Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 NEWS

In the morning, Zero sneaks out of bed. Going downstairs trying to see, if he can find Hanabusa or Kaname. Or even both. Wanting to know, what the hell is really going on. As he goes down the stairs. Kaname is walking out of his office.

"Hey, just the person I wanted to see." Kaname states. Standing in the foyer. "Did you get the results of the pills?" Zero asks. "Yes, Hanabusa said. They were specially designed pills. Ones to make Yuki infertile forever." Kaname admits." What?" Zero shouts. " Yes someone gave her pills. That if she took these long enough, it would stop her from ever having another child. It seems it was done on purpose. So you two couldn't have any more children together. Its why she didn't get pregnant."Kaname states. "Do you think they really worked?" Zero asks. "I have no clue. Have you two had sex without using them?" Kaname asks." No." Zero answers. "Then we won't know till you try. I guess. They did seem to work since she hasn't gotten pregnant. There is a good chance she can't have anymore." Kaname states. Kaname sense's Yuki's presence and turns around. Which leads Zero to also.

Seeing Yuki on the stairs just looking at both men. With eyes glazed over. "Yuki I didn't know you where there."Zero states. Yuki just runs back upstairs into her quarters. "Damn it. She heard what we were talking about." Zero says. "Great just what we need. I am sure. This will be the icing on the cake. She was just starting to be a little better too." Kaname states. Zero running up the stairs to his quarters. Looking for Yuki. Zero walks in, Going to the bathroom where Yuki is. She is hurled over the toilet dry heaving. Tears streaming down her face. Holding her stomach.

"Yuki, it will be ok."Zero says. "Why didn't you tell me?" Yuki shouts. "We didn't know. What they were. Kaname said. There are no birth control pills for Vampires." Zero admits. "So, I was taking pills to make me infertile? I can't have any more children? They took that away from me to! What more do they want from me?" Yuki shouts. Her eyes glowing red. "I am so sorry. We don't know if it worked or not." Zero says. "Of course it worked. We made love often before. I never got pregnant. I can't have any more babies." Yuki snaps. Running into the bedroom. "Yuki, please. I know this is a lot to take in. But we will be ok. We have each other." Zero says trying to calm her down. Yuki grabs the Bloody rose. Holding it in her hand." Yuki what are you doing? Please put that down." Zero states. With a panic in his voice. Yuki puts it up to her head. "I want out of this life." Yuki says.

Zero going over to her. Trying to take the gun from her hands. Yuki just places the gun in Zero's hands. Holding them, pointing it at her. "You promised me when I left Cross. You would kill me. Keep your promise. Let me free. Let yourself be rid of me. You deserve so much more. Someone who can be only yours, and give you a family you deserve. Not me. I am not good for you in any way. I am tainted, Now even more so. I can't even give you children." Yuki says with tears filling her eyes. "Stop that. How can you say that? How can you do this? This isn't what I want. I love you. I want to be with you." Zero replies. "I only hurt you. I only bring you pain. It will only get worse. Just set us both free." Yuki responds. "NO, STOP THIs SHIT NOW. " Zero shouts. Grabbing the gun and placing it on the dresser. He grabs her and holds her tightly. Even starting to cry. Just of the thought of losing her. The pain in his heart overtaking everything else. She puts her arms around him. Holding him tight as well. Both now sitting on the bed. "We will get through this. No matter what it takes. " Zero remarks. "They are taking everything from me. I don't know how much more I can take Zero. I don't want to live this kind of life. I don't want you to either." Yuki states. "We will find a way. You just need to trust me. Ok?" Zero says. Yuki seeing the tears in his eyes. She whips them away with her fingers. Kissing his eyelids. "I don't want to see you cry. I only wanted to bring you happiness. " Yuki says. "You do. I love being with you. You're not the problem. It's others that are." Zero answers. "Only if I wasn't a stupid pureblood," Yuki shouts. "We can't change who we are. Just need to fix what we can. " Zero says.

"Zero I want to be normal. I want to have a family with you. I want your children. I have never been more happier than when we had Ren. My poor sweet Ren." Yuki cries. "We will get him back. We will find who did this. And take care of them. So we can have the family you want. " Zero responds. Yuki just looks at him. Not so sure. Just hoping he is right. At this moment. She feels like everything she ever loved or wanted. is being ripped away from her. For a minute there she almost let go completely. Letting the people win and get the best of her. She knew to play this, she would have to be the Pureblood, Kaname taught her to be. Not the school girl Yuki. She would have to leave her innocence behind. All that she knew was good to play this game. If she could Fight Kaname and be a step ahead. She could do this. She would have no choice. She just didn't want Zero to see what she really was. But maybe it was time he did. She already lost so much. There wasn't much more she could lose. Except for the one thing, she loved more than anything. Zero. He promised her he wouldn't leave her no matter what. Would he keep his word? Would he be disappointed in her? Disgusted in her? I guess it was time she found out.

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