he had asked why it was there, the employee grimaced and said fangirls. Naruto sweat dropped, sasuke said the exact same thing when he asked why the Uchiha boy was hiding behind him.

The place reeked of sake so much more than it's scent in the other rooms. "Yuck! This is so...just so Yuck!" He shuddered to himself. The hairs in the back of his neck stood up as he felt a blush bloom over his cheeks when he met the gaze of his boyfriend.
Naruto's shy nature took control for the first time as he slid in between Sakura and Kiba, his head hanging low.
"Kurama! Help me~" He whimpered mentally as the music sounds started to get louder, seems like another skater went on the stage. "No can do,gaki. Your soon to be husband is looking at you~" the nine tailed demon fox smirked at him, wiggling his job existence fox eyebrows. The Uzumaki felt himself go red in the face as he screamed at the bunny-fox to shut up.

Naruto could feel Kakashi's stare burning holes into his head. Just then Kiba called out to him, "Oi! Naruto. Wanna have a drinking contest?" Kiba offered him a mug. "No thanks, I'd rather not have a headache tomorrow." Naruto put up a hand smiling a bit.
"Oh, that's no fun! Come on! Just once. See, even pineapple head is gonna be drinking!" The inuzuka nudged the chunin next to him.
"Troublesome..." The Nara groaned as he took a gulp and sank his head into his arms that was placed on the table.

"Alright fine, But I wanna stay sobber!" Naruto said before he chugged down the drink, making a face afterwards. "It tastes horrible, dattebayo!" Naruto scrunched up his face.
Ino turned towards him, "You don't really have to drink it you know?" She pointed out. Naruto turned at her to bite back a retort before realizing that she and Sakura was both looking at the male singer with hearts in their eyes. "They just don't change, do they?" Naruto thought distractedly.

Kakashi's POV
I looked at my love with amazement. I never thought he'd sing willingly, he's so cute! I stared at him as he walked towards me- no, as he walked towards us. Naru seems to feel my stare because he took a dekko at me and blushed. Oh kami! I'm going to die of sweetness overload.
People say staring is a bad habit, but I can't seem to care with this gorgeous man in front of me. But it's not as if I care. I mean I read fuckin' porn in public.

Then out of the corner of my eye,I noticed someone sneaking up their hand onto my Naruto's tights! I felt a low growl rise from my throat. No one touches my mate except me. I looked at the owner of the hand and saw Kiba urging Naru to drink.
Naru pouted cutely. His nose scrunching as if he smelled something bad. I'm glad naru doesn't like sake...kushina-san would be happy.

Naruto looks so adorable. I held back a sqeal, if he had a fan club I'll be on top of the list.
I stared at him like a love struck idiot, but I'll gladly be an idiot for him. A small smile came to my face as I recalled the first time I met him. He was so adorable back then. Then suddenly, I felt distress in the air. It was so panicky. And it was coming from no one other than Naruto. I growled loudly at Kiba causing his hand to remove from Naruto's...uhm...crotch.

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