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Bella's POV.

Alexander had woken me up from my nap which made me a bit grumpy but my pout immediately went away when he kissed me. I feel him pull me closer which made me look up at him. "What are you thinking about." Alexander says as he draws patterns on my hand with his fingers. "Hmm nothing I'm still a bit sleepy." I tell him.
He nods and before he can say anything we are interrupted. "Hey guys we are going to the forest you guys coming?" James says as he walks closer to us. I feel myself nod and he smiles. "Okay well grab a bag or something and put something's you'll like to take and hurry we are leaving in about 10 minutes". James says as he makes his way into the kitchen.
Nodding Alex and I make our way to our room.
Once we were ready I see everyone downstairs waiting for us. "Okay well let's go." James says as we follow him outside. "Okay well I'm going to need someone to take care of the map and someone to hold the compass." James finished. "We'll do it!" Nick and Noah said. Nodding he hands them the compass and map. What can go wrong right? Little did we know how wrong we were.
3 hours later........
"YOU FUCKING dumbass what do you MEAN you LOST the MAP!!!" James screams and I feel his vein is about to burst. We started of good and when we started to see that their was more trees surrounding us we started to panic. Turns out Nick used the map as toilet paper cause he needed to wipe is butt. "I'm sorry but I really had to go and we had nothing I could wipe with." He mumbles. "Plus the leaves looked like they will hurt my ass" he mumbles smiling sheepishly. "James calm down we still got the compass." I tell him and he nods his face relaxing as we all sit down in a circle. We were resting when we got tired of wandering around. "Ummmmm about that... well you see.... I might of not broken the compass." Noah drawls our as we all turn to stare at him. "What do you mean you "might of broken it"." Jackson says as he looks at Noah.
"Well depends if you guys are going to get mad then I did not break it but if not then I did break it." He mumbles. "Noah what do you mean you broke the compass!" How the hell are we suppose to find our way back." James yells and I see the vein start showing up again cause of his anger.
"Sorry I sat on it when we took our 1st break." He says as he cringes and pulls Daniel closer to him.

"Never trusting you two ever again what the hell are we going to to now." James says as he looks around it was starting to get dark. "Well we can't really do anything so let's set camp here and wait till it's morning again." Nadia says as she sets her things down. You guys let's find some sticks and will creat a fire." I finish and stand up. Alexander nods and we each start looking for sticks. It took us a while to start the fire but now we were all huddled around it since it got colder. Matt was snuggled to Nadia as she wrapped a little blanket she had around him. Alex has his arms wrapped around me and I felt his warmth and I snuggle closer to him.
We eventually all fell asleep waiting for tomorrow.

"We have been walking for so long now are we getting anywhere closer!" Nick whines. We all turn to glare at him and he pouts. "It is yours and Noah's fault we shouldn't have trusted you guys with something so important. Now stop complaining and keep walking." I say as I glare at him. I hear a giggle and see Daisy holding in her giggles while Lily is laughing.
"What time is it?" Daisy asks. "It's 4:11 pm" I reply. Nick snorts and opens his big mouth. "Like her height!" He says bursting out laughing. Daisy blushes as she glares at him crossing her arms over her chest. Ricky glares at him and tugs Daisy's body closer to his. Alexander sighs as he pulls me closer to him. "I swear how is he related to you all." He mumbles and I smile pecking his lips. He turns me around and deepens the kiss. "Are you guys serious right now we are lost and you guys think that it is the time to be all lovey dovey with each other!" Jackson exclaims. Alexander pulls away and glares at him. I blush and burry my head in his chest.
We stop and see a river up ahead. "Wait guys didn't we past that river like an hour ago?" Says Daniel as he stares at the river. We turn and see that he is right. "Have we been walking in circles all this time!" Noah whines. "Okay we need to stop and rest a little. "
Nodding we all take a seat somewhere. "Okay well we need to see how much food we have left and see if it will last us long enough. We need to see because if we don't get out we'll still have food." James finishes. Matt is starting to get fuzzy and he doesn't have a lot of diapers left. "Ok we need to save the little food we have left until we find a way to get out of this shit hole." James mutters our angrily and Nadia and me glare at him. He scowls but mutters a sorry.
It is officially the worst day to pick out to go camping. We were walking and it stared to rain so now we are all huddled under the tree and trying to not get wet.
"Never again am I going to explore the forest this is a one time experience and I hate it!" Lily screams as she turns to glare at Noah and Nick. "And you two are never being trusted with anything you guys are the worst!" She burst out as she tries to tackle Nick whose closer to her. He yelps and moves she skims his arm as Alec restrains her. "Whoa clam down baby girl." He says as he pulls her to his chest. She turns red but eventually relaxes.
"Alex do you think we are ever going to get out?" I say as he pulls away and looks at my face. "Yeah we are don't worry we are now come on get closer your going to get sick." He says as he pulls me closer to him.
I was staring to get worried because Matt couldn't really eat hard food and we were starting to run out because we didn't pack a lot. Once it stopped raining ☔️ we found a little cave. We had started a fire and we were going to stay their for the night. "Okay guys we need to rest and find a way to get out of here because we don't have much food left and I'm worried about Matt. Now let's sleep and tomorrow we need to get the hell out of here." James mumbles as he pulls the blanket over Matt's sleeping form.
I burry my head in Alex's face and he pulls me closer. "Night love" he whispers as he pecks my forehead. "Night" I mumble and fall asleep.

Alexander KnightWhere stories live. Discover now