Chapter 14

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Alexander's Pov.

"Hey you dumb fuck leave me alone! I hear Noah scream at Alec. Hey stop n-no I hear a stutter and hear a harsh slap. OWWWW that hurt you mother fuc-." I stop listening once I hear a very familiar voice. "Hey Matt that's not funny stop giggling at me i'm trying to reach for it but I can't" I hear a very familiar voice say.

I start following the voice and find Bella standing on the tip of her toes trying to reach the creams. I chuckle at her and get closer. Reaching over her I grab the cream and she turns around ready to thank me. "Thank you so mu-." She stops as she looks at me wide eyed. "What the FRICK happen to you!" She basically yells. I smile at her use of language muttering 'how cute'. "Nothing you need no worry about Amore "(Love)I tell her. She lightly touches my face and I can't help but shiver as her small hands gently caress my face. "Does it hurt" she mumbles looking at me through her lashes.

"No i'm fine" I say pulling her closer to me. She nods looking a little bit sad. I hold the hand that's on my face and peck it. "I'm fine it doesn't hurt really now stop pouting" I say caressing her cheek. I hear throats clear and mentally roll my eyes at that. "Hi Bella how are you I hear Noah and Alec say as i'm being shoved away from Bella. I let out a growl and glare at the two idiots hugging her. I scowl at that and cross my arms. We missed you how are you Alec says. I'm fine but I can't say the same about you guys are you okay She asks looking at them. Yeah we're fine we are tough men Alec says puffing out his chest to make a point."

Bella throws her head back and lets out a laugh. Alec pouts and glares at Noah for slapping the back of his head. "So what ever happen to that Daniel kid" Noah randomly says. Bella stares at him in curiosity and slightly smirks. "He is fine but I saw this one guy looking at him and they have been getting along well" She lies. Noah doesn't seem to know as his fist clench slightly. "What's the guys name" he grits out. I stare at him smirking and Alec stares at him too. "Umm I don't know iv'e seemed to forget" Bella innocently says.

She giggles after a while smiling at him. Whispering something to Noah She smiles and I see Noah's ears turn red. She squeals and hugs him muttering something I can't quite hear. Once she backs away I can't help but glare at what she is wearing. I turn to look at my men since some of them came with me to get somethings and for protection as the smaller gangs are causing trouble with some of the Mafia houses. "Partire!!!" I yell ( Leave) They all basically run away from me seeing as i'm mad right now. "Noah Alec vattene ho bisogno di parlare ad bella di quello che indossa" I say. (Leave I need to talk to bella about what she is wearing)

"Ooh qualcuno le farà andare tutto il maschio alfa" Alec says smiling at me. (Ooh someone's going to go all alpha male on her.) "Okay, stiamo andando via, non prestiamo attenzione a questo idiota" Noah says dragging Alec away. (Okay okay we are leaving don't pay attention to this idiot.) I turn to look at Bella who looks confused. I take a couple steps and get close to her. I grab her by the waist and pull her closer as her body is flushed against mine. I feel satisfied when I hear her small gasp.

"La mia innocente bela non sai quanta attenzione ricevi dagli uomini qui. Ti guardano tutti come se fossi un pezzo di carne. Non mi piace Solo dovrei guardarti in quel modo I whisper lowly." (My innocent Bella you do not know how much attention from men here. They all look at you as if you were a piece of meat. I do not like it. I should just look at you that way.)

Bella's Pov.

I gasp escapes my mouth and I can't help but blush at our bodies that are really close. "U-u-umm I don't really understand" I dumbly say. Alexander chuckles. "Why are you wearing that outfit don't you know how tempting you are looking right now. All these men are looking at you and they shouldn't look at you that way only I should he bluntly says." I blink slowly at him and slightly whisper. "Alexander you shouldn't be so blunt" I say shyly. He smiles at me and nuzzles his head into my neck. "Non vedo l'ora che tu possa finalmente diventare mio" He whispers in his Italian tongue. (I can't wait for you to finally become mine.)

"Anyway promise that you won't wear something like this is public" he says. I struggle to get out of his hold but once I don I glare at him. "You are not the boss of me and I can wear whatever I want" I say looking at him angrily. His eyes turn a darker shade and I can't help but shrink under his heated gaze.

"Se solo tu sapessi. Tu sei mio e sembri un gattino arrabbiato in questo momento." (If only you knew. You are mine and you look like an angry kitten right now.)

I roll my eyes at him as I can't understand what he is saying. "Hey that's not fair I can't understand what you are saying." He just smiles at me. Hearing Matt's cries I gasp totally forgetting he was here. Picking him up I pull him closer to my chest turning around I bump into a hard chest. I gasp and Alexander steadies me. Before I can say anything someone interrupts. "Omg look Robert what a beautiful family. Blushing I turn to see an old couple staring at us. Oh n--n-no i-i-ts no- Before I can finish Alexander beats me to it. Why thank you mam He says pulling me close to his chest. I glare at him and he pecks my forehead. Aww well you guys are so cute together and the baby looks so much like you." The old lady exclaims to Alexander.

He just shrugs as Matt plays with Alexanders shirt. "Well we should get going honey Robert says smiling at us politely and leaving with his wife. I elbow Alexander in the ribs and get out of his strong grip. Why would you say that I exclaim. I don't know what you are talking about He says innocently. Sighing I huff out. Well I have to get going my brothers are going to be wondering were I've been. I see him nod and Alexander bends down and kisses my cheek. Getting my things I wave good bye and start walking away."

"Guys i'm home" I say making my way into the living room. I roll my eyes seeing them in the same spot as I had seen them in. "Go and help with the groceries" I say. They all nod and trample past me. Once we finish putting away everything I shoo them out of the kitchen and start getting to work.

I start rolling the dough and sprinkle flour on it. Once i'm finish with the dough I have three giant pizzas. I stat adding tomato sauce to the three of them then sprinkle in some mozzarella. For the first pizza I put in some ham and pineapple, for the next one I put some pepperoni and the last one I put in meat and pepperoni. I put them in the oven and put a timer for about 15-20 minutes.

"Guys check on the pizza and don't be so loud Matt's asleep." I go into my room and start cleaning it. Once i'm finished I grab a towel and head inside the restroom. Turning on the shower I take off my clothes making sure it is cold. Once I feel that it is right I head inside. Getting shampoo I make sure that I get all of my hair. Scrubbing my body I start to shave in all the places I need too shave.

Rinsing my body I grab some conditioner and wash my hair. I know that I shower weird but that is how I like it. Once i'm finished I dry myself and wrap the towel around me. Grabbing some undergarments I put them on. I grab some shorts and an over sized t-shirt. Brushing my hair I braid it. Slipping on some fuzzy socks I make my way downstairs. going into the kitchen I check on the pizza's. Getting some kitchen gloves I took out each pizza one by one. Letting them cool down for a little bit I start setting up the table.

I grab the juice from the refrigerator. Going inside the living room I call my brothers. "Guys come and eat foods ready" I say. Heading back they all come and thank me for the food. "Omg you made pizza thanks Bella it looks good" James says smiling at me. "Your welcome now come on lets eat" I say. They nod and start grabbing a slice.

"Mhhmmm this is so good" They all moan out.

The rest of the night was nice we ate, talked and watched a movie. Before I knew it I was falling asleep on Jackson's shoulder. I felt him pull me closer and kiss my forehead. "Night sis sweet dreams" I heard him say. I feel myself mumble something and a smile made its way onto my face.

Word Count: 1634

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