Chapter Thirteen| Apologies and Explanations

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"You know, when I said I owed you one I didn't imagine you'd make me do this."

My eyes were just barely peaking over the many bags I held in my arms as Bakugou leisurely sipped at the soda he had bought himself.

"I don't know why you're complaining, it's just three bags. Suck it up."

"It's just three bags suck it up." He shot a glare when he heard my mockery. But the playful smile on my lips seemed to have eased his growing rage. Without a word, he scooped one of the bags from my arms, allowing me to see ahead of me more clearly as we walked along the street.

"There, now stop all your damn complaining."

The calmness between us was quite odd. I mean don't get me wrong the peacefulness is nice, but it's just a bit foreign. Typically we'd be bickering back and forth, which would end with Bakugou threatening me with that obnoxious yell of his. Perhaps he was behaving himself after our little heart to heart talk back there.

The sudden sound of a phone going off from my back pocket had broken the silence. Bakugou's eyes glanced down to where the ringing was coming from, and then up at me.

"Are you gonna get that?"

"My hands are full."

He rose and eyebrow at my quick response. I knew very well who was on the other line of that incoming call. It only took her five minutes to start the nonstop calling after I had ran out of the apartment. I didn't answer them of course, because I'm still very mad about the whole ordeal.

Silence filled the space between us yet again.

That is until it began ringing for a second time.

An annoyed grunt was the first thing to come out of Bakugou as he reached for the blaring device in my pocket.

"Answer your damn phone! I can't stand the noise!"

His hand didn't hesitate in the slightest and dove right in. The blush on my face was immediate, his hand, it practically touched my ass. Though Bakugou didn't seem to care at all when he pulled the cell out. He shoved the screen into my face revealing the caller ID.

"Answer it!"

"I said I'll get it later!"

Before he could protest, the ringing had finally stopped again. The both of us stared at it intensely awaiting for the ring to go off once more. But it didn't, the only thing that had displayed on the screen was a new voicemail from my aunt. Bakugou curiously glanced at the screen before shoving it into his pocket rather than my own.

"Hey give it back!"

"What's your problem, why didn't you answer?"

He completely ignored my demand and gave a hard glare down at my frowning face. That's when it had accord to me that even though we had a heartfelt discussion, he still didn't know the real reason why I was running away. Well, I suppose it wouldn't be bad to tell him the minor details.

"I got into a fight with my aunt."

"So that's why you were running?"

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