Chapter 16

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Kakashi sat at the bar, drowning sake like it was going out of fashion, like it was his life support. Every bar get came into was treated the same way as any other one. The first night, he drank until he was completely wasted, then passed out on his home kitchen floor. He would wake up the next day, with a headache but his sadness made him forget about it. His back ached from lying on the hard tiles, but he ignore this as he get ready and go to the memorial stone and spend there rest of his morning and evening.

As the bartender filled his glass again,Kakashi just started at it his eyes glazed over with memories of his love, his cute little Naru.
He found no pleasure in the drink, he was never much of a drinker to begin with. But the alcohol dampened the painful memories that made his chest squeeze with sadness, memories that made him choke and gasp of air. So, he lifted the glass with shaky hands and swallowed the contents in one gulp.

Staring into space, he thought back to the day when he saw Naruto taken to the cell. His boyfriend covered in blood of the recent third hokage. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. Remembered the shock, the anger, the sadness and loss and most of regret. Even after all this time he could still feel the coldness he felt when Ibiki ordered Naruto to be taken to THAT cell.

"He needs to be taken there. He is unstable and dangerous!"

"No! No! No he's not. He love the third hokage like a grandfather and he will never kill him! He is no monster! Don't you dare say that!"

"The third is DEAD! And it's all because of him! Don't you dare deny this! We all saw what he had done! Are you fucking blind?! Wake up, Hatake. And see what's in front of you!"

"Shut the hell up! You don't know him like I do! -"

"This ain't about knowing him, brat! There's evidence he killed and there are all eye witness of this! How can you deny this?!"

Kakashi had run away from the horrendous scene. Barely controlling his sadness. He ran. He ran like the coward he was. Kakashi ran until he reached a river, falling on to the ground.
This was the last straw for him.
Everyone has a breaking point. This was his. It was all too much to handle.

First it was his father, who committed suicide after being looked down by the villagers. And Kakashi was ashamed to say he had felt like that when he attended the funeral of his father. The only people was Minato and Kakashi. Even when the blonde man left, Kakashi still stayed. He was only 6 years god damn! How could his father think he could take care of himself?
Next was Uchiha Obito, the only one he was annoyed with. Obito was an idiot. He just had to save him didn't he. Sometimes kakashi wondered how it would feel like to have him living with them. In the living world, not in the dead. But he decided that he was being selfishm after all so many shinobis died.
Then it was Rin, the girl who he promised to protect for Obito. But she had foolishly got in the way of Chidori : The thousands birds. He had made it in hope that he will help the village, improved it so that he could protect Rin. But look at how that went, he killed her with it.
And that latest one was Minato Namikaze, his sensei. The man who he thought of as a father. Was fate really cruel as to take everything away from him! Minato had died entrusting him to look after Naruto.
But he had pushed the little boy away in hopes that someone else would provide that blonde with a much better and loved home. Both which he can't give. Now, he can see that he had done and idiotic thing and he was paying the price for it.

Trying to shake himself out of the trip down the memory lane, the Hatake paid the bills unaware if it was the right amount. Kakashi staggered up and stumbled out of the noisy bar, shushined to his apartment and collapsed in to the bed.

A strong gust of wind blew from the open balcony. The silver haired man groaned and went there to closed the door. His drunken mind barely conscious of it. Feeling exhausted he sat down and leaned on the Grey wall.
Kakashi looked at the stary night sky above him.
"If anyone is up there, please, kami...don't take Naru away from me too...please..." Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks as he hiccuped and coughed trying not to make a sound. Tucking his legs into his chest, arms hugged himself as if shielding himself from the world, Kashi stayed there the whole night.
A blanket was around himself sometime in the night, put there by one of his ninja hounds probably.....

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