Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Visit.

In the morning. It's cold in the apartment. It's pouring outside. The rain coming down in buckets. Yuki laying on top of Zero. Wrapped in his arms and in the blanket. Not even noticing how cold it is. They spend the morning in each other's arms. Comfy and cozy. 'Looking out the window at the rain.

Zero and Yuki spend two weeks at his apartment. Yuki doesn't want to leave but she misses Ai. She called her every day and talked to her on the phone. She wants to go see her but not to stay. She knows Kaname is home. That he is going to give her a speech over this.

Zero and Yuki drive back to the manor. Yuki going straight to see Ai. Giving her a lot of attention. Bring her things she picked up. While she was at Zero's place. They spend a few hours with the little girl before she goes down for a nap.

When they leave Ai's room. Yuki goes over to Kaname's office. "There you are. Did you have fun on your playdate?" Kaname asks. "Yes, i did. I liked it very much. So Much i want to go back. I want to spend Christmas there. I want to take Ai with me." Yuki states. "Ai isn't going anywhere. You want this innocent little girl. To stay in that dump? Have you lost your mind? Not to mention this wasn't part of the deal." Kaname snaps. "I still have a little while, that I can be alone with Zero. I want to enjoy that. I want it to just be us. I will take her home."Yuki states. "If you want to go play house. Fine. But she doesn't go. On Christmas eve come here. Spend time with her. Then go back to your dump." Kaname comments. "I hope your having fun Kaname. No matter what you do. Its not going to make me stay away from him." Yuki shouts. "I know this already. You were suppose to stay here. Not go off and playhouse. Has anyone saw you?" Kaname asks. "No. We stay in mostly. When we go out. We don't touch. We behave just like i promised."Yuki answers. "After Christmas, i want you home. I want this to stop. Don't push me on this Yuki. I still can make him go away. FOR good. Don't think your little secret is going to help you. It would just be a lot worse for you. If he isn't here anymore." Kaname states. "You have your fun. Mine is coming." Yuki remarks. "You been having your fun the whole while. This is a mess. How do you think i would look? If anyone found out. I let you sleep around, right under my nose. Not to mention whats coming. Does he even know yet?" Kaname hisses. "No. I want to enjoy the holidays." Yuki replies. "Your scared to tell him. Well, Well. I am pretty interested in seeing what he has to say to this. His goodie goodie Yuki." Kaname announces. "Think whatever you want. Kaname. He isn't like you." Yuki remarks. "That's what you keep saying. But you are." Kaname admits. "Only with you." Yuki answers. Walking out the door.

Yuki Grabs her things, Getting some more Blankets and a pair of the soft socks. Some new clothes, and things that they didn't have at Zero's Apartment. Zero see's that Yuki is upset. "Yuki whats wrong?" Zero asks. "He won't let me take Ai. I knew he wouldn't though. That's not going to stop me. I am not going to show him. That he can control me because of it. I will just come back for Christmas Eve. I will call her every day too. I want to be alone with you. Just us. I love it that way. I want our Christmas to just be me and you." Yuki admits. "Ok. I just hate that he uses her against you. I am sorry." Zero answers. "It's not your fault. Its pretty much been this way the whole marriage anyway. I'm sick of it." Yuki responds. Grabbing her bags and going.

Kaname just watches out of his office window. As Yuki gets into the Jeep with Zero. Not listening to what he said. Or caring that she couldn't take Ai. She went anyway. He knew it was getting harder and harder for him to control her. He knew once the secret was out, it would be harder for her to disobey him. That she would need him to make things better. To keep them safe. In the meantime, she was letting him sweat. He saw if she could. She would run away with Zero. Never to return. The only thing really stopping her was Ai. He wasn't even sure in the end if that would stop her from leaving. Her desire and want for Zero. Seem to overtake everything else. He knew he was in trouble.

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