Chapter 76

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Chapter 76. Realizing.

Yuki leaves Kaname's quarters. A little upset herself. Knowing that she put all the people, she loved in great danger. She was hoping that everything would be ok. That everyone would overlook the child. Like They did the marriage. To a degree, Many where upset about it. But they didn't do anything to harm Zero. It's going on there one year anniversary. No one tried anything. The birth of the child seemed to be a different story.

She goes upstairs to see Zero putting Ren to bed. She walks into Rens bedroom, standing next to Zero. Smiling into the crib. As their son laid there sleeping. She grabs Zero's hand holding it tight. Looking up into his eyes. They just smile at each other. This was something they both always wanted with the other. There own child. No matter what anyone else thought. Ren was their miracle.

They head to there own bedroom. Holding hands on the way there. All the anger, Zero felt earlier disappearing looking at her and Ren. It was worth it. His family was worth all the pain. No matter what, they had to go through. It would be worth it in the end. To have them both.

"What did Kaname say?" Zero asks. "He is a little upset. He wasn't happy with them talking or looking at him in that way. He isn't sure. He could protect us all the time. He knows something has to give."Yuki admits. "I am sure it will. We will just keep out eye out. They could just be pushing to see what we do. Let's just keep a low profile for a while. Maybe it will die down." Zero states. "I hope so. It was nice for those few months we had. I know even without the party. They would find out and be pissed. This way I guess, we just see the enemies are still there."Yuki states. "They will always be there. We would have never been able to marry. If it wasn't for Kaname. As much as that hurts to say. It's true. Even if you never married Kaname. They would make sure we couldn't be together. The only reason we are is because Kaname backed us. I am sure that burns him." Zero answers. "Yes. A lot of this burns him. He is just trying to keep his composer. I did seem him rattled tonight when we came home. To get what I wanted, I put everyone at risk. I am sorry." Yuki states. "It was the only way. I see that now. We have our family. We are just going to have to protect it now. " Zero comments. "It's going to be something we are always on guard with. Our children to." Yuki responds. "We will make it work. " Zero says

Walking over to Yuki and kissing her head. Holding her close in his arms. He knew this was going to be a pain. That this was going to be hard. But to be with them. He would do it. In a way, he wished it was only them at risk, not the child. Then he was so happy to have him. It was bittersweet. He was glad. She was on the pill. They didn't need to put anyone else into this mess. He understands. Why Kaname was upset. He saw all that Kaname was trying to do. To keep Yuki safe. He knew it wasn't because of himself. It was her that saved him. Kaname loved Yuki no matter how he acted. It was a true fact. He would do anything in his power to save and protect her. Just like Zero would. It was the only thing they both had in common. They would have to make this work. If they liked it or not. Yet again being thrown together.

Yuki and Zero laid in bed in each other's arms. Zero caressing his arm. He loved being this close to her. Never thinking, he would have any of this. His dream come true. He wouldn't let anyone stand in its way. It was his family. It would remain that way. What they had no one could break. They could try. But he belonged to Yuki and she belonged to him. Even if they had to have Kaname in the middle. If one thing was true. They would watch other the other.

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