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Cameron's pov

I can't believe how these past 2 weeks have gone. First Carter throws a party then the boys fight over my little sister. I don't think, no, I KNOW I can't trust them home alone who knows what they'll do this time. I need a babysitter and fast. I searched up babysitters in the LA area that could handle my family. David Kelihan. Best babysitter. Has babysitter Justin Bieber, Olsen twins, Sprouse twins and many more. He sounds experienced. I called him.
D- hello David Kelihan speaking.
C- hello David it's Cameron Dallas. I need babysitter for tonight at 7 until Midnight. There are 13 kids in all.
D- wow lots of kids. What's the age range.
C- 10 to 18
D- alright well that'll be $120.89
C- ok. Thank you so much.
D- no thank you Mr. Dallas
C- please call me Cameron
D- well thank you Cameron
C- see you tonight
D- bye bye
Perfect now me and Nash can enjoy ourselves tonight. "Did you find a babysitter?" Nash asked. "Yep he's only charging $120.89." "That's cheap for all the kids we got." "I know and he's experienced. He's babysat Justin Bieber, the Olsen twins and the Sprouse twins." Nash was amazed. "Finally we get to enjoy ourselves without worrying about them killing each other." I laughed and nodded. "Yeah hopefully they don't make him quit."

-Dinner Time-

Everyone was eating and talking at the table. They knew we were going out tonight. They just didn't know they get a babysitter. "Ok boys we leave soon."
They cheered. "You're babysitter will be here soon also." Dead silence. "You will behave and not cause any trouble understood?" "Come one why can't Jc watch us? He's the oldest!" Carter complained. "You guys can't even sleep in the same room as each other without getting in trouble." "Come on we're mature enough to watch the younger ones!" Aaron spoke. "You guys were fighting over a girl a week ago and she was my sister." Shawn had the biggest smile on his face as the other sulked back. "No arguing anymore. He's coming to take care of you guys until I get back." They sighed. "And he's aloud to spank you." "What!" "No fair!" "He's a stranger!" "Cameron!" "Nash do something!" "Hush up. All of you." Nash spoke. Everyone stopped talking. "We've made our decision and it's final. Don't ask questions and definitely don't complain or your butt will be sore before we leave." The rest of dinner was silent. I could tell they were upset. I hope they aren't too upset.


The doorbell rung. I smiled and opened the door. "You must be Cameron. Hi I'm David." He shook my hand. "That's in deed me. Please come in." I stepped aside. All the boys were in the living room watching tv. "These are the boys Jc is the oldest." Jc waved. "Then Aaron." Aaron smiled. "Taylor." Taylor waved. "Carter." Carter smiled and waved. "Sam." He looked up from his phone. "Shawn." Shawn giggled and waved. "Matt." Matt waved. "Jacob." Jacob nodded his head. "Jack and Jack." Johnson smiled. "I go by Jj." "Brent." Brent waved. "Hayes." Hayes smiled and waved. "Hi I'm Hayes." I chuckled. "And the youngest Daniel." Daniel was attached to Carter. He looked up and shyly waved then hid in Carter's chest more. "They should behave for you. If they don't you are aloud to punish them." David nodded. "I think they'll behave." I smiled and left with Nash after saying goodbye and thank you.
____________________________________ 🛑harsh language up ahead🛑
David's pov

It's been a few hours since Cameron and Nash left. They haven't caused much trouble. Hopefully they're easy. "Give it back bitch!" "It was mine first slut!" I walked into the kitchen and saw Taylor and Carter fighting over..a cup? I got closer and say it was wine. I took it from both of them. "You're both to young to drink one and two don't call each other names." "You don't control us!" Taylor yelled. I put the wine away and pulled Taylor over my lap. I rained down 10 hard smacks. Taylor was crying once I finished. I held him and calmed him down. "That's child abuse you bitch!" Carter spoke as Taylor walked out. "Don't test me Carter." "Fucker!" I pulled Carter over my lap. "Let me go you whore!" I started the spanking. He was squirming around and whining. I held his legs in place with my leg and kept spanking him. After 40 he was a bawling mess. I pulled him up and held him. "I'm sorry." "It's ok Carter." I calmed him down quickly and let him go. Hopefully no more problems are caused.

-later on-

"Daniel Hayes please go to bed. I won't tell Nash and Cameron what you did." Both of them were hiding behind the olders as they watched a movie. "If they don't want to go to bed they don't have to." Jc spoke. "Yes they do they have a bed time and they will follow it while under my care." I pulled Jc and Sam up and grabbed Daniel and Hayes. They instantly started hitting and scratching me. I brought them to their room and sat them on the ground closing the door. I pulled Daniel over my lap and spanked him. After ten I wiped his tears away and rocked him to sleep. Then I spanked Hayes. He was harder to calm down but he eventually fell asleep. I changed their clothes and laid them in bed. I turned on the night light and went downstairs. All the boys were arguing over the tv. "You picked the last movie it's my turn!" Shawn yelled. "You suck at picking movies let me pick!" Jacob pushes Shawn out the way. "Let me pick!" Brent said. "No!" They all yelled at him. Soon they started fighting. Jacob had Brent pinned to the floor. Taylor was on top of Sam. Jc was holding Aaron up in the air like he was about to throw him down. Jj was pulling Carter's hair and sitting on top of him. G was on top of Shawn. Matt took the chance and grabbed the remote. "Put it down Matt. All you get off each other." "YOU DON'T CONTROL US!" They all yelled. I grabbed the remote from Matt and pulled everyone off everyone and made them sit down. They all coward in fear a little seeing I was beyond pissed at them. "Each of you find a corner. Now." They all quickly ran to a corner and stood there. I walked outside and took a few breaths calming down. When I got back inside I walked to Daniel and Hayes's room and saw they were still asleep. Thank goodness. I walked back down stairs and sat on the couch. "Jc. My lap. Now." He quickly shuffled over to me. "You each get 40 bare with my hand. I'm very disappointed in you guys. I know Cameron and Nash taught you better." I sighed and started. Jc was crying by 15. Once I was at 30 he was a screaming mess. I pulled him up after the last 10 and held him. He calmed down and apologized. "It's ok now go to bed." He nodded and went upstairs hissing as his jeans and underwear touched where I had spanked him. "Aaron." I went down the line by age after every spanking I cuddled them then sent them to bed. I had just finished G and was on to Jj. He was crying mess and he hasn't even laid over my lap. "Hey hey it's ok buddy." I held him. "Hey it's ok." He calmed down and laid over my lap. I went softer on the younger ones since they're more sensitive. I still gave them 40 though. By the time I hit 30 Jj was a crying mess again. Once I hit 40 I pulled him up and held him. "It's ok." He snuggled into me a little once he was calm I lightly patted his leg. "Go to bed kiddo." He nodded and went to his room. "Brent." He collapsed to the floor crying. "I'm sorry please. No spanking I'll be good." I sighed and picked him up. "Shhh buddy it's ok. I have to do this so you learn ok bud?" He calmed down and nodded. I started. I hate seeing kids cry but they need to learn. After 40 he was crying and struggling to get up. I chuckled and pulled him into me. "Shhh it's ok. Your ok buddy. See? It wasn't so bad." He snuggled into me stuttering apologies. "Shhh it's ok. You're forgiven like everyone else." I carried him to his room and laid him down. He fell asleep as I walked up the stairs. I checked on everyone else. They all seemed to be cuddling with someone so I didn't have to worry about nightmares. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I relaxed a little at looked at me phone. 12:00. Wow we were up a long time. Cameron and Nash should be home any second now. They walked in smiling and laughing. "Hey David. How were the boys?" He handed me the money. "They were good. We had our differences and had some punishments go on but they're really good kids." I smiled. "I'm sorry if they caused you any trouble David." Nash spoke trying to hand me an extra $20. "No no keep it. They didn't cause me trouble. Please call me anytime you need a babysitter." I smiled. They smiled and thanked me once again. I smiled and walked to my car. Tonight was interesting.

Cameron's pov

I walked around the house. It was so much cleaner then when we left. I wish we could've tipped him. I walked upstairs to see all the boys asleep in their rooms cuddling. Aww. Tough night I guess. I went and changed clothes. I laid in bed next to Nash. He snuggled into me and smiled. "Tonight was fun." "Indeed it was Grier." I smiled and kissed his head. Tonight was amazing, at least for us.

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