A welcome home spanking

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Brent's pov

I'm so happy to be here. This is a dream come true. I wonder if Cameron's as strict as everyone says he is. I hope not. I wanted to come here to get away from spankings. Maybe it'll be worth it in the end. "Cameron?" "Yes Brent?" "Can we stop at the next gas station? I need to pee really bad." I wasn't lying I really needed to pee. "Why didn't you go before we left?" "I didn't have to pee." That was a lie I was just scared to ask. "Brent I told you we weren't stopping you're just gonna have to wait until we get home." "But I really need to go I can't hold it that much longer." "Brent. Just hold it. We're almost there." I sat back holding my crotch tightly and bouncing my legs. If we don't get home soon I'm gonna piss myself. I bit my lip and looked out the window. Bad idea. Ocean water was all around us. "Cameron how far are we?" "5 more minutes Brent you can hold it." I whined. "No I can't." "Don't argue with me Brent." I whined louder. "I need to go." He sighed and kept driving. I was seriously on the edge of pissing myself. "Brent why didn't you go before we left?" "I-I-I was scared to ask." I said quietly. "Brent speak up." "I was scared to ask." "Why were you scared?" "I don't know." "Brent." "Because I was scared you would say no." "Why would I tell you no?" "Because you don't like me." "I just met you Brent. I'm not gonna judge you ever. No one will." I nodded. "I'm sorry." "I forgive you but you're getting spanking for lying to me." I nodded and waited until we got home. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and released myself. It felt so good. Once I was out of the bathroom Cameron showed me to my room. "This is your's and Jacob's room." I nodded and looked around. Big enough for us. "Follow me." I followed him to the big room. It was his room. "Bend over the bed." I did as I was told. I learned that fighting back makes it worse. "I'm only giving you 20 since you lied twice ok?" "Ok." I closed my eyes and braced myself for my first spanking in my new home. "I'm starting." The first smack wasn't as hard as I expected but the intensity increased as he got closer to 20. By 15 I had tears on my face. Once the last smack was delivered I let out a loud cry.

Cameron's pov
Once I was finished Brent let out a loud heart breaking cry. I felt so bad. I pulled him in for a hug. "It's ok all is forgiven and forgotten." He sniffles and wiped his tears. "It hurt me to do that to you Brent. You just got here and I already had to spank you. Promise me you not lie again?" "I can't promise but I'll try not to ok?" "As long as you try." I hugged him tight. He's a sweet boy.

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