Chapter 120

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Chapter 120 Eyes open.

The next day Zero is still down. He is at work and all he could think about was yesterday. How sad Yuki got when Ai had to leave. He gets up from his desk. Walking down to his car. Getting in and taking a ride to see Kaname. Which he knew would take a while, since the Manor was a few hours away, from where they lived now. He just had to talk to him. Had to see if there was a way for this to get better. Even though he hated him. He didn't hate Yuki. He wanted her happy. Also seeing that no matter what she was trying to keep him happy.

He gets to the Manor where Berta lets him in and takes him to Kaname's office. "So what brings you here?" Kaname asks. "You know why I am here. Ai. It's not fair for either of us to keep them apart." Zero says. "I am not keeping them apart. You are. I never said once Yuki couldn't come here to see her. I said. I didn't want her to live with you. Because I don't need some Nut job using her against me."Kaname states. "You know. I don't want her here with you." Zero responds. "I can't fix or help your jealousy. You knew what you got yourself into. Now your crying. It was all ok for her to leave me. For me to share her with you. For her to sleep with you. Under my roof, while I am here. But for you, it's not. That isn't how this was supposed to be. You didn't keep your end of the deal. If it wasn't for Yuki I could have you gone for good."Kaname states. " That wouldn't do you much good. With the way, she feels about me. She would never forgive you." Zero comments. "You sure are sure of yourself now. BUt not so that, you won't let her come here to see her child. You saw that she was getting closer to me. That she trusted me. Not only sexually but with other things. And you took her away. You need to come to terms with what is real here." Kaname snaps. "You want to blame me. Sure why not. I don't like sharing my wife with you. I don't like this Dark Yuki she becomes. When she does she isn't the same. She says and wants to do things that are not her."Zero remarks. "You don't get it. It is her. Just as her dark self she is confident enough to say what she wants. You don't believe me. When I tell you she wants us both. We both offer her something the other can't." Kaname admits. "I saw that the last time. The dark Yuki was out to play. Its why. I don't want her near you."Zero snaps. "Well, I am sorry. We share a child. We are married. She does need to see me. You need to put your emotions in Check. Like I do. There was a lot I could have said no to. Just instead I let her go. I let her have what she wants. Your only going to make her resent you. Hate you for not only keeping her away from her child. But holding her true self down. I did that once. I learned and I learned with a big price to pay. If you want that. That's on you." Kaname replies. "I just want a normal life." Zero says. "You can have it. Its just going to come with a few extras you didn't plan."Kaname remarks.

Zero just gives him a dirty look. Walking out of the office back to his car. Knowing that what Kaname just said was true. As much as he hated him. He knew it was all true. He didn't want Yuki to hate him. Recent him. In the end, it would ruin the marriage. Zero would just have to let go a little. But could he? He thought about it all the way home.

Once home, Yuki was making dinner. Ren playing on the floor with his blocks. Everything nice and quiet and peaceful. Zero just looks at them. Not wanting to lose this. His whole world was standing right in front of him.

"Yuki can I talk to you?" Zero says. "Of course. What's the matter? Is everything ok?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I just realized today that it's not fair for you not to see Ai. Just because of Kaname. If you want to go to see her. You can. Just let me know. Please no spending the night there though. Just day trips." Zero states. Yuki's eye gleam with happiness. "Really? Zero you mean it?" Yuki says. "Yes, babe. I mean it. I know how much you miss her." Zero responds. Yuki going over to him and wrapping her arms around him. Hugging him tightly. "This means so much to me. Thank you so much." Yuki says. "Why didn't you tell me?" Zero asks. "Because I knew how you felt. I wanted you happy at any cost. I know I pushed you into this life. It's something your not use to. Something you didn't ask for. I want to give you what you want." Yuki says. "I know you do. I also know you love Ai. I still want you to come to me. When your going dark. I want you to trust me a little more with that."Zero admits. "I will. You need to let go like you did last time. It was great." Yuki smirks. "Yea. You liked that huh?" Zero grins. "Yes. But then I like all of you." Yuki answers with a smile.

They sit down to dinner. Just talking and having a nice night. Zero glad this makes her happy. He just hopes it doesn't open a trail of a mess. Knowing that anytime Kaname is involved something goes down. He knew Kaname still wanted her. That it would be always in the way. He would just have to get over it somehow. He thought more and more about what Kaname said. How it was ok for them to do all this in front of him. In his house. Zero truly didn't know how Kaname could watch all that. And let it happen. Knowing that Kaname could of killed him in an instant. Yet let Yuki have what she wanted. Just to make her happy. Was Kaname a better man than him? NO, just one that could hold in his emotions better. One that could deal with things like this better. He was older and around far longer. This stuff didn't shake or surprise him. Zero just hoped he could do the same.

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