Leave my girl alone!

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Jj's pov

God Tia is so beautiful. How could she choose someone like Shawn? He's weaker than Hayes! She needs a man. Maybe I can change her mind and get her to date me.

Jc's pov

How can someone so sexy go for someone so weak? Tia's got curves like no other. It's hard to believe she's Cameron's little sister. Her ass is so big. Her thighs are so thicccccc, with not two but six c's. She could ride this dick any day.

Sammy's pov

I don't even live in this house but being over here everyday has its perks. Like Tia Dallas. That girl is a dream. The way she smiles is amazing. Her laugh is perfect. Hell she's perfect. I see why Shawn picked her but why him? At least I don't get spankings like him.

Shawn's pov

I love Tia so much. She's so beautiful. Whenever I'm around her I get butterflies it's crazy. I love her smile it's amazing. It sounds like music to the sound of nature. Her eyes are like the sun and stars mixed together to shine all day without every going away. Her smile could brighten my day in my worst day. She's just amazing.

Jj's pov

I opened the front door to be greeted with Tia's smile. Amazing. "Hey Jj!" "Hey Tia! How are you?" I hugged her a little longer than I should've. I pulled away and smiled. She walked in and smiled. "Uh Shawn's in the shower right now." "Oh ok. I'll just wait here." She sat on the couch and watched tv. I sat next to her and put my arm around her. She didn't seem to mind. "So Tia." She looked at me. "Wanna hear a joke?" "Sure. Why not." "If I was lost puppy I'd follow you around." She giggled. "Cute." I smiled. It's working. "If I was a stop light I'd turn red every time you pass to to stare at you a little longer." She blushed. "That's sweet Jj but I'm with Shawn." She patted my head and walked into the kitchen. Shit.

Jc's pov
I walked into the kitchen to find Tia bent over looking in the bottom of the freezer where we keep our popsicles. Damn that ass is fine. I slowly walked over to her and put my hand on her back. She turned around and smiled at me. "Hey Jc." She stood up with a popsicle. "Hey beautiful." She blushed. "Umm." "I'm sorry I was just to busy looking for cake. I think I found it." I smirked wrapping my hands around her waist. She quickly pushed my hands off her waist. "What?" I asked innocently. "I'm not interested." She scuffed and walked away. "Call me when you need really dick in your life!" I said as she walked away.

Sammy's pov

Roses. What girl doesn't love roses? I got Tia some roses. I'm sure she'll love them. I walked in the house, I mean it's basically my second home, and saw Tia sitting on the couch. "Hey Tia!" She looked at me and smiled. "Hey Sammy! Who's the roses for?" I blushed. "You. Someone so beautiful like you deserves all the roses in the world." I gave her the roses. I probably had huge hearts eyes right now. I probably look dumb. "Thank you Sammy but no thank you. I'm with Shawn." She sympathetically smiled at me and handed me the roses. "No. Keep them. They're for you. Even if you don't like me back I want you to keep them." She nodded. "Thank you Sammy." I smiled. What's this feeling in my chest? No. No way. It can't be. "Hey...um. Where's.." "Jj is in the backyard." I nodded and went to the backyard. Tears welling up in my eyes. I wiped them away. This can't be happening to me.

Shawn's pov

I walked down the stairs and smiled as I saw Tia waiting for me. "Hey baby." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "I missed you cutie." I smiled "I missed you too." "Shawn. Please get your friends. They keep hitting on me and I only want you baby." She hugged me. "Who's hitting on you?" "Jj, Jc and Sammy." I nodded and held her. "Jc makes me uncomfortable." Her voice was a little shaky. I held her tighter. "It's ok baby. I'll get them to stop." She nodded and just laid her head in my chest. I picked her up and sat on the couch. She snuggled into me and watched whatever was on tv. Sammy and Jj walked in as soon as she got comfortable. "Hey can I talk to you guys?" They nodded. I kissed Tia and put her on the couch. I walked into the kitchen. I noticed Sammy looked like he just finished crying. "Can you guys not hit on Tia please? She doesn't like it." Jj looked furious. Sammy broke down into tears. I was shocked I don't know what to do. "Hey Sammy it's ok. You guys can still be friends." He looked at me. "You're so lucky Shawn. Please don't hurt her." I smiled sympathetically. "I won't Sammy." He wiped his tears away and looked at her and sighed. "She's amazing." I smiled and agreed. He chuckled softly. "I can't believe I'm crying over a girl." He chuckled and looked at me. "She's a special one." I spoke and smiled. Sammy nodded. "I'm gonna head out. Later Jj. Bye Shawn." Him and Jj did their handshake and Sammy left. "So are we good?" I asked Jj. Jc came in around the same time I asked. "What you guys talking about?" "Little prick she should be with me!" Jj spat. It caught me by surprise. "Tia needs a real man you guys." Jc said. Now I was mad. "Both of you leave her alone. She's mine and mine only!" Before I knew it Jj throw a punch at me and Jc. Jc swung and hit Jj them me. I punched them both. This isn't going to end well. "OH MY GOSH! GUYS STOP!" Tia Cameron and Nash all pulled us apart. Nash held Jj, Cameron held Jc and Tia held me. "What the hell is going on?" Cameron asked furiously. "I asked Jj to stop hitting on Tia because she was uncomfortable. Jc came in as we were talking and said she needed a real man. Jj lost it and punched me and Jc. Then Jc punched Jj and me and I punched back." Cameron sighed and took Jc by his ear to his room. Before he left he spoke. "When I'm done with Jc you'll get yours." I nodded and sighed. Nash dragged Jj to his room. "I'm proud of you for fighting for me." Tia smiled and kissed my bruised cheek. I smiled. She hugged me. I, of course, hugged back. She smacked my ass making me yelp. "I love you baby." She giggled. "SHAWN!" "I love you." She kissed me and sat on the couch. I walked to Cameron's room. "Bed. Now." I laid over the bed. He gave no warning and just rained down smacks. I cried at the first smack. At 20 I was a mess. By 30 I felt like I couldn't breath. "Come here baby." He pulled me into his lap. I listened to his heart beat and tried to calm down. I calmed down a lot quicker than normal. I should do that more often. "Go to Tia and be nice." "Yes sir." I went downstairs and cuddled with Tia.

Jc's pov

"I can't believe you Jc! You hit on my sister then fight Shawn over her?" I looked down. I'm not the best person I guess. "Bed. Now. Don't try to argue." I laid across the bed. Without warning he laid down hard smacks. By 20 I was crying. At 30 I was balling like a baby. He pulled me up and hugged me. "It's ok. Calm down. It's ok. Shhh baby. It's ok. Everything is ok. You're forgiven." I finally calmed down after 10 minuets. "Go sit in your room." I nodded and whispered "M'sorry." I walked out and to my room. "I want you to apologize to Shawn and Tia before you go." He said as I walked out then yelled for Shawn. Shawn walked up the stairs. "I'm sorry Shawn." "I forgive you." He hugged me. I hugged back then went to apologize to Tia. "Hey Tia. Umm. I'm sorry." "It's ok. I forgive you." I sniffed and went to my room.

Jj's pov

Nash spent no time getting to the spanking. I cried. After 30 I was balling and couldn't breath. "Shh baby it's ok." Nash held me to his chest. "Follow my breathing ok? In. Hold. Out. In. Hold. Out." I finally calmed down after 20 minuets. "I want you to apologize to Shane and Tia ok? Then you can go lay down." I nodded and stood up. I hugged Nash a little longer then walked out. I went downstairs and looked at them. "Shawn. Tia." They looked at me. "I'm sorry. I should've respected the choices that were made. I'm sorry." "It's ok. I forgive you." They spoke in sync. She giggled and he chuckled. I guess I should be happy because they're happy. I walked to my room a laid on my bed.

Jj, and Sammy's pov

I think I'm in love.


I'm sorry I took so long to update. I put a date on when I'd update and it didn't happen. I got really busy and just haven't had time. I'm sorry but I'll try and update as much as I can.

My House, My RulesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ