Are you 'Athesist?'

Start from the beginning

Hmm, honey? Plastic for free? Hmm?

Dumb chick!

The best part of this dish is the lettuce. I love the crunch and the fresh feel it gives. It would have been amazing with that greasy Mc burger at McDonald's. Their fries are the best! Anam would go out on dates at McDonald's and then fishing at the lake. Cute and romantic. I dreamt of it. Cute my ass! I look up from the lettuce I have been staring at seeing that lolly is staring at Raftar and scowling at me and her eye-candy lollypop is staring at me and the lettuce I have been staring at.

' is there a problem? ' he says putting his fork down and giving me his undivided attention. His eyes cold and angry, jaw clenched makes me want to piss in my pants. I turn to look at lolly to see her with a pleasant smile mocking me. Just makes me wanna cry. This man has no respect for his wife's honor.

I bow down, shake my head and bite into the leaf.

"Good, finish the whole thing! " This pisses me straight off? Did that lolly bitch just say that? I look up at Raftar to see a frown on his face but he does not say anything to her. Like nothing!

I just lost respect for myself! This dishonorable man!

I keep my mouth shut and continue eating while they continue the conversation. I stuff my mouth eager to leave the place and what happens? I choke!

Raftar immediately passes me the glass of water on with I greedily drink from.

" That is why you are supposed to have table manners! Chew slowly so you don't choke! "Leonette utters. Why the hell is she even concerned about what and how I eat?! Mind your fucking business bitch!

Raftar rubs my back giving me an angry stare leans to my ear " stop embarrassing me " and sits back in his chair.

Embarrassing? Is that what I am? First my parents now Raftar! If it's one maybe it's a wrong thing on their part but it's my family and now Raftar! I really must be embarrassing!

I slowly chew down the rest of the food nonetheless earlier than them while lolly cracks jokes and they both laugh I bid them and leave the area for a breath of air, my room.

My tears have dried up. I just can't seem to cry anymore! It's a daily routine! I go to my room, shut the door and pray namaz. I read the Quran, with faith in Allah! That is all I have now. My God! I keep reading the Quran with all the thoughts dancing in my mind.

Raftar enters the room after a while and stares at me as I read the Quran. I don't look up or stop I continue reading as feel his stare on me the whole time. A yawn leaves me as I complete the verse and close the heavy book wrapping it in a cloth.

Muttering prayers I stand up and make a quick move to the balcony to see that it's dead dark outside.

What's the time?

12:16 Am The digital clock reads. Oh no! I missed the dinner?

I am scared again, of Raftar. I look up to see him sitting on the bed legs spread wide apart elbows on knees as he blew smoke from his mouth, a cost pinching cigar in between his fingers.

He looks handsome and scary as hell. What is he going to do now? I missed dinner. Will he punish me?

I stare at him wide-eyed.

" Missed your dinner" he states. I can practically feel the vibes that he is pissed.

I seem to have my mouth shut as I think of what to tell him. I pull a handful of hair behind my ear in state of nervousness. I distinctly remember Maria calling me but I ignored her.

Oh, fuck!

" I didn't notice the time. I was reading the Quran. I'll make sure it doesn't repeat" My words feel bland and emotionless to my ears as if I don't care if he punishes me.

Like what can he do? Close me in this tower? Oh, wait he already does that! Starve me? I hope he does! Hit me? That's the only thing he hasn't done yet.

" Hmm" this time smoke comes out of his nose. It's hot and scary as hell.

As usual, I avoid his stare and go change into my nightclothes. With my back to him, I turn off my side of bed lights and close my eyes. I hear the shower turn on and off then some shuffling as the bed finally dips at his weight.

Now I don't feel sleepy anymore. Quite the opposite. I feel his stare on me and his harsh breath on my neck.

" How long are you going to give the silent treatment? " He wraps his arm right on my hip. The warmth from his body seeps into mine.

" Forever. I have no hope Raftar" I say as I try to pull his hands off me.

Keyword try.

He simply holds me tight to the level that I can feel his abs! Then forcefully turns me around and holds me close and stares deep into my eyes, starts kissing me while I make no reciprocation.

I speak against his lips " You broke me into pieces Raftar. All I wait is for Allah's call, I have nothing more to live for"

He goes still. His eyes darker and diluted. " You go to hell, heaven or any corner of the world Tara, I will drag u back to me. I'll rule the kingdom you go to! I would snatch you back from your god if I have to. "

I go still.

He has no faith in Allah!

" You are an Aethisest?" ask shocked.

" No, jaani, an Atheist is the one who doesn't believe that God is there." He speaks like a scholar. Damn! Does this guy think he is smart?!

" I don't get it?" I ask, confused.

"Oh well, I know he is out there. He is looking over everything. But all I have for him is detest. He has taken so much from me, I was week then, but now? " he lets out a sarcastic laugh" I hold my ties to my life. He has had even fun playing me. Now I play and he watches"




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