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Jame's Pov.

"Okay Bella we have something to take care of. Please be careful and don't let anyone inside the house. We have security cameras everywhere. Matt is already asleep and we need to take Ricky with us." I finish explaining feeling guilty for not telling her the truth. But then I remember that we are doing this to protect her. She looks at me with her big blue eyes reminding me of mom. "Okay just be careful and don't come home to late I love you guys" she whispers as she kisses all of our cheeks and locks the door.

I turn around and remove all emotion from my face. "Okay let's go." I coldly say as we all head into my car and make our way to the gang house.

Alexander's Pov.


"Ora sai tutti perche sei qui. La banda di Scorpion ha causato problemi. Dobbiamo mostrare loro che sanno che si scopa con noi. Devono sapere che siamo il numero uno per una raginoe. Va bene. Ora voglio che tutti voi ragazzi siate armati e cominciate a preparare le macchine. Non siamo stupidi quindi tiene d'occhio tutto cio che sembra fuori dall'ordinario. Ora voglio deici uomini con me e ne voglio altri venti fuori. Non giocano secondo le regolo, quindi fai attenzione. Aspetta il mio segnale e voi ragazzi vieni fuori. Capire." (Silence!Now you all know why you are here. The scorpion gang has been causing trouble. We need to show them that know one fucks with us. They need to know that we are number one for a reason. Okay

Now I want all of you guys to be armed and start getting the cars ready. We are not stupid so keep an eye out for anything that looks out of the ordinary. Now I want ten men with me and I want twenty more outside. They don't play by the rules so be careful. Wait for my signal and you guys come out. Understand.) I finish saying as I look at all my most trusted men. "Capisci il'capo." (Understand boss) They all say. I can't help but look at all of them with pride. "Ora andiamo!!!" (Now let's get going!!) I yell. We all get into action and start gabbing our weapons.

As we get to our destination I hop off the car with the five guys behind me which were Jackson, James, Nick, Ricky, and Beu. "Ohh look who it is the all mighty Alexander Knight. How have you been my friend. I heard that you are still number one here." The scorpion leader says as he mocks me. I glare at him and I see all of his men behind him. "Vai al punto, stronzo." (Get to the point asshole)I say making sure my face stays hidden of any emotion. "What you are the one that called me down here I don't know what you want." He says as he smiles tauntingly. "You know why I brought you here you have been causing a lot of chaos."

"You have been hurting innocent people and you know that all of the mafia houses agreed on a set of rules to be fair." I finish saying as I casually look for Noah and Alec and see them hiding in the shadows. I turn my attention to Damian and see him turn red. "Well you can shove the rules up your ass!! I am tired of not being able to do the stuff I want I am powerful compared to all of these people here and you expect me to hid it and not do what I want." I look at him and give him a cold icy glare. "Of course not stronzo." (Asshole)

"You are not the only one that takes into illegal things. But at least all of the Mafia houses know when to stop and not get caught. We all are linked to the police and have secret forces in their. We have good lawyers and we have businesses so that know one get suspicious about how we make so much money. I am starting to get tired of your stupidity because every time we have to clean your mess." I say as I stare at Damian. "Stop complaining and do something about your gang because next time I won't be so generous." With that I give my signal and all of my men surround the Scorpions.

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