Stand Up To Bullying

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Hayes's pov

"Hayes get up. Get ready for school." I groaned at Cameron's words and got out of bed. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I only ate a apple because well I'm not hungry. "Here's your lunch. Have a good day at school." Nash kisses my head and I ran off to the bus stop before Cameron could offer to drive me. The bus arrived and I got on. I sat in the first seat that was open which happened to be right behind the bus driver. I always sit here so it doesn't really matter where the other kids sit as long as I have a seat. When the bus cane to a complete stop I got off and ran to my class room, well I tried to. The 8th graders caught me before I could step into the class room. "Awww is the little baby tryna get to class? Pathetic." Derek was the head leader and the strongest. There's only three of them. It's Derek, his twin brother Luke, and his girlfriend Stacy. They all hate me. "Look brat my brother and his friends want to meet you. They think you're cool. My sister wants to meet you too. Don't disappoint us." Luke evilly smiled at me. "Meet us at the back of the school right after school. Don't be late."  Derek pushed me into my class room making me trip over my shoelace. I luckily didn't fall. I walked to my seat and sat there nervous. What if it's a trick? What if they just want to hurt me? Why does it have to be me?

-after school-

I went to the back of the school. Derek and Luke were waiting for me. "Slow ass baby." Luke mumbled them went to get his brother, sister and their friends. "So this is Hayes. He's a little small for a 7th grader. How old are you kid?" The tallest guy asked. I'm guessing he's Derek and Luke's brother. He looks like a high schooler. Like G and JJ. "Are you deaf or something? Answer me!" "I-I-I'm 12." I was suddenly pushed to the ground. "You're a baby huh? How cute. Do you still wear diapers to bed? Does your mommy and daddy tuck you in at night? Do they read you bedtime stories? What's your bedtime 9?" They were all laughing at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Awww he's gonna cry. Quick someone find his pacifier." This time it was their sister who said it. It really hurt. Before I could say anything I was kicked in my no no square. I let out a loud high pitched cry. I was being kicked at from every angle. Insults were being thrown at me from left and right. I couldn't take it. I was crying so hard I didn't realize they had left. I sat there wiping my eyes and trying to calm down. Once u was calm enough I got up and went home. I didn't have any bruises so that was good. Once I got home Cameron and Nash were screaming at me. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?! WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!" I opened my mouth to speak but I was silenced by Cameron pulling me over his knee. He rained down the spankings as I yelped and pleaded for him to stop. After 30 smacks I was hysterical. I couldn't breath. My head was hurting. My throat was hurting and my butt was hurting. When Cameron finished he tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed away and ran to my room. I locked my door and packed a bag of clothes and all the money I had. I unlocked my door and jumped out the window. It wasn't a far fall. I ran and ran and ran. I don't know where I was going but I was going. When I stopped I saw I was no where near home. I went into an alley and cried. I'm not going back there. It's nothing but torture. I'm staying here. No matter what people say.

Nash's pov

Hayes has never rejected comfort after a spanking. I went up to his room and opened his door to see he was gone. "MY BABY BROTHER IS MISSING!!" I screamed and grabbed my hair. I think I'm gonna die. Everyone walked in to see what I was talking about. My baby brother is out in the world somewhere. He could be lost or hurt or even worst dead. I started to have s panic attack. He's gone. Cameron gently put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him my face red with anger. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! HE WOULD'VE NEVER RAN AWAY IF YOU WOULD'VE LET HIM EXPLAIN!" I was boiling. Cameron gave me a look of sorrow and went to his room. I grabbed a picture of Hayes, my phone and keys and went to search for him. I'm not resting until I find my baby. I don't care if it takes days, weeks, months, years. I won't rest until he's safe in my arms. We live in LA so he can't be that far. He's only been gone for 30 minutes. I'm not calling the cops until it's been 24 hours. I drove around LA for an hour. I can't find my baby. I got out my car and went down an alley way. "Hayes? Are you in here? Say something baby. It's me Nashy." "N-n-Nashy?" I looked down to my right foot and saw Hayes curled into a ball. "Oh my good Hayes." I picked him up and hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry I won't let Cameron do that to you again I promise." "N-n-Nashy m-m-mean kids p-p-pick on m-m-me at s-s-school t-t-that's why I w-w-was l-l-late." He started crying into my neck. I rubbed his back and walked to the car. "It's ok baby. I'll get them to stop." I put him in the backseat and drove home. When I got home he was sleeping peacefully. I carried him inside and sat on the couch. I held him close to me not wanting to let him go. Cameron came down with tears in his eyes and a sad smile. I looked at Hayes to see he was sound asleep. I rocked back and forth and silently hushed Cameron. Cameron sat next to me and played with Hayes hair whispering his apologies. I smiled at Cameron and cuddled with Hayes on my chest. "I will never ever let anyone hurt you again." I whispered and kissed his head. He shifted slightly and snuggled into me further. I smiled and held him close. Cameron wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep just like that. I love both of them equally and wouldn't want to change it for the world.

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