Chapter 2

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I sit silently at one of the metal tables under the giant oak tree that stands in the Kelly Garden, listening to my study playlist, while working on my certification practice exam. It was a beautiful fall day, for Florida anyways. I couldn't waste this weather on an indoor study. I wanted to breathe in the fresh Florida fall air and feel the cool breeze flow through my hair. As I'm in the midst of practice exam I feel the presence of someone in front of me, causing me to hesitantly lift my head up, and remove my headphones to be greeted with a toothy smile by my boyfriend's sister, Angelica.

"Eve! Why is it that every time I bump into you, you are doing homework?" She says, joining me at my table nibbling on her bagel, and sipping her coffee.

"I am not always doing homework," I said defending myself.

"You could have fooled me," She says shoving another piece of the bagel into her mouth.

The truth is, I rarely have time to do homework between juggling being in the Department of Student Leadership, Student Government, being the Student Coordinator for Campus Ambassadors, and other things. I like to distract myself from life by creating work for myself. The one plus to how involved I have gotten on campus is it looks amazing on applications.

"What class are you working on?" Angelica asks referring to the assignment I am half doing while setting her bag on the ground and sipping more of her coffee.

"It's my Digital Media class. I'm sort of multitasking, I'm working on my photoshop certification exam, but also organizing my projects and uploading them to my digital portfolio. I've become so lazy about automatically uploading my work to my portfolio, so now I have to find all the assignments Dr. Sheffer is looking for and upload them before class." I say, explaining why, even if she never asked.

"Interesting, but that sounds complicated. That's why I'm an Elementary Ed major. Anyways, how are things going with Niall?" She asks.

"They are going just as well as any college relationship," I say without any further explanation. I hope she catches on and changes the topic because I do not want to explain my relationship issues with my boyfriend's sister.

"So, I take it you guys got in a fight last night." She slowly catching on to the fact that I don't want her to have to pick sides in a petty little fight. "Well, I'm sure you guys will work it out, you guys always do." She continues, ending the conversation of me and her brother.

"Anyways, you seem a tad stressed, so I'll leave you to finish your portfolio. See you later." She says sending a small smile my way, and I send one back.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon!" I say as she grabs her maroon bag, and her coffee, placing her phone in her back pocket and flipping her long jet-black hair over her shoulder to place her bag on, and head to wherever she is headed.

I place my headphones in my ears and continue working on my portfolio, while my mind wonders off to all the many different assignments from the week, causing me to pull out my planner, and my pens to make a mental list of the things I still need to get done before the weekend, while checking off everything that I have finished.

"Just two more classes and I'm done," I tell myself, as I mentally prepare myself for my trip home this weekend, and make a mental checklist of things to pack. Don't get me wrong, I love going home on the weekends, but going home means having to deal with my past sins and picking up the responsibility I have to pretend I don't have while I'm at school.

I pick my phone up from my lap and type in my passcode. Once the phone accepts my passcode, I open my messaging app and compose a text to my grandmother.

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