Cam's plan pt. 2

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Shawn's pov

He kissed her! G actually kissed her! Tia let him kiss her! How could she? "Tia!" They both looked at me. "Shawn baby it's not what it looks like." Tears formed in my eyes. "How could you G? You knew I was with her!" "Shawn baby let's talk this out." "No! We're over! You cheated on me! With my best friend! You lied to me! And you G. What kind of friend are you? You knew we were dating! You know I love her! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I punched him in his face. "You're gonna regret that you stupid bitch!" G swung at me but I moved away. We were full on fighting now. Tia was screaming for us to stop. Nash and Cameron pulled us apart. G had blood running from his nose, lip and both cheeks. I had blood coming from my nose. Nash dragged me upstairs. "Shawn Peter Raul Mendes I'm very disappointed in you!" "He fucking kissed her!" "That doesn't give you the right to fight him." I was quickly pulled over his knee and hard smacks rained down on my ass. He was using the belt. I don't know how many I was getting. I didn't care either. I was to upset and furious to think about the physical pain. All I could feel was the emotional pain they caused me. When Nash pulled me up he saw I wasn't crying nor was I affected at all by the spanking. He tried to hug me but I pushed away. I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I wiped off the dried blood from my nose. I hopped in the shower and washed off any more blood I couldn't see. Once I finished I put on new clothes and laid in my bed. How could they? Did they always have something? Was I to blind to see it? Am I not good enough? Cameron walked in. "Hey Shawn." "Go away." "I know it hurts Shawn. It just shows she's not the one." I looked at him. "You aren't making things better Cameron." "I'm just saying that girl Tessa is really sweet." Her and Tia hate each other. That's it! I can get back at her by dating Tessa! "You gave me an idea." "Glad I could help bud."

Tia's pov

I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. Now I lost Shawn. Cameron came down and looked at me. I was basically in a puddle of tears and blood. "Aww sis." He came to hug me but I pushed away. "I didn't fucking cheat on him. G kissed me!" "Calm down you're gonna make yourself sick." I pushed him out my way and ran out the house. I can't anymore. I'm going home. "Tia! Where are you going?" Cameron yelled. "Home!" I yelled not turning back. "I miss mom anyways!" I couldn't let him see me like this. I walked to my house and didn't look back. I couldn't look back. It hurt to much. One I got into my temporary house I went in and started packing. My "guardian" I guess you could say looked at me. "What happened?" "Shawn. He thinks I cheated on him with his best friend but I didn't. He kissed me and I tried to tell Shawn he kissed me but he wouldn't listen and then he started beating G up and I-I couldn't do anything and now I lost Shawn and I'm going home." I don't know how I said that in one breath but I did. "I understand your upset. I'll let you cool off before we make any real decisions here. Is that ok?" I just nodded and kept packing as she left my room. Once I finished packing and just sat on my bed. My room was full now. I took all my posters off the walls and doors. I took every picture of me and Shawn off. I didn't do anything to them yet I just put them in a bag. I stripped my room and everything I had basically. "Tia honey maybe you should go for a walk at the park. Cool off a little." I nodded and got up. I put on shoes and walked to the park. The entire walk my head down and my hands were in my pocket. When I got to the park I heard a very familiar giggle and a oh too familiar voice. Shawn and Tessa. Seriously? Is he? I looked up and saw them talking. She was giggling at whatever he was saying. I felt stuck like I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. I saw them lean in to each other. I couldn't even blink now. My worst nightmare coming to life. They kissed. I loud heart wrenching sob left my mouth. Shawn looked at me along with Tessa and everyone else. Tessa had a smirk while Shawn tried to seem tough but I could tell he was hurting and wanted to comfort me. As if on cue as Shawn got up I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I ran all the way to my "home" and slammed the door. "What happened?" "He fucking kissed her. He kissed her. HE KISSED TESSA!" Hot fresh tears ran down my face. Before my "guardian" could say anything. I ran to Cameron's house.

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