Starving much?¿

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Johnson's pov

It's been about a week since the new kids moved in. There's nothing wrong with them well except for Jc. He's a bully. I don't think anyone would believe me if I told them that Jc was a bully. All he does is torture me when no one is around. I try my best to stay near someone but that doesn't always happen. He calls me names and tells me I need to lose weight because I'm so fat. I hear those words Every. Single. Day. I'm starting to see why he thinks I'm fat. I have no muscles and my stomach pokes out a little. Yesterday I didn't eat at all and I worked out big time. I'm very sore and hungry but I have to lose weight and gain muscle. I can't eat another thing until Jc thinks I'm fit. We have a gym room in the house so I don't have to go far. I went downstairs and walked right past the kitchen and into our in home gym. I got to work lifting weights. I was benching more than I weigh so it was hard. I got up to 100 then got a drink of water and moved on to the next weight to lift. I was probably in here about a good 3 hours. Once finished I went upstairs and weighed myself. I lost 5 pounds. I'm not impressed. I looked in the mirror. No muscle still. I sighed and took and shower. "Hey fatty." Jc smirked as I got out the shower with nothing but a towel on. "Leave me alone Jc." I walked to my room with him behind me. When I tried to shut the door he put his hand up and pushed it open. I fell back because of how strong he is. I guess my towel fell off as he pushed me back because I felt a cool breeze all over my body. "Damn you got a small penis." Do I really? I covered myself and tried to get him out. "Chill small dick I'm leaving gosh." I was really upset now. "Fat ass bitch." He mumbled then closed my door. Finally I'm alone. I looked down at myself. I'm not that small am I? I don't think I am? Am I? I quickly got dressed and laid on my bed. Why can't I just be a sexy guy with a big dick?

-3 weeks later-

Over the past couple of weeks my routine has been the same. Get up, workout for 3 hours, get a shower, have Jc torture you, get dressed, stay in your room all day. Brent and Jacob have gotten at least 5 spanking each since they got here. Sam has received 10 and Jc has received none. I've lost 90 pounds so I only weigh 100 pounds. I bench 200 pounds. I've noticed a change. I look a lot skinnier. It still no muscle. "Jack can I talk to you please?" Cam asked coming into my room. "Sure . What's up?" "I noticed you haven't been eating and you've been working out a lot. Is everything ok?" "Yeah why wouldn't it be?" "Is there something you aren't telling me?" "No." "Jack what is going on?" "Nothing." "Jack!" "I'm fine!" "Jack Johnson what is going on!" "Jc!" I caved in. Oh I caved in hard. "He did this! He's been calling me fat for 3 weeks! He told me if I didn't lose weight no one would like me! He said if I told he would hurt me!" I was sobbing now. I couldn't handle it anymore. I was hurting myself to please one person. "Jack you're perfect the way you are. Jc is just jealous of you. He wants to get to you. He wants you starve so he can feel better about himself. Do you understand baby?" I nodded slowly. He hugged me softly trying not to hurt me. "Come on you're going to eat something." I slowly followed him to the kitchen. No but Jc was there. "Sit Jack." I sat on the other end away from Jc. Cameron put a plate of steak potatoes and broccoli in front of me. It looked so good. "One bite Jack that's all I want you to take." I took a nice big bite of the steak then didn't stop. I ate everything on that plate. "Can I have more please?" Cameron smiled and gave me more. I ate it all again now I was full. "Are you full yet?" "Im stuffed." "Good. Jc come here please." I forgot he was still here. "Yes sir?" He asked. "Are you bullying Jack?" "N-no." "Jc." Cameron had a stern deep voice when he said Jc. "Yes." "That's not how we treat people in this house. Do you understand me?" "Yes sir." "Good now lay over his lap." "W-what?" "Now Jc." Jc quickly obeyed and laid over my lap. "Jack I give you permission to spank him 40 times bare with your hand." "Can't we do 10 with paddle over pants?" "10 over underwear how's that?" I nodded. I pulled Jc's pants down as Cameron went to get the paddle. It was really quite. All I could hear was Jc's breath. When Cameron came back he handed me the paddle and said whenever I'm ready. "I'm starting ok?" Jc nodded. The first smack was hard but not to hard. I kept going until I got to 5 then made him count and made them harder. By 9 he was crying. At 10 he was wailing like a 3 year old. I hugged him tight trying to calm him down. I rocked back and forth slowly until he calmed down. "I'm sorry for bullying you Jack." "It's ok I forgive you." "Really?" "Of course. I always get forgiveness after I've done wrong and you should too." He smiled and hugged me tight. "Thank you." "You're welcome Jc."

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