Chapter 33

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Percy's POV
I dragged my feet dramatically down the hallway into the cafeteria.

Everyone looked at me but at this point I didn't care.

Between now getting ready semester exams, my whole Annabeth 'drama', and now Octavian, I don't think I can handle this anymore.

I know, your probably thinking, 'Percy dear, don't you think your being a little overdramatic?'.

Well, probably.

But like I said, at this point, I couldn't care less.

I sat down at the lunch table and sighed dramatically.

Thalia snickered. "Way to be dramatic cuz."

I didn't even have the energy to stick my tongue out at her, so I just slumped in my seat and nodded at her.

Thalia then looked worried. "Um, Perce? You okay?"

I shook my head.

"Why?" Thalia asked carefully.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it and shrugged.

Everyone else slowly started to trickle into the lunch room and soon our usual lunch table was full.

"Hey Percy. I have some good- woah are you okay? You look like how I look when I wake up every morning."

Jason grinned at Nico. "Dead?"

Nico glared at Jason. "Yes, dead."

I heard Thalia murmur, "Death Breath."

He turned his attention to me. "Anyways, I have some good news."

I slowly sat up and looked at Nico. "Is it really good news or just good news."

Nico blinked. "Uh, I think it'll be good enough to take you out of your depressive state."

I nodded. "Proceed."

"Grover's coming back! He's finally going to settle here."

I just sat there for a few seconds and Nico looked at me worried.

"Percy? You okay? I'm sorry if you don't like the surpri-"


I danced around doing a weird happy dance while everyone acknowledged me as if it happened all the time.

Piper looked confused. "Wait, how do you know Grover?"

I stopped dancing, partly because I was out of breath. "We're best friends."

Annabeth, who I haven't spoke to in what feels like months, spoke up.

"What she means is, how do you know him if he only started to go to the school a few years ago."

"Huh? What do you mean? We've been together since we were younglings."

Annabeth looked like she wanted to say more but restrained herself, and simply returned to her 'deep in thought' look.

I continued eating my blue cookie and Nico looked confused.

"Aren't you going to ask when he's coming?"

"Nah. I already know."

Jason rolled his eyes. "How would you already know? You just found out?"

I put my hands on my hips sassily. "I just know."

Piper cocked her head to the side. "So when's he coming?"

Nico was about to answer but I beat him to it. "He's coming in," I thought for a second. "Oh! He's coming next Monday."

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