Sick & grumpy Tay Tay

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Taylor's pov

I woke feeling like shit. My head hurt. My stomach was in nots. I think I have a fever too. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. "MORNING!" Everyone screamed or at least it sounded like it. "Morning." I grumbled and went to the kitchen. "Taylor go get dressed we need to leave soon." Cameron rushed out packing lunches. "Where are we going and why." "Out and because we need to now go." "No!" He looked taken back at first. "Taylor you got five seconds to go to your room and get dressed and come back with a new attitude." I groaned and went to get dressed. I slipped on sweats and a shirt. I left my hair messy because I'm to lazy to fix it. I put on random shoes and went back downstairs. "Everyone in the bus." Cameron said. I went to the very back of the bus and sat alone. I had my book bag which held my chargers, laptop and, school books. I have homework to do so I decided to bring it with me. "Hey Taylor." Hayes beamed and sat next to me. "Hi." I said softly taking out my homework. "Are you ok? You look sick." He always knows when I don't feel good or I'm sad or mad. "Just a little cold I guess. I'll be fine." "You should tell Cameron so he won't get mad at you if you refuse to do things." "I'm fine Hayes. Thanks for checking on me though bud." He smiled then went back up to the front. I silently worked on my homework throughout the whole ride. No one messed with me so that was good. We arrived at a hotel and everyone got off. I was the last off. It was loud outside and in the hotel. I could barely hear myself think. "SHUT UP!" Everyone looked at me and Cameron was the only one that looked angry. Hayes gave me a sympathetic smile. Cameron quickly have everyone a room key and went to their rooms. I'm paired with him great. I get to the room and put my stuff down. "Over my knee." "No." Wrong choice of words. Cameron pulled me by my arm over his lap and started to spank me. I wasn't going to cry if anything I was going to throw up any minute. After the 20th smack I threw up all over the floor, his leg and my hands. "Oh Taylor why didn't you tell me you were sick." He slowly pulled me up and looked at my face. "I didn't want to worry you." "I wouldn't have spanked you if you would've told me you're sick." He sat me on the bed and went to get extra clothes. I was really to weak to do anything but talk I started to lay down but Cameron noticed and made me sit up. "Taylor sit up for me please." I whined but sat up. "Stay right there I'm gonna go get you water." He walked away for a few then came back with two glasses of water. "Drink this." I was shaking. I could barely lift my hand. He held the water up to my lips. I took huge gulps of water. Feeling better half way through but drunk the rest. "Can you take a short alone or do you still need help?" I thought for a few seconds then decided to shower on my own. "I can do it." "Ok be careful." I nodded then got up and showered. I had the water really hot so I could breath. As soon as the water hit my body I felt relaxed. I could breath too. I washed off my body then just let the water run on my body. My pores unclogged and my body felt at peace finally. "You ok in there Taylor?" "Yeah. I'm fine." I got out and dried off. I got dressed and walked out. Steam left the bathroom as I walked out. "Here drink this." Cameron handed me a Sprite. I drunk some of it then sat on the bed. "Good thing we have nothing to do today. Tomorrow we're going to an amusement park. Hopefully you'll be better then." "I should. I should also be done with my homework. I got a few more things to do then I'm done." "Go ahead and do them I'm gonna go check on the boys." He walked out and I grabbed my homework. I drunk a little more of my Sprite and worked. I finished as soon as Nash walked in. "Cam told me to check on you." "I'm ok. I promise." I chuckled and drunk my drink. "I figured. Have you finished your home work?" "Yes sir." "Ok well just take a nap until he gets back he went to get food." "Ok." Nash walked out and I finished my drink. I laid on my bed and fell asleep quickly. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow.

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