Chapter 163

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Chapter 163 The spy

"Kaname I don't have much to report. They came home and have been a normal regular couple. They get along very well." Zima reports. "What about her dark side?" Kaname asks. "Nothing. Its like she never had one. She is her normal regular self. The one from Cross. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of the house and kids. Not to mention Zero." Zima replies. "And the sex?" Kaname responds. "Regular normal sex. He is still in control of it all. She hasn't attacked him or overcame him." Zima replies. "Well, I will be damn. She totally controlled her. Even in bed?" Kaname states. "Yes. It's nothing to write home about. They are like two regular married people now. But still very much in love. She is giving him the life he dreamed of."Zima comments.

"I see this. Is this what she wants? Or is she only doing it to please him?" Kaname remarks. "I think a little of both. She is very happy here with him. If it was up to her she wouldn't even let him go to work. She wants him here all the time. He is the one to insist on going. She waits for him to come home making dinner for the family. There is no nannies or help here. I am only here for safety concerns. Now that she is back to normal. She does it all." Zima states. "Why the hell couldn't she do that when she was here? Instead of withering away in her room?!" Kaname Growls. "I am not sure my lord. You would have to ask her that."Zima answers. "Do they ever mention me?" Kaname asks. "Not really my Lord. She did tell Ai she was going to spend a lot more time with her. Ai wanted to be with you also. So Yuki told her that she would have that. But that was the only time she mentioned you." Zima responds. "Well, at least she will let me see her. She will have to talk to me to make arrangements. I am still waiting on Serien to let me know what is up. 

Has anything strange taken place? Any phone calls? Or visits?" Kaname asks. "No. Nothing. If Sara is still alive, she never came anywhere near Yuki. Or this place. The only people Yuki is around is Zero and the kids. It's very boring and peaceful here." Zima states. "Of course. She has her toy boy. He was right when he said he could tame her. He tamed the damn beast right out of her. Or is she playing? Hiding her so he is happy? If so she is even better than I gave her credit for." Kaname answers. "My Lord the beast was there when she left the manor. She didn't go away. She is just keeping her under control. He has a way of making her do anything he wants. He doesn't even have to try. Its just natural with these two." Zima replies. "I know. It makes me sick."Have you been sure to give her the pill?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I did what you ask. I put it in her tea. She has a glass every night before bed. Her and Zero sit and watch tv together. She has no idea it melts well in the heat." Zima states. "Good. We don't need any more little Zero's running around this place. Its bad enough she had Ren. I don't think she would do such a foolish thing again. But then I didn't think she would of then either." Kaname remarks.

"How long is the pill suppose to last?" Zima asks. "It's just like a human's birth control pill. If you don't give it to her. Everything goes back to normal. I don't want to take it away from her. She can have children. I just don't want any more problems right now and with Zero she doesn't think clearly. " Kaname comments. "You know this is just another thing for her to hate you for?" Zima replies. "Let's just add it to the list. She hates me already. What is one more thing? One More Reason. I am only doing it to protect her. And the child to be honest. I don't have a clue what the hell is really going on. Sara could do anything if she is still alive. If not someone else. Why get another innocent into this mess? Two children are enough to handle. After this is all over if they want more kids. That is on them. For right now. Keep giving her that pill."Kaname replies. "As you wish," Zima responds

When Kaname gets off the phone he just sits there and thinks. They are having a regular life. Happy together. Playing house with my wife and child Kiryu. Have your fun! How long can it last? Kaname says to himself. Burning within from jealousy. Seeing that they were doing just fine without his protection. Yet no one really knew the truth. To everyone, they were all married together. Happy. No one knew that Yuki really ran off with Zero. Kaname would never let that come out. It would make him look weak. The Hunter won. Just that thought killed Kaname. He just sat there taking another sip of wine. 

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