Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 reawaking

The next morning, Zero wakes, to find Yuki in the same position. She never moved all night. Neither did he. It was the first time in a long time, he didn't have any nightmares. He slept through the night. Feeling Warm and safe. His arms wrapped around her. Hers around him. He also wakes to find her just staring at him. She doesn't say a word. She just keeps staring. Like she is afraid if she stops, he will disappear.

"Yuki. I am still here."Zero says with a chuckle. "This really isn't a dream?" She asks. "No, I promise," Zero responds. "Are you still mad at me?" Yuki asks in a low tone. "Not, at all. You didn't know. I am sorry anyway, for not accepting you for what you were. You always accepted me. No matter what. Always tried to help me. I shouldn't have acted that way. I regretted it. I just never got to tell you." Zero states. "I am glad you're not mad anymore. I feared all these years you would be. I figured. That's why you didn't answer my letters." Yuki replies. "I didn't answer them, because I didn't get them till days ago." Zero answers. Yuki closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I should have known. He took them. He hid them." She says in an upset tone. "It's ok. I read them now. I still can't believe they are true. That you wrote them to me. You really feel that way about me?" Zero asks. "Yes. I love you Zero. I never needed anyone. The way I need you. I don't want to be here without you." Yuki states. "I don't want you saying that. Or doing anything stupid. Do you hear me? Whatever that was, I never want to see it again." Zero snaps. "Then never leave me." Yuki responds. "I won't. But if I ever have to, none of that shit. You hear me?"Zero hisses. "Ok, you brat." She says with a smile. Zero smiling back.

"Ok, its time for you to get up. We need to get you washed dressed and feed." Zero comments. "Um, Zero. I still am not able to walk." Yuki responds. "I know. I figured. You have been sitting in the damn chair for too long. I will take care of that. Let's get Berta to help you with your bath and dress. Then I will be here to get you." Zero states. "Promise?" Yuki asks. "I promise." He replies.

Zero goes into his own room to get his shower and freshen up. Knowing. He has to get Yuki back to where she was. That it's going to take a lot. At least she is out of the slump and talking again. Now to get her to eat and walk. Back to her bubbly fun self. He also knew. He had to get her out of being afraid, he would disappear. The way she would look at him at times was scary and sad. He still couldn't believe. She truly felt that way either. It would take time for him too. This wasn't what he excepted when he got here.

Berta Helps Yuki wash and dress. Making her smell like her old self. Zero just loved her shampoo and soap. She smelled so good. He never forgot it. After she is done. Zero walks back into the room. Going over to Yuki and brushing her long flowing auburn hair. As he brushes, she gives out small sighs. Loving the feeling. Still not able to believe he is real.

When he is done brushing her hair. He goes over to her picking her up. Cradling her in his arms. She lays her head on his chest and wraps both her hands around his neck. Holding him tight.

 "I can get used to this." Yuki states. "I bet. If you want me to carry you. I am fine with it. But you're going to have to do everything, I ask today. You understand?" Zero says. "As long as you carry me and be with me. I will do, what you ask."She replies. "Good I am holding you to it. I don't want any back talk. I know how you get." Zero Chuckles. "Whatever." She smiles. Zero happy to get a smile out of her. Maybe they were right. Maybe he can fix this.

Zero carries her downstairs to the breakfast table. Takuma and Hanabusa already sitting there eating their breakfast. When they see Yuki up and alert. They Just look at each other. Not believing, he did it.

"Good Morning Lady Yuki." Takuma and Hanabusa say. " Morning." She replies. Zero sitting her down at the table. He takes the seat next to her. "OK, what do you want for breakfast?" Zero asks. "I'm not sure. I'm not that hungry. "Yuki comments. "I don't want to hear that. Remember our deal?" Zero remarks. "Yea. Ok, How about some eggs and fruit?" Yuki asks. "That's a start. Have some juice too." Zero says pouring her and himself a glass.

 Takuma and Hanabusa just watch as Zero babies the hell out of her. Just so she will eat. He literally will spoon feed her. Making sure she gets something inside her. He can't stand the frail sight of her.

When breakfast is over Zero carries her over to the sitting room. As he does, she rubs his neck and plays with his hair. Takuma just watching as Yuki just has to touch him. Anyway, she can. But as of now its just small things. Nothing even sexual. Just playful or to make sure, he is still there. He can't leave the room without her eyes traveling to follow him. Takuma can feel her distress when she thinks he is gone. Then he enters the room again and Yuki gets calm again. Takuma just sighs. Knowing this is bad.

While Zero has her in the sitting room. He helps her do leg exercises. To try to strengthen her legs. So she can start to walk again. Every now and then feeding her a cracker or piece of cheese. Trying to make it playful. At the same time getting more food into her. Takuma reading the paper, watching at the same time.

Zero makes sure they are on time for Lunch. Carrying to the dining room table. Yuki just gets her kicks out it.

 "I can really get used to this. Your big strong hands carrying me around. I get to be close to you. I really like it." Yuki admits. "I am glad you do. But you're going to have to get those legs working again. If you stop. I stop. Remember that."He threatens. Hoping that will help his case. "Yes, Zero I understand.

Zero continues this all day, making her work her legs. And letting her eat any chance he got. Even if it had to be junk food. Which Yuki loves. She needed the calories anyway. She was bones.

At the end of the day, Zero Carries her to her room. Telling Berta to get her ready for bed. That he will be back afterward. He goes down to his own room taking his shower and getting ready for bed. Before he goes back into Yuki's room. He heads to the Kitchen getting a bowl of ice cream. Telling the staff to make sure, they have a lot of junk food on hand from now on. Besides the regular healthy food. He knew he needed some just to get her to eat. The house wasn't filled with much of it. As the other people living here were not as into it as Yuki. Zero gives the staff a list of items to get. Besides dinners to work up her strength. Doing everything in his power to make her well again.

Zero heads back upstairs into Yuki's bedroom With the bowl of ice cream and a bag of chips. Its all he could find. 

"Your back." Yuki said laying in bed. In her yellow satin PJs. Still too big for her. "Of course I am. I told you. I would be. I have dessert for us also."Zero says. Sitting in bed handing her a spoon. "My favorite. You didn't forget." Yuki says. "I didn't forget any of it." Zero replies. 

They sit in bed talking and eating. Zero sees a small glimpse of the old Yuki reappearing. Doing his best to make whatever that was before gone. When they are done talking, Zero tells her to get some rest. 

"You're not leaving are you?" Yuki says in a panic. "No. I will lay right here next to you."Zero says. "Ok. You can get under the covers. I don't mind. Just like when we were in school. I Feel so safe with you." Yuki admits. "I feel the same." Zero responds.

 Getting under the covers. Which scared him in a way. He knew being that close to her wasn't a good thing. He had feelings and he was trying to keep them intact. Trying not to take advantage of her. When his whole being just wanted to ravish her. Then he was scared that would break her. That could wait, If ever. It wasn't important. Getting her better was. Not that she helped by pushing herself so up against him. He could feel everything. Her small breasts on his chest. Her heat up against his. She wasn't afraid to push herself near him in that way either. There were times, she held him so tightly. Their bodies were one.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now