RR 54 Something Worth Fighting For

Start from the beginning

"But back to the girl, could she be the long lost product of Phase Two?"

Natasha could have kicked herself for letting herself slip, the fury that raged through her soul at the mention of a 'product' made her lash out. She delivered a kick so forceful that Yuri was knocked straight out of the room and onto his ass. He recovered quickly though and surged forward, grabbing her by the neck. She silently thanked him for keeping her feet free from chains and for him being too angry to realize this himself and brought them up between them, pushing him off and back onto the 'gross' floor. The glare he shot her before stomping out of the room made her grin this time in satisfaction.

He was gone for two minutes and when he came back, he had four guards with him, and two were holding up an unconscious girl, littered with bruises from a previous fight. She could have died right there as she realized who it was.

Yuri all but snarled at her in his madness. "Are you sure you don't know who this really is?" he asked as the guards threw her to the stone floor at her feet.

She couldn't confirm it, there was no way she would put her daughter in any more danger. "Nope. I only needed her for information, she means nothing to me."

"Oh," Yuri said disappointed, "then I guess we will have to ask her if you, dear sister, mean anything to her."

Natasha's heart began to race as Yuri instructed the guards to chain Thea's hands. She was then connected to the wall, but she still hadn't stirred. One of the guards then left the room and came back with a bucket of water. He was about to throw it on the girl to wake her up when Yuri stopped him and grabbed it himself. Instead of throwing it on Thea, he instead threw it on Natasha, soaking her to the bone once again.

Natasha just knew what was coming next, she had seen him glance at one of the other guards tasers. She ended up being right and grimaced as the taser made contact with her stomach. She felt the shock of electricity all over her body, accelerated by the contact with water, and surprisingly stopped a small cry from escaping her lips. As soon as it was over, she felt Yuri's hot breath tell her that it was for her little 'outburst' earlier.

He threw the bucket back at the guard who went and refilled it, and then woke up Thea with the freezing liquid before ordering everyone out of the room.

Natasha watched as Thea immediately came to, pulling at her chains in an attempt to figure out what was going on. She made contact with Yuri's eyes first, and the hatred in them told Natasha that the two had some sort of history. She could tell that the girl was about to speak, but her wandering eyes caught sight of Natasha and horror reflected in them. The look that she gave her had told her that Thea had also figured it out somehow, that they were family. Before Thea could even say a word, Natasha quickly shook her head 'no', in an attempt to keep her from spilling what they had just discovered about each other.

Yuri then turned to Natasha and joined her at her side, and then looked Thea up and down before speaking. "We are gathered here today to try and get some answers..." he started before getting cut off by Thea.

"Pfft, good luck," the girl said with a small laugh before turning serious. "There is no way I'm going to tell you a thing after what you did to my family."

Yuri smiled and repeated, "oh your family?" while looking from Thea to Natasha next to him.

Natasha could almost see Thea's mind working, and she smiled when Thea dodged his presumption by making it seem like she had no idea what was going on.

"Yes," she said, "my family. You've been after us for years, Yuri Petrovitch. You killed my mother, my father, and for all I know my brother as well."

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