Chapter 6

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Bella's POV.

Bella's outfit

Okay so it's been my second week living here and I can already say that things have gone good so far

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Okay so it's been my second week living here and I can already say that things have gone good so far. My brothers and I have gotten closer and have been doing good. Of course we still miss mom and dad, but we are dealing with it ok. School has been going ok and Lilly is an amazing best friend. I honestly don't know what I would do with out her and she is always keeping me on my toes. We are always going out together and she makes sure I have fun. I have notice that Alexander and I have talked more and I am more comfortable with him. Although he does glare at any guy that looks at me and he is always around me. I also notice that he likes touching me. He grabs my hand or just simply is close to me. Ricky doesn't really like this but he doesn't say anything because Nick says he is a friend and he is actually quite glad that he is keeping the boys away from me.

Any who i'm at school right now and for the past hour all I can hear is Lilly complain about some guy that won't stop bothering her. Like for every single class I have with her she won't stop and she keeps bugging me about the same thing for christ sakes. "BELLA!!!!" "Are you even listening to me!!" Lilly screams as I snap out of La La land. I jump in surprise and look at her as she starts giggling. I pout and look at her. "That wasn't nice Lill's I just zoned out for a bit." I say to her as I cross my arms. "Well I have been trying to gain your attention for the past minute and you wouldn't listen by the way Alexander won't stop looking at you. She says in one breath. I follow where she is pointing and I see that she is right Alexander is looking straight at me and even though I caught him he doesn't look away. I blush and turn to look at Lilly. Maybe he was just looking for someone else." I mumble as I look at her.

"Yeah right and I am the queen of England." Lilly snorts. I shake my head at her and put my palm under my chin. "Okay so who is this boy that won't stop bothering you. Well the thing is I don't know but i'm pretty sure he is a total asshole because he won't leave me alone what should I do. I know I should just tell him that i'm not interested yeah yeah that's what i'll do" she mumbles out to her self. I'm about to answer her when she suddenly lets out a whail. "But I can't do that!!" She says.

"Okay okay calm down point where the guy is." I say calmly. She points where he is and I can see that he is behind Alexander's table. I stand up and I hear Lilly stand up too. "Wait where are you going" Lilly yells behind me. "I am going to tell that guy to stop bugging you I casually say. Wait are you serious wait no Bell's don't do-." Her sentence gets cut off as I start to approach the guy Alexander looks at me and I smile before going behind him and tapping the other guy in the shoulder. I feel Alexander tensed and he suddenly whispers to Lilly. "What is she doing." Lilly answers right back. But I block them out.

The guy turns around and looks at me. Before he can say anything I tell him loudly like my brothers say to me to show no fear. "Hey I know you don't know me but you are kinda annoying my friend and I would like to ask you to please stop she doesn't like you and is not interested" I say in one breath. I hear Alexander and his friends snicker. He looks at me in surprise and his whole face turns red. I'm not sure if it is in anger or embarrassment but I don't think nothing of it and turn around.

I don't even make it past Lilly and Alexander before I am turned around harshly into the guy. I hear Alexander stand up and go behind me ready to punch this butt hole. "Listen you bitch I-" he doesn't finish his sentence because I stomp my foot on his and kick him in his man hood. "Listen here you butt hole don't ever touch my like that because I have 3 older brothers and 1 that is younger but can still hurt you they won't be afraid to kick your butt." I tell him angrily and turn around not caring that everyone is looking my way.

I angrily huff and make my way to where Lilly is. "He is such an ass" I angrily say. She starts to laugh and I turn to look at her and Alexander. Alec is their to and I forgot the other guys name as I am not good with names. I look up at them and see them laughing at me. I pout and stare at them. "Hey whats so funny." I say putting a hand on my hip. "N-n-nothing its just you look like an angry bunny." Lilly laughs out loud. I blush and look at her. "Hey I tried and I don't think that guy will be bothering you again. AWWWWWW thanks Bell's you are the best." Lilly says as she hugs me. That was amazing Bella who knew you could do that Alec says as he pets my hair. I look up at him and smile.

"I know I don't think I have ever done that" I say excitedly looking up at him. "Well you did use some very very bad words Bella. I hear Alexander say as he looks at me. Well I don't really like to curse but please excuse my bad language but he deserved it." I say as I look at him. He pushes past Alec and pulls me to him. Well I am very proud of you that was very brave Alexander says as he looks at me softly. I blush at our close proximity. "Well come on have lunch with us" Alec says as he pulls Lilly and Alexander hmms and he sits down with me on his lap.

Lilly smirks my way and I blush. I squirm a little bit and Alexander groans. "Sorry did I hurt you i'm sorry I was just trying to get comfortable." I say as I try to turn my head and look at him. "No you didn't hurt me but please angle stop squirming your little bum." He says as his hold on me tightens. I nod and relax in his lap. Well you might be wondering why I am letting him do this. Well he has been doing this a lot and i'm starting to get used to this. "Hey Bell were is Ricky at" Lilly says as she munches on her food.

"Well he is sick so he stayed at the house while Jackson takes care of him and Matt." I mumble and look at her. "Well I was thinking if you wanted to have a sleep over at your house so that I can fully meet your family. I can finally meet your hunk of a brother she says." Alec glares at that but didn't say anything. "Ewww that is gross Lill's I say as I shake my head at her. Well if you want you can come over for dinner at around 8'o clock.:

I say. "Ohh I have an idea you guys can come to" I say to Alec as I bounce on Alexander's lap. I hear a low moan come from him and something hard pokes my bum. "Omg omg A-aalex something poked" me I squeaked out. Alec and the guy next to him start laughing and Lilly joins them.

I am suddenly turned around to face Alex and my legs wrap around him. He groans and stuffs his face on my neck. I can still hear the other three maniacs laughing. "Baby I told you not to move Alexander grumbles out." "Sorry" I say as I blush. He look at me and smiles as he sees my face. "It's okay you don't even know what you did" he mumbles. I smile and he kisses my forehead. I smile at him and buried my head on his chest. I can feel the people start to stare and I start to get uncomfortable.

The rest of the day goes by fast and I find myself at the house with Matt in my arms. Jackson is with Nick playing COD and I am feeding Matt his bottle. "OWWW you piece of shit that's not fair!!" Nick whines as he is now loosing. "Hey watch your language Matt is hear." I shout at him. :Sorry sis won't happen again he says and I roll my eyes knowing it will happen. Anyway we are having guest over so please set up 4 extra plates for dinner. Ohh they are coming here around eight so please don't say anything stupid Nick!!" Jackson and Rick say together with me. "Hey why me" pouts Nick. "We all know the stupid shit you say dumb-ass mumbles Ricky." Hey don't be saying that Nick says in a brotherly tone.

They start to wrestle with each other and I roll my eyes. "Kids these days Matt" I say to him as he looks at me with his big eyes. Well lets see how dinner turns out today. I think as I look at my crazy brothers.


Well just wanted to say that I do know that my writing is shitty but its summer and I wanted to try something new and don't worry I am not going to become a writer this is just for fun and I hope that throughout the chapters I can get better in writing them.

Count of WORDS: 1703

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