Taylor's Sexuality and More people?

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Cameron's pov

The silence was violent. I could tell everyone wanted to kill me. "It's wasn't my decision." Everyone just stared at each other for a minute then went back to whatever they were doing. "So how much do you know?" Nash asked. "Nothing but they're coming in a week and that there are 5 of them." Nash nodded. "Cameron your phones ringing." Daniel said handing me my phone. "Thank you love." I smiled and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Cameron its management." "Oh hey." "Tomorrow I need you to bring everyone in." "But Carter isn't here and Taylor has tutoring." "Carter is fine but I want everyone else including Taylor here." "Yes sir." "Have a good day." I sighed and hung up. "What's wrong?" Nash asked. "Everyone had to come to the meeting tomorrow including Taylor." I sighed and walked into the family room. "Guys we have a meeting to go to tomorrow I want you all in your best behavior. Am I understood?" They all nodded with the exception of Taylor. "What!? Why do I have to go." He whined and pouted. He never acts like this ever. "Because management said so." He whined again and pouted. "Taylor what has gotten into you?" He stopped whining and just pouted. "Nothing." He walked away leaving everyone but Mahogany confused. "He misses Carter." I nodded and went to his room. "Taylor can I come in?" "N-no." "Taylor it's me Cameron." "I know." "Can you tell me what's wrong?" "No." "why not?" "I don't know what's wrong." "Maybe if you let me in I can help you." He opened the door and sulked back to his bed. I shut his door and followed. "Do you miss Carter?" "Maybe." "It's ok to miss people." "But it's not ok to cry over them." He started to get angry with himself I could tell. "Yes it is Taylor. It's natural to cry when you miss someone you care about." "But I don't even like him like 'that'" he paused for a second. "At least I don't think I do." He was beyond confused about his emotions. "You don't have to like them like 'that' Taylor. I miss you guys when you visit your parents or when I visit mine." "But it's not like that Cameron. When I saw him get on that plane my heart broke. I wanted to just drop to the floor and die. I know he's coming back but it still hurt. Does this mean I'm gay?" He looked at me with pain confusion and hurt in his eyes. "You won't know until you've tested your theory." "But what if I am? Everyone will hate me." Fear and sadness took over him. "No we won't Taylor. Well love you even more." I hugged him tight. "I love you so much Taylor no matter what your sexuality is." He hugged back and sighed. "Thanks Cameron your the best."

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