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Cameron's pov

I woke up early this morning. I mean I had to I need to cook but I got up a lot earlier. I have a surprise for the boys. I'm added a new person to our group. His name is Daniel Skye he's 10 years old and can sing. I think the boys will love him. Well at least I hope so. "Boys get up. Let's go. Time to get up. Out of bed. Let's go." I pulled the covers off each of their beds earning whines and groans except from Carter he seemed happy. "Why are you happy?" I chuckled and waited for him to stop jumping around. "I know what's happening today." He giggled like a girl who knows who her friends crush likes. "What do you know?" I shut the door. "We're getting a new little brother today!" He squealed and giggled and jumped around. "How do you know?" "I heard on the phone last night. I was going to ask you if I could sleep with you cause I saw I really scary movie with Nash and then I heard your conversation and went to bed really happy." I shook my head and chuckled. "You can't tell anyone yet ok?" He nodded and went downstairs. I followed shortly after seeing everyone waiting for me. "Why are we upside early and why is Carter acting like a crazy person?" Nash asked as he sat down with his food. "I'll tell you after breakfast." I smiled and ate. Everyone seemed anxious to know. Well except Carter, he know. After breakfast I had them all sit down on the couch. "Now explain please cause Carter is starting to scare me." Hayes whines snuggling into Nash. "Carter you can tell them." He jumped and blurted out. "We're getting a new baby brother!!!!!!" Everyone looked at me to see if he was for real. "Carter is right there is going to be a new addition to the family. Surprise!" I smiled. I got good responses from everyone but Hayes. He looked very upset. "When will he be here?" Aaron asked. "I have to go pick him up in 30 minutes that gives you guys about an hour or so to clean the house before I get back." They all scrambled to clean the house as I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys. Hopefully Hayes will get along with him.

-picking up Daniel-

I walked into the airport and went to find the terminal that Daniel would be at. His plane is landing in 15 minutes so I got him some food. I know he must be hungry. When he walked off he looked scared and confused. "DANIEL!" He looked my way and ran as fast as he could. "Hey buddy." He attacked my leg and smiled. "Cammy!" I smiled and picked him up. "I got you food." "Five guys?" "Of course." He squealed and smiled. "Cammy where's Hayes?" "Everyone stayed home." I poured but smiled when I handed him his drink. I had got everyone else food to do it would be fair. "Yummy." He giggled. I sat him down and grabbed his hand. I walked him to the car and put him in the backseat. "Don't eat yet ok? Everyone's gonna eat at the sane time." He nodded and put his drink down. He's so well behaved at lest right now he is. I drove home listening to Daniel sing all his favorite songs. I smiled when we got home. He was so excited to be here it made my heart flutter. I got him and the food out the car and walked in. "IM HOME!" No one really heard me but then Daniel yelled. "WE HAVE FOOD!" Everyone ran from everywhere I chuckled and ruffled Daniel's hair. "I'll let that slide this time but no yelling ok?" "Sorry Cammy." "It's ok bud." I put the food in front of everyone and let them decide what they wanted. After they I noticed Daniel trying to play with Hayes. "Can I play Hayes?" "No. Babies can't use these toys." "But I'm not a baby I'm 10." "You're a baby. Now go away." "But I wanna play with you Hayes." "GO AWAY!" Daniel almost jumped out of his skin he was so scared. He then processed what Hayes was trying to do and started crying. "See you are a baby because you're crying. Only babies cry. I'm supposed to be the baby of this family not you! I wish we were never born." Hayes pushed past everyone and went to his room. I walked over to Daniel to try and calm him down. "Hey Daniel. Look at me baby. It's ok he doesn't mean it ok? I promise he loves you." "I-I-I want my mommy." I sighed and picked him up. "Shhhh it's ok. It's ok Daniel. Please calm down you'll make yourself sick." I spent an hour trying to calm him down. He finally calmed down enough fur me to give him to Taylor. I walked upstairs into Hayes room to see him and Nash having a talk.  "I don't hate Daniel. I scared you and Cammy and everyone else will forget about me." "We won't forget about you. Daniel's younger and still new so he needs a little more attention. Remember when you came and J and G got mad? The way you felt then is the way Daniel feels now. And the way G and J felt is the way you feel. Do you see where I'm coming from?" "Yeah I do. What I said was wrong and I should've let him play with me. I guess I'm just not used to being a big brother yet." "You'll get used to it Hayes. I know I did and so did everyone else. By next month you'll be fighting like you and G do." Hayes giggled and smiled. "You think so?" "I know so." Nash sighed. "Now come on let's get this spanking over with. How many do you think you deserve?" "20 with your hand over underwear." "I was just gonna do 10." "Cammy would've done 20." "No he wouldn't baby." "So only 10?" "Yes only 10 now bend over." I watched as Hayes obeyed. Right before the spanking they noticed I was at the door. "How long have you been there?" They asked at the same time. I laughed and smiled. "Long enough to know you're truly sorry and don't need a spanking." Hayes looked very confused but nodded and went to Daniel. I followed after him. "I'm sorry Daniel I didn't mean to say all that mean stuff to you. Do you forgive me?" Daniel nodded and hugged Hayes. "Let's go play in my room." Daniel giggled and ran off with Hayes. I'm glad I brought Daniel into our life.

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