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Daniel's Pov.

I let out a groan as I feel pain all over my body. Ughhh what the heck happened after I passed out. I think as I tried to get up. The keyword here being "tried" I couldn't get up as I felt something heavy on my waist. My eyes immediately open up and I follow the muscular arm that's wrapped around my waist and I can't help but blush as I see Noah asleep.... shirtless. I tried to get his arm off me but I can't as every time I pick it up it goes right back down and if it is even possible it gets tighter around my waist.

I start poking his chest but the only damage i'm doing is on my poor finger. "Ughh Noah get off" I say as I wiggle out of his grip. My body screams out in pain as I can already feel the bruises on me. I wince but i'm successful and stat getting up but before you know it i'm being pulled into a very naked chest. "Mmmhh just five more minutes" Noah's husky voice says. "Noah get up I have to go home" I whisper. He starts to blink his eyes open and before I know it a pair of light blue eyes are staring right back at me.

I blush at our closeness and start to inch away from his face. "Good morning" I hear him say. "Morning" I whisper and let out a sigh as he finally lets go. I get off the bed and start walking to the door getting ready to leave but stop as I pass the mirror and see what i'm wearing. I look at myself and see a big black t-shirt on me. I turn to look at Noah and see him already staring at me with a look of satisfaction. "Umm Noah who changed me" I squeak as I blush. He stands up and my eyes open wide as all that he is wearing are boxers. He gets closer and I step back getting trapped by the wall.

"I did" is all he says as he stands right in front of me. I start to open my mouth but nothing comes out and all I do is look down. "I-.. ugh I... ugh" I start to say and I feel his finger go under my chin and force me to look up at him. "I umm thank you for helping me and bringing me here you didn't have to" I mumble. "But don't ever change me with out my permission" I say glaring at him.

I see amusement in his eyes and I glare at him harder. "Kitten if you're trying to look intimidating it's not working" he says smirking at me. I blush at the pet name but I try too look taller. I push at his chest but he doesn't budge. I slip past him and start making my way to the door but my fingers don't even skim the door nob and I feel myself being tugged back into Noah's chest. "Hey before you go the doctor said to eat and then drink some pain killers as it will help with the pain." Noah finishes looking at me. I nod and feel myself being pulled out of the room.

As we go downstairs I can't help but admire the beautiful house wait no mansion. Once we get to the kitchen I smile at it as one of my favorite things to do if i'm bored or want to get my mind of things is cooking and baking. "Well the chef isn't here and I can't cook for shit unless you what me to burn the house down so we can go anywhere you like." Noah says turning red. "Umm if you don't mind I can cook breakfast." I say shyly looking at my feet. "Damm è carino e può cucinare. Sta per essere la morte di me." (Damm he is cute and can cook. He is going to be the death of me.) I hear Noah mutter under his breath. I tilt my head to the side in confusion as I don't understand what he is saying.

"Yeah you can cook something and if you want I can try to help" he says. I nod at him. "Well what would you like or what do you normally eat in the morning" I tell him playing with my fingers. "Hmm I don't know surprise me." He says. "Well would you like for me to cook you something that I eat in the mornings" I say. He nods and I smile okay lets get started I excitedly say. He gives me a little smile as he starts grabbing the stuff I need.

10 minutes later.

"No Noah no es así. Dios mío, no puedes cocinar para salvarte la vida." (No Noah not like that. Omg you can't cook to save you life.) I yell out at him my Spanish slipping out. He looks at me confused. "Look take out the green peppers and put that in" I say. He looks at me and puts them in the blender. "You know what go and sit down I will finish this by myself" I say pointing at the stool. He pouts but listens and takes a seat. "Dios Mio!" (Omg) I mutter.

Noah's Pov.

I stare at Daniel as he bounces from place to place getting everything ready. I start to think about what happened yesterday and clench my fist. "Noah Noah NOAH!!!!" I shake my head and see Daniel staring at me. "I said i'm finished. Go and get some plates and cups." He says as he looks at me. I nod and mock salute him. He glares at me and I smile innocently. "Estupido" he mutters. (stupid) I glare at him knowing I can't really understand what he is saying and he smiles at me.

Once I get the plates he starts putting some of the food he cooked. "Well I prepared a Mexican dish that my family really enjoys" he says. I look at the table and listen as he starts to name the things he cooked. "Well we have tortillas de arina, frijoles, salsa de tomate, Huevos revueltos, y salchicha."(flour tortilla, beans, tomato sauce, scrambled eggs, sausage)He finishes. My stomach growls and he laughs at that. "Ohh I almost forgot augua de melon" he says. (water of melon).

Daniles's Pov.

I wait for him to take the first bite and wait for his respond. He let's out a groan and gives me a thumbs up. I smile and start to eat. Once we finished Noah said that the maids were going to clean it up while I redundantly said okay. I drank the pain killers and felt much better. "Well Noah thanks again for helping me but I should really get going since my mom will be wondering were! I am. I say looking up at him. He nods and we go back to his room. He hands me my clothes and I mutter a "thank you" and go inside his bathroom. I change immediately. "Hey Noah can I borrow a tooth brush!" I yell. "Yeah go ahead!" he yells back. Once i'm finished brushing my teeth I go outside and hand Noah back his shirt. "Thank you once again" I say.

"No problem" Noah says smiling at me. "Well I should get going bye" I say waving at him. "Wait i'll give you a ride since you probably don't know were you are" I hear him say. I nod and he lets out a smile. "Okay wait for me downstairs" he says. I nod and go wait downstairs. 5 minutes later he is coming downstairs and grabs some keys. "Okay i'm ready lets get going" he says. Nodding I follow him out. Once we get inside his beautiful car I start telling him the directions of my house.

Once we get into my neighborhood I see my two story house and a smile makes its way onto my face seeing my little sister running outside chasing our little black pittbull who has the bluest eyes. I love how they stand out against his black fur. Once Noah stops I see Amanda stop running and look at the car as she grabs Hulk our dog. She starts to back away and I smile knowing she learned form the stranger danger rule I taught her. "Well thanks for dropping me Noah" I say and "thanks for everything" I say smiling at him. "You say thanks a lot and you don't have to thank me it's fine" he says. Nodding I open the door and step out "well thanks anyway bye" I say. He smiles at me and I shut the door. As soon as I do I hear a scream and a little body running towards me.

"Dannyyyy!!!!!" I hear Amanda scream. I pick her up and throw her in the air knowing she loves when I do that. "I missed you" she mumbles cutely. I hear Hulk's little barks and pick him up too. "Come on i'll tell you everything let's head inside first and say hi to mom first." Letting them both down they run ahead and I throw back my head laughing as I chase after them.

Noah's Pov.

I look at him through the tinted windows like a creep and can't help the smile that makes its way on my face as I see the interaction between his little sister and the little dog. I can't help but smile thinking what's in store for us in the future. I smile thinking about how he will act when we adopt knowing that we can't physically have kids but that's not going to stop me. I smile and look at him on more time and see as he throws his head back laughing. I smile one more time and drive off with Daniel still in my head.

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