Chapter 165

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Chapter 165 Taking everything in

Seiren goes to talk to Kaname after months of searching for answers. "Kaname, I am not sure what to tell you. I have searched everywhere. If Sara is still alive, she is hiding herself really well. She hasn't contacted anyone or went back to her mansion." Seiren states. "Well, I knew she wouldn't be that easy to find. But what about at the mansion? Did you find anything to prove or suspect she may still be alive." Kaname asks. "I went back there going through everything. Nothing has been touched since that night. Since me and Hanabusa cleaned everything up. The only thing that looked a little odd, were the ashes laying on the floor. I know even purebloods turn to ash. It just wasn't like any ash. I have seen before. Not from a vampire. I sent a sample to the lab for Hanabusa to analyze. Also, I noticed now where Yuki was standing when you found her, there was something thrown at her. At the time, we didn't see anything but now over time, it left a design on the floor. I think it was one of Sara's Poisons. I also scarped some of that up. To give to Hanabusa. He is working on the results as we speak."Seiren answers. "That would make great sense. Sara put her under one of her Poisons, we knew she did. From when she came home. I just am not sure if its the one we all thought it was. The reliving the past. I think it was more to it. She relived it just a lot of it didn't come out like it really went down. If Hanabusa has any of Yuki's blood left from when she was here suffering. When Alex said he would make her a pill from Zero's blood. Test it. See exactly what kind of poison was in her stream. Make sure Alex is nowhere around when you tell her. Or when he is testing. Keep this between us."Kaname responds. "You think she faked the whole thing? Didn't she really forget about you taking Zero's memories away? Seiren asks.

"She is a pureblood. In time, it would have came back. She could have remembered it all the while. Just using it now when she needed it. I do think she faked the whole thing. It was just a plot to get away from me. Putting dear old native Zero in the middle. Playing him like a fiddle." Kaname comments. "If that is true that was a lot to fake. The shivers? The throwing up?" Seiren states. "I think she had an accomplice. One that probably gave her something to help her with it. To make it look real. Check into anything you can find at the mansion. Concentrate on that. I am betting the poison thrown at her was nothing at all." Kaname remarks. "Yes my lord. I will check in with Hanabusa and let him know what we are thinking. You know if you are right she has turned into one evil pureblood. It takes a lot to pull that off. She even lied to her beloved."Seiren answers. "She always lies to him. For one she loves so dear he is always in the dark. Just like I use to do to her. She would complain about me doing it. Now she does the same thing. Even bigger things she hides from him. To be honest I feel sorry for him. He got himself into something he never saw coming. He is a lot of things but he is honest with her. She just pulls his strings."Kaname snickers. "Yes, but he has the same effect on her in some things. She will behave herself around him. Where she won't around anyone else." Seiren comments. "True. I guess. We will just see how this goes."

Seiren leaves and Takuma walks in Kaname's office. Being away all these months getting back on his feet. Not to mention taking a well deserved vacation. "Takuma it's wonderful to see you. Are you back for good?" Kaname asks. "Yes, My lord. Is she gone?" Tukama asks. "Yes, she left with Kiryu months ago. I believe it was all an act." Kaname states. "Then she had it out for me like you thought? I never saw her hating me that much." Takuma responds. "I don't know all the details as of yet. Sara hasn't been found but I feel she is still alive. That they are working together. Some might of been to get away from me. Just some i think was to make Sara happy. What Yuki did to you was her own revenge. I don't believe Sara cares what happens to you." Kaname admits. "I was the one to report to you about everything. Mostly when Kiryu came here. She saw. I am guessing that is why she wanted to kill me." Tukama replies. "She tried to kill me to. I just feel if she wanted to really do it. I wouldn't be standing here now. You are safe here. She doesn't come here. I haven't seen her in months. She is playing house with Kiryu. Letting him think she is this goody goody. That she really isn't. I am sure it will get old for the both of them. Even dear Kiryu. She made things too exciting for him in bed to just go back to everyday normal. His vampire needs will come out. Hell, his manly needs will come out. She can be a force to be weakened with. I am sure in a way he misses that."Kaname remarks. "Kaname maybe's its just in your interest to leave her alone. Let Kiryu deal with her. Let it be his problem. Since he can tame her. Maybe this is just a good way out." Takuma admits. "For now i am going to do as you say. But i am sure she will return. I want to find out what is really going on before I let go to her. If this is what she really wants. Then she will have it."Kaname answers. "Even if it isn't. All she ever brought to you was pain and trouble. I know you love her, but is she really worth it? Kiryu? The marriage, the child. All this extra baggage?"Takuma replies. "I know the last few years have been crazy. I do still love her. I do see where you are going and what your saying. We will see."Kaname responds.

When Takuma leaves Kaname thinks about all he said. Knowing that it has been one long hard road. Was she really worth it? Would he really get her? He didn't know. He just knew if this was against her will, he had to fix it. If nothing else make them able to see each other for their child. Be at least friends. To do it between them. Not Have someone force it. She was so close to going back to him. To being in his bed. That thought just lingered in his mind.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now