Break ☀☀

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Bella's Pov.

We were all in the table eating breakfast that Nadia had made since she woke up first. We were trying to decide what we were going to do. I was thinking that we could go swimming in the lake but I didn't know. I was sitting on Alexanders lap while we ate and I could feel his stare but I tried to ignore it. "Hey guys I was thinking if you wanted to go down to the lake." Alexander says nodding I get off his lap. "Well girls get your things and come to mine and Alexanders room." I hear complains but I ignore them and go to mine and Alexanders room. Looking in the drawers I pick something. We all had settled in already. "Okay well i'm going to change then you guys can go in next" I tell them as I grab my bikini.

Bella's bikini

Lilly's bikini

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Lilly's bikini

Daisy's bathing suite

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Daisy's bathing suite

Nadia's bathing suite

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Nadia's bathing suite

Leaving our hair down we grab our towels and go downstairs

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Leaving our hair down we grab our towels and go downstairs. I see Matt walking around while holding onto something. Smiling I make my way to him and pick him up. "Come on Matt let's go." I say picking him up. "Guys hurry up!" Lilly screams. I hear multiple feet running and laugh when I see them all pile in the living room. Then comes in Daniel walking in slowly taking his time as he pushes past them. Laughing at them we all make our way to the lake. Setting my things down I don't have time to react as i'm being picked up. "Alex!" I screech trying to get down. Seeing were he is going I start shaking my head. "Wait! No please no do-!" I don't get to finish as my body meets the cold water. "I swear i'm going to kill you!" I yell at him as I resurface.

He laughs before jumping in with me. I don't see him and all of a sudden i'm pulled down. I open my eyes and see Alexanders face. Smiling he starts leaning and his lips are on mine. Pulling me closer to him I start moving my lips with his. Needing air we both resurface and I gasp for air. He lays his forehead on mine and smiles at me. "Hey you love birds break it up!" James yells as he scowls at Alexander. Blushing I pull away but Alexander keeps me close. We start swimming and soon enough the rest of them join us with Nadia sitting somewhere close so that Matt can play with the water.

Daisy's Pov.

Leaning my back to the tree I open the book I was reading. The others were still swimming in the lake. I was sitting a little bit away from the lake. All of our things were here so I came to sit down when I got tired from swimming. Honestly everyone was so nice and kind to me I thought that wouldn't like me but I was wrong. I loved Bella and she also loves to read. Smiling I push my glasses up my nose and turn the page. I get sucked into my book and don't pay attention to my surroundings. Smiling when I read what happens to the character I continue to read. "Boo!" I hear and a scream comes out my throat. Turning around I see Ricky smirking at me. Blushing I glare at him and pick my book. I huff and turn back to read my book. I feel Ricky get closer but ignore him. "So what are you reading." Ricky says as he looks over my shoulder. Turning to look at him I see how close his face is to mine and a blush coats my cheeks.

"Pride and Prejudice it is a comedy of manners and it is really good." I mumble turning back to my book. He takes a seat next to me and looks at my book. "Well do you mind if you read it out loud." I hum and start reading were I left of. "I find myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday. My kind friends will hear of my returning will I am better. They insist."

I keep on reading and somewhere in between the chapter I was reading I some how ended in between Ricky's legs my back to his chest. Finishing the chapter I close the book and set it down. Ricky turns me around so that I sit on his lap my legs wrapped around his waist. "R-r-ricky let g-g-go." I mumble blushing at our position. I mean for god sakes i'm 16. Not letting me go I feel myself blushing more when I see Noah smirking from a far. Looking back at Ricky
I push at his chest trying to get off his lap.

Not succeeding I eventually stop. "U-u-umm did you like the book." I tell him looking at him. "Hmm yeah I did I especially liked it because you were reading it to me." He finishes as I squirm trying to get off but not succeeding. He chuckles as he rest his chin on my shoulder. Huffing I try to push him but he doesn't move at all. "Ricky can you let me go." I whisper my lips forming a pout. He stares at me but let's go. Standing up he grabs my hand and begins to pull me the other direction. "Hey guys we're going for a walk!" He yells as Noah smirks at me. Bella is giggling and Lilly is whispering something to Nadia as she smiles knowingly at us. I mean it's not like we are gong to do anything we're 16 for god sakes!
"Well have fun but not to much!" Screams Nick as James slaps the back of his head. Turning red I allow Ricky to drag me we're ever he wants to.

Bella's Pov.
I was sitting on Alexander's lap as he lazily trails his fingers up and down my waist. I shiver as I turn to stare at him and all he does is peck my lips. The others were all in their rooms doing god knows what and here I was with Alexander. Ricky and Daisy had come back and she looked flushed with a smirking Ricky following her. "What are you thinking about." Alex says as I turn to look at him. "Nothing" I mumble. He turn me around and I blush at our position. "Hmmm really....." his deep voice drawls out. "U-u-uhh" I say not thinking as he is really close. "Come on tell me," he says brushing his lips against mine. T-t-that's not fair I can't think straight." I pout at him. He smiles and leans down to kiss me.
I kiss back and I feel him let out a groan when I tug on his hair. "Hey guys ready to g-". "Holy shit what the hell!" "Break it up!" I hear Jackson yell. Pulling away I blush while a scowl is set on Alexander's lips. Giggling I peck his lips nuzzling my face in his neck. He wraps his arms around me pulling me close. "Dude you better quit it that's my little sister do that when it's just you to." Jackson mumbles but then gets a slap in the head as James glare at him. "What do you mean when they are alone he shouldn't even be kissing our little sister." James mutters angrily as Nadia shakes her head.
"Well guys tomorrow I was thinking if we could go out and explore the forest 🌳 🌲 🌳." she finishes as she holds Matt. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea but we just got to make sure not to wander away from the group." Alexander says.
Nodding we all sit down and turn on the t.v. Putting a movie we spend our day lounging and soon everyone starts leaving to their rooms saying a "good night".
I fell my eyes droop a bit and I feel movement next to me. I am picked up and I open my eyes and see Alexander carrying me. "Sleep" he says. Not complaining I fall asleep.
Word Count:1369

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