Take away my falshbacks

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Daniel's pov

I rolled over and off my bed only to land on my feet. I stretched my arms and shook my hair. I turned around and looked at Hayes. He was awake too. "Let's go wake up Cammy and Nash." He nodded and ran out the room. I followed after. We quietly tip toed into Cammy and Nash's room. Hayes crawled onto Nash's side of the bed and I crawled onto Cameron's side. "Cammy. Cam. Cameron wake up." I whispered poking him. Hayes did the same thing to Nash. After maybe 5 minutes of doing this and then not waking up we decided to stop. "I'm still tired." Hayes yawned. I rubbed my eye and nodded. We both crawled into the middle of their bed and got under the covers. They won't mind. I snuggled into Cameron and fell asleep.

—1 hour later—

"WAKE UP!" "AHHHHHH!" I quickly grabbed the pillow and covered my head. Hayes decided my idea was smart and tried to hide under the same pillow as me. I didn't care about that honestly. I just wanted Cameron. I'm scared. "Daniel. Hayes. It's ok. It was just Carter." Hayes removed himself from under my pillow but I shook my head no and stayed there. I want Cameron. "Daniel baby it's ok. It's just Carter." I shook my head no once again but this time I let out a whimper. "Daniel. It's me Cammy. Can you take the pillow off your head please?" I slowly pulled the pillow off my head. Instead of seeing Cameron I saw a clown mask. I screamed louder and put the pillow on my head again. "I WANT CAMMY!" I cried. It got hard to breath. My vision started getting blurry. I don't want a flashback.

—flashback 1—

"WHAT THE HELL!" "'M sorry daddy." "YOU UNGRATEFUL TWERP!" I cried harder than I already was crying. "I don't mean to break it daddy. 'M sorry." "I SHOULD'VE GIVEN YOU TO YOUR NO GOOD MOTHER WHEN SHE LEFT!" I covered my ears and cried more. "SHUT UP!"

—flashback 2–
"Happy Ha-wo-ween!" "RRRAAAAAHHH!" "DADDY!" I stumbled back and fell crying. "Oh shut up. It's just a stupid clown mask get over it." He threw the clown mask at me and I backed away from it crying more. "SHUT UP!"

—end of flashbacks—

"Hey. Daniel. Daniel baby it's really me. Shh baby it's ok." The pillow was taken off my head. I screamed in pure terror. "Shh. Baby it's ok it's just me I promise." I looked up and saw Cameron. I quickly jumped into his arms and cried. "Shh. It's ok. I got you. Everything's ok." I didn't realize how bad I was crying until I started coughing. I slowly calmed down and wiped my eyes. "Did you have a flashback?" I nodded into his shoulder. "How many?" "2." "Was one about Halloween?" I nodded again. He sighed and nodded. "It's ok Daniel." He carried me downstairs and Carter and Jc were sitting. They both had tears running down their face. "Daniel. Jc and Carter have something they wanna tell you." I looked at them slightly. I don't want to see another clown. "There's no clown mask I promise. They made us throw it away." Carter said. I looked at Carter and Jc. "We're so sorry Daniel. We didn't know scaring you would cause flashbacks. So you forgive us?" Jc said. I nodded. They smiled and hugged me. "We're gonna work our hardest to take away your flashbacks ok Daniel?" Cameron said. I nodded and snuggled into his shoulder again. "I love you." I mumbled. "We love you too."

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