Busy week

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Cameron's pov

We have a very busy week this week. Shawn, Daniel and the Jacks are recording. Nash and Hayes have a doctors appointment. Taylor has tutoring all week. Aaron is sick with the flu. Carter is going back home to see his family. Then Matt and I have meetings all week. This is going to be hell. I know Nash will watch Aaron while I go to the meeting with Matt but I'm scared to leave Taylor alone with his tutor. Also I'm scared to leave Daniel alone with Shawn and the Jacks. Hayes will be with Nash and Aaron. God I wish Mahgony was here. As if right on que the doorbell rung. "I got it!" Nash called as I took Aaron's temperature again. "MAHGONY!" Oh thank god she's here. "I'll be back Aaron ok?" He nodded and turned over. I walked out and closed his door. "Hey Cameron!" I hugged her tight and smiled. "Hey Mahgony. How are you?" "I'm great. I see you've been holding up pretty well." "Yeah but I do need your help right now." "Sure. Anything from my little brother. What's up?" "We have a very busy week this week. I need someone to watch Taylor and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I also need someone to watch Shawn, the Jacks and Daniel." "Who's Daniel?" Oh that's right she doesn't know. "He's a new member of this family. Do you wanna meet him?" "Of course!" "DANIEL!" I heard his little feet patter around until he found me. "Yes Cammy?" "Aww he's so cute." He blushed. "Thank you." "Mahgony this is Daniel. Daniel this is Mahgony." "Hi Mahgony." He waved and smiled. "Hi cutie. Pleased to meet you." "Pleased to meet you too." "Ok umm I can call Carlos to watch Taylor and I stay with Daniel is that cool?" Mahgony asked while Daniel hugged her. He's very cuddly. "Yeah. That's great. Thank you so much." "No problem. I'm always here to help." "Is she staying the night Cammy?" "If she wants to." "Will you Mahgony?" "Of course babe." He squealed and went back to his room. "Where is everyone?" "In their rooms I think." "Cameron." Aaron called. "I'll be back I need to check on Aaron. Umm Nash can you show her her and Carlos's room please?" "Yeah sure." I walked into Aaron's room. Poor Aaron he wanted to cry I could tell by the look on his face. "What's wrong?" "It hurts." Tears where falling down his face. He hates being sick and I hate seeing him sick. "I know it hurts but I'm doing all I can to make you better. The doctor told me I can't give you painkillers with the medicine you're taking. I'm sorry love." "I want my mom." "She's not here Aaron." He's so vulnerable when he's sick. He wants nothing but love and I hate that I can't give it to him. "Nash is gonna watch you tomorrow after the doctors appointment ok?" "Noooo. I want you." "I have to go to meetings all week I told you that." More tears fell and small sobs came from him. "Shhh Aaron I won't be gone long I promise." "I don't want Nashy I want you." "Maybe if you're better by tomorrow you can come with me ok?" He nodded and sniffled. "Now get some rest ok? I have to check on everyone else." "No stay please." I sighed and rubbed his head. "I'll be back." He shook his head and pouted. I picked up the teddy bear I gave him a long time ago. "Hold him. He misses you a lot Aaron." "But he's a bear." "A bear that loves you." He looked at it then held it to his chest. "There you go. Now I'll be right back." I walked out and to the game room to see Taylor playing video games. "Taylor. Turn off the game and go upstairs." "Why?" "Cause it's easier for me to keep up with everyone. Just please go ok? Aaron is still sick and if he's not better by tomorrow all hell is gonna break lose when I leave." He sighed and did as told. I walked right behind him and saw everyone snuggled on the couch watching a movie. "What movie are we watching?" Taylor asked picking up Daniel and sitting him in his lap. "Happy feet. Daniel and Hayes wanted to see it." Nash said. I walked to Aaron's room to find him sleeping peacefully. Almost like a baby. I laid down next to him and fell asleep. Hopefully he's better by tomorrow.

-next morning-

"Cameron. Cameron. Cam. Cammy. Get up." I opened my eyes to see Aaron awake and looking a lot better. He sounded a lot better too. "Yes Aaron?" "Can I go with you and Matt to your meetings now?" "We'll see. What time is it?" "11 o'clock." Good I have time to fix breakfast and everything. "Ok." I got up and stretched. I walked into the kitchen and saw breakfast already made. "I made breakfast for everyone so you could sleep in late." Mahgony smiled. "Thank you Mahgony. That's very thoughtful of you." I sat down and ate. Aaron actually ate all his food and drank only orange juice. "Ok everyone go get ready for the day." Me and Mahgony said at the same time. They laughed then went to get dressed. "Thank you so much Mahgony." "No problem. I love you guys like my brothers. I'll be happy to help any time just call me." We hugged then went to get dressed. I dressed nicely. Not to classy and not to casual. Everyone came down ready to go. "Ok Carter you ride with Taylor and Mahgony. They're gonna take you to the airport. Hayes you stay with Nash at all times. Daniel Shawn and Jacks. You'll be with Mahgony's boyfriend Carlos. Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble. Matt and Aaron you're with me." Everyone nodded and smiled. "Teamwork on 3." I said and put my hand in our circle. "1." The older ones called putting their hands in. "2." The younger ones followed along giggling. "3." Me, Nash and Mahgony said. "Teamwork!" Everyone said bye to everyone and out the door we all went. I made sure Aaron and Matt were with me then drove off. "Cameron how long will the meetings be?" "I don't know hopefully not to long." Matt nodded and returned to his phone. Aaron was playing with Matt's hair which Matt liked so he didn't mind. "Hey Aaron?" "Yeah?" "What's your favorite hair style out of these?" Matt handed Aaron the phone. "I don't like any of them to be honest. At least not on you." "It's not for me. It's for Carter. We have a bet that he isn't aloud to get a spanking for the whole time he's with his family. I think he's gonna lose because well he's Carter." I chuckled. "What if he does win?" I asked. "I have to clean his room." Everyone shuddered at the thought of cleaning Carter's room. "You better hope you win or it's bye bye innocents." Matt shock his head. "I will win because Carter always gets in trouble for talking back. This will easy." "Don't speak to soon Matt Carter can always learn to bite his tongue even for just a week." "You think so Cam?" "You never know Carter has his ways." I pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. "We'll discuss this after the meeting."

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