Chapter 15

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Surprise :)

Daniel's Pov.

I start to walk faster from the big group guys that are currently following me. For of those that don't know me i'm 17 years old and I have blond hair and blue eyes. For a boy i'm pretty short standing at 5'9. Anyway i'm gay and not a lot of people like that as they feel uncomfortable especially the boys. "HEY FAGGOT GET BACK HERE!!! YEAH DON'T BE A PUSSY!!!" I hear some of the guys scream at me as they start to gain on me. As I was making a turn I feel myself being pulled back harshly and slammed into the lockers. Groaning in pain I stare in fear as the group of guys surround me.

"P-p-please I didn't do anything." I say feeling myself shake in fear. "Shut Up!" the leader of the group says. I shrink and a scream comes out of my throat as he punches me in the stomach. I cry in pain and he just laughs as his other friends join him and restrain me. "You faggot! Go die! You are so gross! I can't believe you are still alive! Go kill yourself!"

I try to cover myself as they continue to beat me up. I try to ignore all the mean comments that are being thrown my way, but sometimes I can't help it but feel down and think why haven't I killed myself. Then I remember my mom and little sister and my new friends Lilly and Bella. Before I know it I feel myself slipping into darkness. The last thing I hear is heavy footsteps and I see a mob of black hair. I see the stranger moving his lips but I can't hear anything and soon enough I slip into darkness.

Noah's Pov.

"Hey dude guess what" I hear Alec's annoying voice ask. "What!" I basically yell. I was not in the mood since I hadn't seen that beautiful face all day yesterday and today. 'Daniel' Dammm that kid is so cute. He is so innocent and has a beautiful smile I thank Bella for introducing us to him. "Woah someone's not in the mood" Alec teases. As we made our way into the school I could hear people talking and see people staring. We did look messed up since we still have the bruises on our face. Alexander couldn't come since he had "some things to take care of". "So as I was saying....... Hello earth tooooooo Noah I hear Alec say. I slap the hand that's in my face. What!!! I say. He pouts and glares at me. Nothing he says." I roll my eyes at him and then remember that I need to pick something up. "Hey Alec I have to pick something up from one of the teachers so go ahead i'll see you later" I say nodding my head and going the opposite way. "Kay later man!" I hear his scream.

As I get closer to the classroom I hear a cry. Furrowing my eyebrows I follow the noise and what I see makes my blood boil. Taking large steps towards the scene I basically throw Justin to the wall. "Hey what the fu-..." He trails but stops as he stares at me wide eyed. "What the fuck is your problem" I darkly say as I glare at him. I see the fear in his eyes and smirk enjoying his fear. "Hey man nothing is going on we are just teaching this disgusting faggot a lesson" One of his friends says. I turn so fast to look at him and before they can react I punch him straight in the face feeling satisfied as I hear a crack.

"Listen and pay very close attention you bother him again or I as much see you around him I will make sure you never see the day again" I darkly finish.

Before I can continue I feel myself being pushed and that is all it takes for me to attack them. I throw one of the guys across the room and punch the other one in the face. Stalking towards the fucker who started this I start to punch him not caring about anything else. "Hey Noah what-...." I hear Alec trail off. "Holy fuck Noah stop you are going to kill him" I hear him yell but right now i'm pissed how can they hurt what's mine! I feel someone pull me away or try but they aren't successful. "Noah stop man look at Daniel he is hurt i'll take care of this" Alec says. Stopping I feel my chest heave up and down as I look at a bloody Justin. I step back and hear Alec whistle. "Damm remind me not to get you angry" He says but I don't listen as I make my way over to Daniel. "Hey hey it's okay I got you" I whisper. I see his beautiful blue eyes close and pick him up. He whimpers in pain and I feel my chest tighten in pain as I look at him.

"It's okay I got you know one will ever lay a hand on you." I kiss his forehead and make my way to my car. Putting him in I am careful as I set him down and buckle him. I get in and start driving towards Alexander's house knowing he and his parents aren't home. I basically live there so it doesn't matter. Calling the doctor I tell him to be at the house asap.

Once I pull in the driveway I stop and park the car. Going to the door I open it and go back to get Daniel. I carry him and shut the car door. Heading to my room I open it and put him down. I go to one of my drawers and pull a shirt of mine. Taking off his shoes I lay him down in straight position and wait for the doctor. "Hey Noah what seems to be the problem seeing as you don't really call me" he says and then stops looking at the boy in my bed. "Ohh dear what happen to him" he says making his way to the bed. "Some kids as school" is all I say. He lets out a deep sigh and nods. "Okay well lets get him fixed up."

"Okay well he looks okay now so make sure he eats something before he takes the pain killers" Ronny says. I nod at him in gratitude and he leaves. I look at Daniel and look at his uncomfortable figure. Having a internal battle in my head I mutter a "fuck it" and slowly start taking off his clothes being careful not to hurt him. I gulp as I see his creamy white skin and can't help but stare. Shaking my head I put my shirt over him and smile as I see how baggy it looks on him. Shaking my head I grab the bed sheets and cover him. I make my way to the shower making sure to grab some Calvin Klein Black Boxers and a towel. Turning on the shower I take off my clothes and hop in.

I run a hand through my hair and put the towel on the racket. As I pass the mirror I look at myself and see the bruises kind of fading away but still their. I don't bother on putting on anything else as I like to sleep in just my boxers. Heading on to the bed I smile as I see a peaceful looking Daniel. Getting on my bed I get under the covers and pull Daniel's little form closer to me. I wrap my arms around him and stuff my face on his neck breathing in his scent. I close my eyes as I sleep with a smile on my face.

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