Chapter 12

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A/N:Naruto is sooooooo KAWAII 😍
"Kyuubi speaking"
"People speaking"
'People thinking'
'Kyuubi thinking'
Gaara was always feared. He was made the jinchuuriki of the one tailed Shukaku before he was born, causing the villagers of Suna fear him as a monster and his control over sand didn't make the situation better.

Gaara was raised in isolation during his early life, taught ninjutsu by his father's ANBU. Since he was made into a weapon by his father's order, Rasa expected him to be controlled Ike a weapon. However when his uncle Yashamaru tried to assassinate him, his San smoked on it's on and crushed his body. But when Gaara went near him, he proceeded to blow up himself.
Luckily Gaara's sand protected him from any harm.

Due to this incident Gaara became nearly insane. Soon Noone talked to him neither did they look at him twice. They only ran away once they saw him walking down the streets.

Nobody's had talked to him much less smiled at him after Yashamaru's death. Soon he came to think that the only way to prove his existence was by killing people.

So when the cute little blonde smiled at him, to say that he was shocked would be an understatement. He had thought that the blonde kid would run away screaming monster like everyone at his village.

Gaara had been told by the kazekage that they were to wait for the sign of the red smoke and then attack the village. Which was now. He had been walking around the leafs village when the rushing blonde bumped into him.

"So....uh.." Not knowing what to say Naruto rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, yeah how is Shukaku? Kurama is a lazy ass Fox, oh! And he says that Shukaku was a pretty babiesh racoon. He is too bosy too, he says. But I suppose Kurama is not much better either..........he always say that ramen isn't good but Ichiraku ramen has the best out there. They're the food of the gods. Kurama should learn to like it...."
Gaara felt the Ichibi shift a bit when the blonde who was now known as Naruto say 'Kurama' and mother has not been demanding for the Uzumaki's blood either.
"What did you do to Shukaku?!" He growled at Naruto, who waved it off saying "put him in his place."

The. He looked at the clock in the shop nearby and cursed."Shit, sorry friend, but there's somewhere I should be getting to." With that he took off leaving a blinking red head behind.
'Friend?' A small smile slipped into his face and he went to see the ramen store the blonde had babble about.

Meanwhile, Naruto had reached the Hokage's office. His hand stopped in mid knock as he heard whispering. Putting his head to the door, he did not notice that the door was already open so he fell flat on his face.
The occupants looked at him.

"Ugh....." The Uzumaki groaned. "Oooh~ I sssupposse thiss iss the fourth'sss sson~ huh? SSarutobi-ssensei~"
A 'Snakish' voice hissed. Naruto quickly stood up all the joking gone from his face, replaced by seriousness. Looking at the man in front of him. He was tall, pale skin and a long tongue, his long black hair went up to his shoulders and he had the Kazekage hat on his right hand.

"Orochimaru." Naruto said. "Kit be careful he isn't called one of the legendary sannin for nothing, I have heard that ha was known par with that Ero-senin of yours." Kurama growled from inside his mind.
"Hai, no need to tell me, I already knew that. Ero-senin used to talk about him when we were once in a bar. He was pretty drunk do I asked him about his team." Naruto replied taking out his Katana 'honō'. He had a flash back of when jiraiya told him about this man, 'Orochi-pedo' as Naruto named him had dropped the hat and looked at the blonde, curiousity shining through his eyes.

"Ne, Ero-senin. Tell me about your genin team!" Naruto was siting in his chair. The man who sat on the opposite side of him was very drunk and had drool coming from his mouth. But he was, STILL drinking.
"Ah~ my genin team *hick* had 4 members like *hick* everyone else's. There was me, then tsunade *hick* then Sarutobi-sensei *hick*the there is Orochi-teme." Jiraiya slurred.
"You mean Orochimaru right? I saw him in the bingo book, he ran away from the village why?" Naruto demanded, he liked to be able to get information out of people. "You're becoming more like me kit." Kurama laughed. 'Heh. It is fun after all!"
His conversation with Kurama was cut off when Jiraiya started to talk. " He was ex *hick* experimenting on *hick* kids and adults alike *hick* so when his cover *hick* was blown *hick* he ran away..... *hick* *hick*"
Naruto had a look of disgust and horror mixed on his facial expression.
"What the hell... Orochi-pedo" He muttered eyes wide.

Naruto's eyes snapped to him and he tensed, when the snake sannin's hand reached into the pouch/pocket and brought out a complicated looking seal.
"You're sssuch an nuisance Naruto Uzumaki!" Looking at his feet his eyes widened. There's a huge Anaconda wrapped around his feet holding him in place. He looked up to see Orochimaru standing in front of him, really close. Before he could do anything a seal paper was slammed on his stomach.
Naruto opened his mouth to let out a scream but no noise came out. Frantically he called out to his furry brotherly figure. "Kura-nii?! Are you there? KURA-NII!! ANSWER ME!" Naruto shouted into his head.

Then suddenly a seal was activated on his neck from behind. Kabuto had painted it when his attention was on the snake sannin. Naruto soon fainted from pain and exhaustion even when he was doing nothing. It felt like he ran around konohoa 500 times and didn't sleep for days.

"Pity, u thought he would last much longer. But he lost his consciousness soon he'll be awake and he won't have any control on his mind." Kabuto reported to Orochimaru. The said snake nodded.
"Now let'sss go. Sarutobi-sssensei is gagged and bounded in chakara ropes so he won't get out soon. And there is chakara ressstrain sseal on him to delay his essscape." He ordered to the bowing kabuto "Also call off the sand Shinobis, they're not needed anymore. Imagine the look of shock on their faces when they see their Kage dead on his throne." He chuckled evilly.
"Hai, Orochimaru-sama!" The medic saluted before rushing off. Orochimaru too, disappeared in a swirl.

When Naruto gained consciousness all he saw was blood, blood everywhere. Organs. Lungs, intestine, liver. Blood, so much blood. Still more blood was pouring out from the open chest of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.
A beating heart, even though it was exposed to the world it was still his clawed hand. Drip,drip. The blood droplets fell into the small puddle below. Blood coated the blonde's pants.

He could taste the metallic taste in his mouth. And then he felt sick. He turned green when he realized that he had licked up Jiji's blood and.......swallowed it like candy.

It was so disgusting and repulsive that the blonde kid started to gag and scramble away from the Hokage's dead body.
His eyes widened at the surroundings. Blood was splattered even on the walls. He looked at them with wide eyes. Disgusting. Inhuman. 'I am a monster.....'

"" Was The third Hokage's last words, his eyes gazing fondly at Naruto, until the light slowly dimmed and there was no life in the usually twinkling eyes of the Hokage. "Why did you still love me? I-i killed y-you.' This when it all shattered.
Naruto's sanity. Naruto's mask. His heart and his mind. Everything that made the blonde just started into tiny million pieces.
Each piece going their own way trying to escape the blonde's grasp.

It's okay.
Desperately he reached out for the pieces of his mind his sanity. Ignoring the memo. Those horrible horrible memories.
It'll be okay. It's all right.
Repeating these words in his head like a mantra.

The Hokage's door slammed opened. Looking at the door Naruto gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
There stood Kakashi, Iruka and all of the genin's senseis, Ibiki, Anko, Inochi and Shikaku. But what concerned the blonde was What his lover thought looking at the Copy Nin, Naruto's heart shattered once again.
Kakashi was there frozen. His eyes widened with disbelief, betrayal, anger, sadness. And what hurts the most. Fear, pure terror.

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