I miss my mommy!

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3rd person pov

It's been almost 2 months since Jacob, Daniel, Brent, Jc and Sam moved in. Daniel being the youngest gets homesick very easy. Normally someone's there to distract him. Not today.

Daniel's pov

I really miss my mommy. I know I sound like a baby but I'm not used to being away this long. I call mommy every night but it's not the same. Normally when I miss her I go to Cammy. "Cammy?" "Umm not now baby I'm kind of busy ok?" Cammy gave me a sad smile. "Ok." I walked away with my head down. Maybe Nashy will help me. I wondered into Nash's room. "Nashy?" "Sorry kiddo I'm busy." He didn't even look at me. "Ok." I walked away and went to find someone to play with me. No one wants to play with me not even Jc. I pouted. I need attention from them. Ok think Daniel. What's always gets you attention? Being cute isn't working anymore. What gets the others attention from Cammy and Nashy? A tantrum! I smiled to myself. I tried one more time to get their attention. "Nashy?" "Not now kiddo. Go play or something." Now he seemed annoyed. I went to Cammy again. "Cammy?" "Daniel I'm busy ok? Go play with the others." I pouted and stomped my foot. "They don't wanna play." "Well go play by yourself." "I don't want to." I stomped again. "Daniel. I'm very busy right now is not a good time to throw a tantrum am I understood?" I just stood there with my arms over my chest and my face in a pout. "I'm talking to you Daniel." I stood my ground. "I really don't want to spank you Daniel please just behave." "I WANT CUDDLES!" I stomped some more then proceeded to lay on the ground and scream. "I WANT CUDDLES! I WANT CUDDLES! I WANT CUDDLES!" Cammy wasn't to happy that I decided to throw a tantrum. He pulled me up by my arm and swatted my leg a few times earning a cry from me. "What has gotten into you!" "I-I-I-I miss m-m-m-mommy." I started crying. I only wanted to take my mind off missing mommy. "Oh baby." He picked me up and held me in his chest. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I tried but you didn't listen to me." "I'm sorry baby." He just rocked back and forth until I calmed down. "I do have to punish you for your tantrum baby." I nodded slowly. "I still miss her." I sniffled. "I'm only going to give you 5 because it was some of my fault too ok? Then we can cuddle all you want. Sounds good?" I nodded. He laid me across his lap and held me down securely. "I'm starting." I gripped his pants leg. The first one hurt but not to much. The second one hurt more. By the forth one I was a crying mess. On the last one I cried louder. Now I really want mommy. "Shhh baby it's over all is forgiven and forgotten. It's ok." He pulled me into his chest and rocked me back and forth. "Shhh it's ok." He slowly got up and walked to mine and Hayes's room. He helped me change into more comfortable clothes then cuddled with me more. "It's ok love. It's ok." I snuggled into his chest more and just let him hold me. I calmed down to only sniffles. He rubbed my back and held me close. I closed my eyes for a few then opened them up again. I looked up and Cammy was smiling. "It's ok you can go to sleep." I rubbed my eyes and closed them again. I snuggled closer into Cammy. I yawned and just laid on his chest. He rubbed my back and hummed softly. Slowly I fell asleep without even thinking of mommy.

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