Chapter 86

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Chapter 86 Help Needed.

Yuki is upstairs in Zero's quarters. Sitting in the chair near the fireplace. Holding her knees in her arms, staring into the fireplace. Tears still running down her face. Pain deep inside her heart. "Where is my son? What have I done?" Yuki says. To herself. Feeling as low as one can. "This is all my fault. If they hurt him, it's because of me." She says. Rocking herself back and forth.

Zero comes in seeing. Yuki like this. It reminds him of the night. Kaname let him see her for the first time. The lost woman sitting in the chair. He was losing her again. He just knew it. His heart also filled with pain. Zero walks over to her, Kneeling in front of her. As she keeps staring into the fire.

"Yuki, Look at me." Zero says in a low voice. Yuki looks at him, eyes teared over. "Whatever happens. I want you to know. I am here. I am not leaving you. I love you. You mean the world to me. I don't regret ever being with you. I need you to know that." Zero says. Yuki just goes back to staring at the fire. So lost in herself. Not even those words made her feel any better. Zero reaches out and picking her up. Holding her close to him. She doesn't push him away. Just lays her head on his shoulder. He carries her to the bed. Where he lays her down. Lying next to her. Holding her close. Trying to let her know. He is there. She just lies there not making a sound or a move. Which only makes Zero more upset. He sees her falling back into the deep depression. Losing the fun sweet Yuki. He knew. The one that has become a great wife and mother. Happy and full of life. It was slowly disappearing. Returning to the broken woman, he found over a year ago.

Zero lays there as Yuki falls asleep in his arms. He stays there with her, Not able to get much sleep. The thoughts of his son being out there. Scared him. What would they do to him? What have they already done? Most of all. Would he ever see him again? He kept having all kinds of thoughts run through his mind all night. They ate at him. The big stronger Badass Hunter, Couldn't even protect his own child. It couldn't get any worse. How could he just leave them home alone? Not taking any precautions. When he knew better. What the hell was he thinking? He was living a regular normal man's life. When he wasn't at all. They were both very far from being a normal couple. Even though they sure tried to be. They were anything but normal. Zero knew. Kaname was right. He hated him with all his heart and soul. But at this moment he knew. Kaname had a point. They were just so happy, everyone let it go. And it lead to this.

In the morning Zero gets up Wanting to talk to Kaname to see if he has any more news. Yuki still laying there. He leaves her be and goes downstairs. Where he sees Kaname and Hanabusa talking.

"Hey, Zero. Glad your up." Kaname says. "Hanabusa just told me that the blood that was all over was not Ren's. It was the perps. He got cut on the window on the way in. This may be a good lead. We need to take the sample to the association. Maybe they can find out who he is. Maybe he is in the system." Kaname states. "That sounds great. I can bring it over to them. I am not much good here. But I can be there." Zero comments. "What about Yuki?" Kaname asks. "She is upstairs sleeping. She will not notice, I am gone. She is pretty upset. The sooner we find Ren the better. Otherwise, I am not sure what is going to happen." Zero answers. "I will have Berta check on her. You go. Do what you need to." Kaname replies.

Zero gets in his jeep going to the association. He needed to get out of the Manor. Laying there watching his wife so 't helping him at all. Not to mention his own private thoughts running through his mind. Eating away at him. He needed to keep busy.. Do something useful. The more time they wasted the worse it was. Zero knew he needed info fast. If they didn't get it now. They wouldn't. It would be harder for them to ever find Ren. If ever. Zero didn't want that. He hoped Yagari and Kaien could help. That maybe they could offer some light. Otherwise. This was looking pretty bleak all the way around.

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