Bad day for Cam

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Cameron's pov

I've isolated myself from everyone today. Why you may ask. Well we had to put my dog Jake down today. I've been taking it really hard. Nash has came to check on me but I just pushed him away. Carter came and and tried to get me to eat but I didn't budge. I laid in my bed mourning the death of my beloved Jake. I've ignored phone calls and I let everyone on social media know why I'm not posting today and why I'm upset. I know if I leave my room I'll lash out on one of the boys then feel guilty so I stayed in my room for safe measures. I hate this so much. Why did it have to be Jake? Why? Why lord why? I cried into my pillow. "I miss him so much." Crying made me feel better almost. I sat up in my bed and sniffled looking at pictures of Jake on my phone. "I miss you so much Jake." Tears cascaded down my face and onto my phone. Loud sobs left my mouth as I fell back into my pillow. I sounded like a 2 year old who didn't get his way and decided to have a tantrum. I kicked and screamed and cried begging fur this to be a dream but it wasn't. Jake was gone and he was never coming back.

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