Party time!

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Carter's pov

So everyone has a meeting today except for me and Daniel. Perfect time to throw a party! The meeting is kind of late which is perfect. I hid all the party supplies under my bed. Surprisingly they fit. Jj Hannon is bringing the drinks. He's a close friend. "Ok our meeting is at 6:00.." "Take care of Daniel. Make sure he eats. You guys will be eating out. I got this Cam." He smiled and laughed. "I was gonna say we're leaving in a few hours. You're aloud to have a friend over. I prefer anyone but Jj Hannon. He's a bad influence on you." "Yes sir." He just smiled. Little does he know as soon they leave this house will be so lit! "I'll go tell Daniel all the the times and see what he wants for dinner." Cameron nodded as I run up the stairs to Daniel and Hayes's room. Hayes was out back and Daniel was in his room. "Hey Daniel. How ya doin buddy?" "I'm good." He looked at me then caught on to what I was doing. "What do you want?" I shut the door and smiled evilly. "You're going to bed early tonight." "What? Why?" "I'm throwing a party and I don't need little kids around." "Does Cameron know?" "No one but you and the people I invited so keep your mouth shut got it?" "Got it." "Good now what do you want for dinner?" "Pizza is fine." "Ok I'll have Jj pick up chips and salsa on the way here." "You know cammy doesn't like Jj." "Shut it." I called up Jj. "Hey bro what's up?" "Yo Jj pick up some chips and salsa when you eat the drinks ok? They're leaving in like 3 hours so I'll text you when they leave." "Sounds good. This party is gonna be so fucking lit!" "I know we're gonna be the most talked about for months!" "I gotta go dude. I'll see you later." "See ya later." I hung up and smiled at Daniel. "What now?" "We're gonna have bonding time." "Eww." "I know. Just help me sneak out and buy lots of snacks ok?" "But I'll get in trouble." "No you won't." He huffed and nodded. "Hey me and Daniel are gonna run to the store really quick. Anyone need anything?" I asked as I pulled Daniel to the door. "No we're good." Cameron spoke. I nodded and took the keys and drove to the store. "I'll be nice and let you pick out some junk food ok? Nothing childish." Daniel nodded and grabbed an arm full of the most unhealthiest junk food. "Whoa kiddo. It's a party. We want them to have fun not diabetes." He just shrugged and walked over to all the candy and put like 7 bags of each. "They're gonna be on sugar highs when they leave." I chuckled and went to check out. There was a really cute girl there. She couldn't be more than 16. 17 at the most. "Hey I'm throwing a party tonight. You should come." She smiled. "Text me the details and I'll be sure to stop by." She handed me my receipt with her number on it. "See you then beautiful." I winked and grabbed all the bags and left. "That's how you do it Daniel." I'm smirked putting everything in the car. He just got in the car and waited for me to pull off. When we got home I snuck all but one bag of candy into my room. Daniel walked in with the bag of candy and I acted like I had just walked in with him. "Where having a movie marathon tonight so we went and got candy." I knew Cameron was wondering so I came up with that. He nodded and kissed Daniels head. "Well we're leaving now so have fun." He kissed my head and left with everyone else. I quickly texted the beautiful girl and Jj. I told Jj they were gone. Jj showed up about ten minutes later and helped me set up. The girl, who's name I found out was Tia, said she was moving near so she'd come scope the neighborhood out. She arrived early and helped us set up as we set up I made sure Daniel got dinner and kept setting up. "Ok people are gonna start showing up in about 10 minutes so go upstairs get ready for bed then go to bed." Daniel looked upset with me. "You're not gonna tuck me in?" "You're a big boy you can do yourself." Tia looked at Daniel. "I'll do it sweetie." Daniel smiled and grabbed her hand and led her to his room smirking at me as she followed him. That smooth bitch. "Bro you're letting a little kid steal your girl." "Shut it Jj." Soon people stared arriving. Let's get turned the fuck up!

-3 hours later-

Daniel's pov

After Tia tucked me in I slept for maybe ten minutes but I woke up to loud music. There was screaming and music and laughter. It was so loud I didn't like it. I walked out of my room and downstairs. It was hot and smelled terrible. People were everywhere I couldn't find Carter, nor Jj or Tia. I was scared. People were everywhere. Before long I ended up in a corner. I want Cameron. I started crying. I don't know how long I was crying or how long my head was down but when I looked up Cameron was there picking me up. "Hey it's ok baby." I cried into neck. "Shhh it's ok." He walked somewhere quite which I soon realized was his room. "Tell me what's going on baby." "Carter threw a party and told me not to tell and he had Jj help him and everyone is drunk and and and..." I was basically screaming now. "I scared!" Cameron rocked me back and forth. "Shhhh baby don't cry. I got you it's ok." After what seemed like forever I finally fell back asleep.

Cameron's pov
I went downstairs and turned the music off. Everyone booed "EVERYONE HAS 1 MINUTE TO GET OUT IF THIS HOUSE BEFORE THE COPS ARE CALLED!" Within seconds the house was cleared. I caught Carter Jj and..TIA! "Hold it you three." They all stopped and turned around. Tia went wide eyed. "Cammy?" "Tia." "You know each other?"
Carter was shocked. "That's my sister Carter." "You didn't tell me this was his house!" "You didn't tell me you knew him!" "I'm just gonna go." "Park it Jj." He quickly sat on the floor. "I'm disappointed in all of you. Well not you Jj I figured you'd do something like this but you two I'm very disappointed in you." "Thank Cam." Jj smiled. God he's drunk. Carter and Tia rolled their eyes at him. "Tia you're lucky I don't call mom." She looked down ashamed. "Carter I've lost all trust in you. Did you even know where Daniel was?" "In his room?" Carter spoke more of a question. "The poor kid was in a corner crying. He was terrified." Carter looked down. "Tia go home. Jj you can stay the night. Before you go Tia help them clean this up." They all started cleaning. I can't believe Carter.

-next morning-

I woke everyone up. I made Jj go home after breakfast. I sat on the couch while everyone else went about their business. "Carter." He quickly shuffled over to me and laid over my lap. "Good boy. You get 40 with the paddle ok?" "Yes sir." I sighed. "I'm starting." I quickly started before he could answer after 30 he's was a crying mess. "Almost there Carter ten more to go." I quickly finished and cuddled him. He laid there trying to calm himself down. After a few minutes of him trying and failing he laid his head on my heart and followed my breathing and heartbeat. He finally calmed down. "I'm sorry Cameron. I just wanted to be a stupid teenager and have fun. I'm sorry." "All is forgiven at least from me. You need to apologize to Daniel." He nodded and wiped his face. "You can do it now or after a nap. Which one?" "Now." I nodded and let him go.

Carter's pov

I walked outside to Daniel. He was looking at the sky. "Daniel?" He looked at me. "Yeah?" "I'm sorry kiddo. I should've listened to you and not thrown that dumb party. Also I'm sorry I didn't check on you at all." He nodded. "It's ok." He smiled. I smiled and picked him up. He squealed and started laughing as I blew raspberries on his stomach. "Carter!" I set him down. He tagged my leg and ran. "You're it!" I followed after him. Soon everyone was playing. I turned the corner and saw Tia coming up to me. "Hey! What's are we doing?" She smiled. "We're playing tag." She nodded and played with us. After about an hour of playing outside we all went inside to eat. Once finished we sat outside and watched the sun set. Daniel was in my lap snuggled up. Tia was in between me and Cameron. All the guys love Tia I just hope she gives me a shot. We all started joking around talking about old memories. This is how it's supposed to be. No one hurt. No one scared and no one sad. The perfect family.

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