Chapter 187

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Chapter 187 Hurt

Kaname sits there like always, Still going through everything in his mind. Not sure of any of it. Then sitting there saying to himself. Why do I care? He is dead. It's a good thing. I am finally free of him. Yet something was still bothering him. He trusted me. We made a deal to do this together. That we would all get out of it alive. Damn it. I forgot to ask Hanabusa about the shirt. I wonder if he saw it on him or not. I will have to ask him next time I see him." Kaname thought to himself. Drinking another glass of wine. WHich he has been doing a lot of since Kiryus death. ANd Yuki's sleep. Not like it would affect him. He was a pureblood with healing powers. He could drinks gallons. None had any effect.

While sitting there Zima walks in. "My lord." She says as she bows. "Zima its nice to see you. How are the children?" Kaname asks. "They are both fine. Ai keeps asking where her mother is. I am not sure what to tell her." Zima states. "I figured. Ai isn't a baby anymore she is six. She was always very smart for her age. Just tell her, that her mother is taking a sleep. She will be fine. She will be back before she knows it." Kaname states. "What about Kiryu? She asks about him as well. She cares for him very much." Zima responds. "I will take care of that one. I am sure we will have to tell the truth. When Yuki snaps out of this. We will hold a burial. So we all can say goodbye. I will have the men, make him a plot on the land. So Yuki can go to him. When she wants. We have the tombs. We can just add another."Kaname answers. "That is a wonderful idea but I am sure Kiryu would want to be buried with his family. They have there own Kiryu plot." Zima replies. "True. Maybe half the ashes here, half there. That way they both have him. I know Yuki will want him close to her. I will do my best to abide by both there wishes." Kaname comments. "Sounds good. I have two letters here. One for you. One for Kiryu. Yuki gave them to me. When she told me to take the children and come here. I wasn't to give them to you both. Till afterward. My Lord, I always felt she didn't feel she would come out of this alive. She felt she would be the one to die. She would give up her life so you both would live." Zima says. Looking down at the floor sadly. " Yes, I remember you telling me. You feared this. In a way, we lost them both. He is dead. She will never be the same." Kaname remarks. "I don't understand it. He was so strong. Not to mention feisty. I can't believe he is dead." Zima states. "I feel the same Zima. I know he wasn't my favorite, but this is a lot to take in. I never imaged he would die. I am looking into things. I need more information about his death. I just wish. I would have gotten there a bit earlier. Yuki didn't want me around. She was worried about my safety. I shouldn't have listened though." Kaname says. "It is what she wanted." Zima answers.

Kaname sits there knowing it is what she wanted. Not that, it made it any better. The first time he listens to her. ANd this takes place. He should have gone with his instincts. Yet again not knowing why he was caring so much. That Kiryu was dead. He hated him. He took his wife away. Screwed up his whole life. Maybe it was just him being defeated that bothered him. He wasn't really sure.

He opens the letter meant for him. From Yuki.

My Darling Kaname.

I want to say sorry for everything that I have put you through for the last two years. I know our marriage hasn't been the best. We both shared a part in that. I don't blame you. I wasn't any better. I know bringing Zero into this wasn't a good thing. I should have known better. At least for his safety. I just couldn't help my self. I love him dearly with all my heart. I am not telling you this to hurt you. As I do love you as well. You will always be in my heart. I wish things would have turned out differently. Anyway, I am writing this letter to you because I will no longer be here. After I get you and Zero safe, I am putting myself to sleep. I am setting you both free of me. I want you both to move on and be happy. As long as I am around. Neither of you. Will truly be happy. I only seem to bring pain to both of you. Take care of our Ai. Tell her I love her. Move on and be happy.

Love Yuki.

"Damn her. SHe was going to do it, even if Zero didn't wind up dead. It was her intention the whole while! WHy? How?" Kaname thought. Sitting there looking at Zero's letter. "It's not like he could do anything to me for reading it." Kaname says to himself He opens the letter.

My dearest Zero,

First, I want you to know that I love you with every fiber of my being. I always will. I am sorry that I brought you into this mess. IT wasn't fair of me. I wasn't thinking of anyone but myself. I wanted you so badly, that's all I saw. Not the destruction. Not the pain. Not even putting you in danger. As long as we are together you will be endangered. I can't do that to you anymore. I am going to put myself to sleep. Letting you and Kaname be free of the chains. To me and to each other. Take our son, and raise him well. Tell him how much I love him. How much he means to me. I wanted him more than anything. My sweet Ren. I can't be the person you want me to be Zero. After doing what I am planning. I am scared I will never be able to control my dark side again. I want you to remember me, as that sweet innocent girl from Cross. The one you always choose to see. Please Move on and be happy.

Love always Yuki.

Kaname throws his glass of wine in his hand to the wall. His anger building. Reading how in love she was with Zero. It wasn't a surprise, just reading it. Hurt him deeply. Not to mention how badly she wanted Ren. She might have loved Kaname but it was in a very different way. He knew if she had to choose. It would always be Zero.

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